I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 318 Extreme Emperor Green 9 Dragon Protector Emerald Brush Brush

Chapter 318 The Ultimate Imperial Green Kowloon Protector Emerald Brush Brush

"Then what, little brother, can you let me appreciate it?"

Despite the envy and jealousy, shopkeeper Tan couldn't help but speak with Zhenbao in front.

Su Chen glanced at shopkeeper Tan, and handed the inkstone to shopkeeper Tan casually.

Shopkeeper Tan hurriedly took out white gloves from his pocket, put them on, and took them over carefully.

Shopkeeper Zhou's heart was throbbing with pain, but he still couldn't help watching together with Shopkeeper Tan.

The inkstone was taken away, but Su Chen didn't care at all. With Gao Qing around, Su Chen didn't worry about what dirty things the two of them would do.

Su Chen looked at the destroyed pen holder again, his eyes still hot.

Mr. Ren leaned over to look at the inkstone at first, but he couldn't bear to fight with others for a while. When he hesitated, he saw that Su Chen's eyes were still staring at the broken pen holder, and he couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Little friend, Why are you still staring at this pen holder, is there something wrong with it?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Old man, have you forgotten? I asked for three tools, but only used two!"

When Mr. Ren heard this, he glanced at the table. Su Chen asked for three tools like a clerk, a hammer, a screwdriver, and a knife, but Su Chen didn't use a knife just now.

Mr. Ren was stunned for a moment, looked at the pen holder, then fixed his eyes, and blurted out: "Is there something wrong with the bamboo tube of this pen holder?"

The ink mountain pen holder can be seen as two parts, one part is the pen holder mountain made of large black stones below, in addition, there is a door-shaped pen hanging part made of bamboo on the top.

The whole pen hanging part is composed of four main tubes, among which the upper three bamboo tubes on the left and right of the "door" are relatively thick, and are used as a bracket for the pen hanging. To hang a pen.

At this moment, the pen hanging part has been separated from the black stone pen mountain below. At first, everyone thought this part was waste, but when Mr. Ren saw Su Chen's eyes, he instantly thought of a certain possibility.

"Little friend, don't tell me, there is also something in this bamboo tube?"

"Why is it impossible?" Su Chen stared at the bamboo tube, and said seriously: "Who said that there can only be one treasure in an object? The other party may use this psychology to make a deeper camouflage.

In this way, even if someone gets one of the treasures by accident, they will automatically ignore the others. "

"That's the reason, but why did the other party do this?"

Yue Yunpeng interrupted.

Su Chen shook his head. "The real reason is only known to the person who made this disguise, but if it is counter-thrust, a lot of reasons can also be found. For example, the other party is purely selfish.

Do you think, why did the ancients take such painstaking efforts to disguise these rare treasures? "

"It must be to protect these treasures from being destroyed!" Liang Tong said.

Su Chen shook his head. "It's too general. Different eras, different backgrounds, different environments, there must be various reasons. For example, some people are simply stingy, thinking that their wealth will not leak out, so they disguise their treasures Some of them are strategic deceptions to achieve some unknown purpose. Most of them are simply because some people do not have the energy to protect these treasures, so they are disguised for protection.

In this way, I can leave treasures behind without being missed by others.And among such people, there will definitely be some selfish people. These people's ideas, treasures that they can't get, will not be given to others even if they are destroyed, or some people simply enjoy the superiority in IQ .

Just like now, if we ignore the things in the bamboo tube for the inkstone, then these people will have a sense of superiority in IQ.Maybe he couldn't see this scene, but the moment he set up this trick, he had already achieved his goal, and felt that his IQ was extraordinary! "

"Isn't this too boring?" Liang Tong rolled his eyes.

"Hehe, what you said is very reasonable. In fact, most people in this world are boring people. Because of their own personality and thoughts, they do some boring things that ordinary people can't understand.

But we have to admit that it is precisely because of these complex emotions that human beings make their lives in different poses and with different expressions. "

"Oh, so much to say. After all, uncle, how did you know that there is a baby in this bamboo tube?"

Su Chen shrugged. "Whoever said that there is a treasure in this bamboo tube, I'm just guessing. The so-called treasure is just talking!"

"Hehe, no matter what the reason is, since you thought of it, let's break it open and have a look!"

Mr. Ren seemed to see that Su Chen didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the subject decisively.

"Okay!" Su Chen didn't say anything, and picked up the knife directly.He first separated the three thickest bamboo tubes from each other, then took a knife to find a gap in one of the bamboo tubes, and chopped it lightly.


The bamboo tube split at the sound.

When everyone heard the sound and looked at it, they all exclaimed in surprise.

There was actually something inside.

It was still a silk parcel, but this time it was a long strip.

Su Chen picked up the package, and under the expectant and curious eyes of everyone, he quickly peeled off the silk, revealing the contents inside.

And seeing this, everyone in the room, one counts as one, all stared wide-eyed in shock.

The first thing that catches the eye is a ray of light.

A ray of green light!
That kind of green is very natural and extremely dazzling.

The green is crystal clear, and the green is full of vitality!

It is different from the inkstone just now.

Although the inkstone is also a national treasure, in fact the appearance of the inkstone is very unremarkable, even ugly and ordinary.Without Su Chen's explanation, it is estimated that many people present would think that it is an ordinary inkstone.

After all, appreciating treasures also requires a certain level of vision, just like calligraphy. People who don't understand calligraphy really don't know how to distinguish calligraphy.

Even in the eyes of laymen, even the calligraphy of Lanting Collection Preface is very ordinary, and there are even many typos on it, some of which are not beautifully written.

It even gives people the illusion that I can do it myself.

But only those who really understand calligraphy know how invincible the calligraphy of Lanting Collection Preface is.That kind of beauty, full of ups and downs and cadences, really makes people more intoxicated the more they look at it.

But there is a kind of treasure, no matter whether he is an insider or not, as long as he has a normal aesthetic view, he can know that it is a treasure.

Just like the thing in front of you, when people look at this thing, whether they understand it or not, the first thought in their mind is the feeling that they can’t afford it even if they bought it.

And usually this kind of thing has a popular name - luxury!

Su Chen broke open the bamboo tube and opened the silk, and what was wrapped inside was exactly a piece of emerald.

But this piece of jade is not an ordinary jade, but a real rare treasure.

Its preciousness is no less than that piece of inkstone used by Emperor Kangxi, even more so!

After all, emerald itself is already a priceless treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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