Chapter 319
"This is a brush?"

Yue Yunpeng exclaimed in disbelief.

It's not that the shape of the brush is so weird, but the material used to make the brush is too extravagant.

It was actually carved from a whole piece of ultra-high-quality glass-type imperial green jadeite!
The entire brush is one foot long, about the thickness of a little finger.

The entire pen barrel is a seamless piece, without any trace of splicing, and it is obviously from a rough stone.

Such a large and fast top-quality jadeite is already hard to come by, let alone the top-quality glass kind of imperial green jadeite.

It can be said that if Su Chen's source of goods is not counted, such a large piece of jadeite can no longer be bought in the market.

In other words, such a large piece of imperial green jadeite itself is a sky-high price.

What's more, judging from the emerald patina, this writing brush is obviously an old object, at least a hundred years old, and the engraved pattern on the jade pen holder is the Nine Dragons Protector. Obviously, this is an imperial use, and it is from the bag From a physical point of view, it was also the imperial use of a certain emperor in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Another priceless treasure!
Shopkeeper Tan's eyes turned into goldfish eyes.

Shopkeeper Zhou clutched his heart and gasped for breath, unable to speak a word.

Su Chen then handed the brush to Mr. Ren, and then picked up the second bamboo tube!
Seeing his actions, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Uncle, don't tell me, there are treasures in here?"

Yue Yunpeng had a face full of doubts about life.

Su Chen smiled and didn't answer.

Where is this?This pen holder shocked him before?To be honest, it was also the first time for Su Chen to miss so many treasures at once, which was really exciting.

Moreover, these treasures are only appetizers. Compared with the last ray of extremely rich purple light, these treasures can only be regarded as ordinary treasures now.


Do not hesitate!

Su Chen split a supervisor again.

It was another ball of silk, and it looked like another brush, but I didn't know what material it was made of.

Su Chen quickly untied the silk, and when everyone saw it, their eyes were red again!
This shit!Is it too extravagant?
Everyone thought it was too much to use such a large piece of top-grade jadeite as a pen holder before.As a result, looking at this writing brush, everyone fully realized that we cannot understand the world of the rich.

Hetian jade!
The best mutton fat jade seed material and Tianyu pen holder!

It's still a whole!Still a superb engraver!
It's just that this time the sculpture is a dragon and a phoenix in harmony!

No need to ask, it must be the king's thing again!

A group of students were completely dumbfounded. Seeing the appearance of a baby, a group of students felt thirsty.

Not just them, but others didn't respond much better.

Yue Yunpeng's face was dull, and the thought of picking up leaks that had been extinguished once again spread wildly in his heart, and this time it was extremely strong, so strong that he couldn't restrain it.

Little girl Liang Tong was not much better either. She grew up among the four treasures of the study, but it was the first time she had seen such treasures as the emerald writing brush and suet jade writing brush.

And this scene greatly stimulated the little girl Liang Tong.

It is estimated that from now on, the little girl's worldview may change.

At this moment, Mr. Ren held a writing brush in one hand, and his two hands that had experienced vicissitudes of life actually trembled slightly at this moment. It can be seen that even Mr. Ren couldn't bear the stimulation of this scene.

As for Shopkeeper Tan and Shopkeeper Zhou, these two are really ready to die now.

Especially shopkeeper Zhou, if he hadn't been hanging on his breath, it might have passed by now.

Especially after Su Chen split the third bamboo tube and took out an ivory hollow carving brush from it, shopkeeper Zhou completely entered a dying state!
Even the shopkeeper Tan at the side couldn't bear it any longer, he was so stimulated that he couldn't stand anymore.

A broken pen holder actually took out a national treasure inkstone and three superb brushes!

Such a dramatic scene, let alone dreaming, even novels and TV dramas would not dare to write like this.

How lucky must this person be to pick up such a big leak?
Even if the ancestors smoke green smoke, the ancestors who have accumulated eighteen generations of great virtues may not be able to have such luck.

However, such an incredible scene was witnessed by the people present.

For a while, no matter who it is, they are a little numb at the moment and need to slow down.

At this moment, several policemen came to the door, looked at the crowd, and just about to speak, they saw a few brushes in the hands of Mr. Ren, and they were shocked.

They are all policemen from Liulichang, who have been stationed in this kind of place all year round, and they all have some skills in appraising treasures under their influence.

What's more, there are treasures like jadeite, ivory and Tianyu. Several people can tell at a glance that such things are priceless treasures.

For a moment, the police, who thought it was just a small conflict, immediately became serious.

This might be a big case and affect the future!

"May I ask who called the police?"

The old policeman in charge asked solemnly.

At this moment, Su Chen was looking at the last bamboo tube, and when he heard the question, he glanced at Gao Qing.

Gao Qing understood, and took the initiative to step forward, saying: "I called the police, and the situation is like this."

It was useless for the old policeman to ask questions, so Gao Qing took the initiative to tell what happened, and sought truth from facts without any language embellishment.

"The thing is like this, this young man, without the owner's permission, moved the pen holder recklessly, almost destroying several rare treasures, that's all.

Afterwards, he asked us to compensate him for his medical expenses, and opened his mouth to be angry. I judge that this has constituted extortion! "

"Who is Chi Huo?"

"That's the three-headed Tibetan Mastiff! It's the pure-blooded Snow Mountain Red Mastiff King, and it's the only one in the world with three heads. I'm not exaggerating. Now an ordinary Mastiff King on the market is worth tens of millions. We This is the only three-headed mastiff king in the world, you can judge for yourself how much it is worth!"

Gao Qing's tone was flat, but these words exploded like thunder in the ears of the old policeman and the group of young people.

When the old policeman heard it, he immediately understood the whole story, and couldn't help being extremely speechless to these college students.

How many brainless people can do this?
On the surface, Su Chen seems to be bullying the small and making a fuss out of a molehill, but in fact, even the old policeman feels that there is nothing wrong with Su Chen's approach, and it is even considered magnanimous!

Of course, the key to this matter is that these college students are too discerning, making things more powerful than each other.

First is the pen holder with four national treasures hidden inside, followed by the Tibetan mastiff worth over [-] million.

To be honest, even the old policeman is determined to take Zhang Meng to the prison and sentence him right now!
Such a young man is really annoying.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

That pen holder seems to be very strong, but in fact it is not strong at all. You can see from the many treasures hidden in it that all parts of the pen holder are spliced ​​together. Su Chen stretched out his hand to stop it, the two of them suddenly moved, maybe one of them became unstable and dropped the pen holder!

And once the pen holder fell!
The old policeman didn't even dare to count the losses, and when he closed his eyes, there was a bunch of numbers!

What's more, Zhang Meng actually blackmailed Chi Huo afterwards.

Based on this alone, there is no problem at all if he is directly sentenced to three to five years!
(End of this chapter)

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