I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 334 Impatient Mr. Wu

Chapter 334 Impatient Mr. Wu

"Hiss? If you say that, it's really interesting!"

There was a look of interest in Mr. Ren's eyes, and he said, "Food is indeed one of the eternal themes of the commercial street. What about the Ming Dynasty?"

"Ming Dynasty? This is easier!" Su Chen said confidently: "First of all, let's talk about food. When it comes to Ming Dynasty cuisine, you can't do without Huaiyang cuisine, and when you mention Huaiyang cuisine, you can't do without Suzhou and Hangzhou. Just like what is described in the poem, "Suzhou is good, and the boat is rolled up with wine. A few times go to Boshan, fragrant and fine seal script, before the banquet, the water bowl is fresh from Wuhou, and sit firmly in front of the mountain."

Therefore, if you want to show the characteristics of the Ming Dynasty, you cannot do without the characteristics of Jiangnan.When it comes to Jiangnan, one naturally thinks of the four great talents in Jiangnan, which leads to cultural characteristics such as opera, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and novels.

And finally, putting it all together, what can you think of? "

What can you think of?
What can this think of?
Mr. Ren squinted his eyes and thought for a while, but didn't speak.

Mr. Wu cast a glance at Su Chen.

Su Chen coughed hastily, and said, "Internet celebrities! I want to turn the Ming Dynasty Museum City into a Ming Dynasty version of the Internet celebrity hatchery, and the ones cultivated in it will also be mainly based on Chinese ancient piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, opera and poetry. The talented Internet celebrity!
I have always felt that art has no borders.The reason why China's ancient culture has been unable to develop is because we haven't found the right path for a while! "

When Mr. Ren heard it, he immediately understood, and said in amazement: "So, in summary, your museum city is based on antiques and cultural relics, based on history and culture, and with the purpose of promoting national culture. Cultural base?"

Su Chen immediately gave Mr. Ren a thumbs up, and he was convinced in his heart. As expected of a business tycoon, he summed it up very well.

"Mr. Ren, what do you think of my idea?"

Elder Ren squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "The idea is very good, but it's not easy to implement it!"

"Not bad!" Mr. Wu suddenly answered, "Since you are called Museum City, the most important thing is cultural relics. Although the idea of ​​Ancient Culture Street is good, it is not the only one in our country. Now go to any film and television city. , can experience ancient culture.

So if you want to make the museum city stand out first, you must have enough attractive cultural relics! "

"Of course! Since I dare to build a museum city with dynasties as a unit, there must be a town hall treasure!"

"Oh?" Old Wu's eyes finally lit up! "Then tell me, what is the treasure of your Qing Dynasty Museum?"

Su Chen smiled mysteriously, and then suddenly said something amazing! "I don't know if the copper heads of the twelve zodiac signs are enough?"

"What? Bronze head of the zodiac? Do you have a bronze head of the zodiac? What is the zodiac sign?" Mr. Wu was suddenly excited!

Bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs!
It is a cultural relic symbol of an era, which contains the cultural characteristics of that sad era, and its importance is self-evident.

But now each of the twelve zodiac signs has its own affiliation, and there are only a few bronze heads left.

Elder Wu thought that Su Chen just got one of them.

However, Su Chen smiled mysteriously, and suddenly said: "Mr. Wu, I got not one, but all of them!"

"All of what?"

Old Wu didn't react.

"It's all the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs!"

Elder Wu shook his head resolutely.

"Impossible!" Mr. Wu asserted: "The bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs in Yuanmingyuan, among which the bronze statues of ox head, tiger head, monkey head, pig head and horse head are all collected in the Poly Museum, and the bronze statues of rat head and rabbit head are now collected. It is now hidden in France, and the whereabouts of the last five bronze statues including the dragon head, snake head, sheep head, chicken head, and dog head are still unknown.

Not to mention the five missing bronze heads, but the seven surviving bronze heads are all in major museums. How did you get them all together? "

Su Chen shrugged. "This is a secret, but I did collect the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs. Old man Wu has a lot of connections. If you don't believe me, you can call to verify!"

Mr. Wu cast a glance at Su Chen. "You don't need to command my army, do you really think I dare not?"

As he said that, Mr. Wu took out his mobile phone, um, it was the latest Tianxing mobile phone, and Mr. Ren saw it with a very happy expression.

Mr. Wu took out his mobile phone, made a call, and asked about this matter. After a while, Mr. Wu's expression changed slightly.

"Old Yu, you mean, the bronze head of the zodiac in your museum was replaced half a year ago?"

After the other party explained again, Mr. Wu put down his phone in shock, and stared at Su Chen dumbfounded.

"Xiao Xiaosu, you really didn't lie to me?"

"Mr. Wu, how dare I lie to you about such a big matter? And to tell you the truth, it's not just the Poly Museum. You can inquire about it. Most museums in the world now have important cultural relics traded in the past six months. Specifically, I It’s inconvenient to say, I can only say that the cultural relics in my current collection are far beyond your imagination!”

When Mr. Wu heard this, how could he still sit still?He said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for? Where's the copper head? Let me see!"

Su Chen shook his head. "The copper head is not with me now, including other precious cultural relics. I can't just put such an important cultural relic at home, can I?"

Su Chen is looking for an excuse. The underground laboratory in the courtyard is as safe as the vault of the National Bank. How can the things placed there be unsafe?
Su Chen just didn't want to be entangled by Mr. Wu.

If he takes out a few cultural relics now, then needless to say, Su Chen can imagine that in the next few months, before the opening of the museum city, his courtyard will never stop.

When Mr. Wu heard this, he was easily persuaded.

Su Chen is right. In the eyes of ordinary people, such an important thing really cannot be kept at home.

"Where is that thing?"

Old Wu still doesn't give up!
"Things are very safe, Mr. Wu, you don't have to be in a hurry right now? When the museum opens, you can live there every day. But before that, please help me form a museum advisory group and interpretation team!

On the side of the Museum City, you don’t need to worry about security and commercial streets, but cultural relic interpretation, maintenance, and research work must be left to you! "

Boss Wu waved his hand.

"Don't worry about that, I still have some face in the cultural relics world, but the premise is that you have to be able to produce good things. As long as you have good cultural relics, I will find as many people as you want."

Su Chen chuckled. "What is a good thing? Official kiln porcelain of the three dynasties of the Qing Dynasty? Five famous kiln porcelains of the Northern Song Dynasty? Masterpieces handed down by great painters and calligraphers of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties? As long as you can name it, Mr. Wu, I have it!"

Su Chen spoke very seriously.

That serious expression made Mr. Wu's mouth dry.

"Really all of them?"

"That's the same sentence, Mr. Wu, you know how I am!"

Mr. Wu thought for a while, and suddenly said: "In a month, I will see a batch of these cultural relics you mentioned first!"

"no problem!"

Su Chen replied decisively.

Mr. Wu took a deep look at Su Chen, and then walked out directly.

"Hey? What are you doing?"

"I'll go dig someone up for you. With this old face, I can hollow out the Forbidden City for you. But if you dare to embarrass me, don't expect me to see you again in the future!"

"What are you so anxious about? Why don't you go after dinner?"

Mr. Wu waved his hand, didn't say anything, and walked away very simply!

(End of this chapter)

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