I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 335 The Soldier of the Protagonist Template

Chapter 335 The Soldier of the Protagonist Template

At noon, Mr. Ren stayed for lunch.

In fact, Mr. Ren was attracted by the environment of the courtyard at the beginning and didn't want to leave, but after having lunch in Su Zhai, he really didn't want to leave.

Su Chen personally trained the chef of the Su residence, and he has reached the level of a master, even if he is not far from the realm of a master.

It can be said that in the Su residence, any home-cooked meal is at the level of a state banquet.

It's no wonder that Mr. Ren is addicted to eating.

Of course, this is all superficial. Mr. Ren is so old and a bigwig, so it is impossible for him to be so uncertain. It is estimated that the reason why Mr. Ren wants to stay in the Su residence is definitely not just for food and shelter.

Su Chen guessed that on the one hand, Mr. Ren wanted to avoid trouble. After all, he was a boss, and there must be a lot of people who usually visit him.Furthermore, it should be to build a good relationship with him.

But Mr. Ren just said at the beginning that although living in Su Zhai is very comfortable, this is Su Zhai after all, and it is impossible for Mr. Ren not to consider Su Chen's feelings.

But in the end, Su Chenqiang stayed behind.

Not only that, Su Chen also brought Gu Fu Gu Mu, Yu, Su, and Xu three old men and their wives.

The reason for this is that the environment of the courtyard is indeed suitable for the elderly, especially after the Qi gathering array is established.

What's more, Su Chen heard that Gu's parents and Gu's mother lived very boring in the imperial capital. As a son-in-law, Su Chen must worry about the two elders. It just so happens that these old people are usually fine, and the inner and back yards of Su's residence have always been empty. , is now rarely inhabited.

The family's security guards and housekeepers basically live in the quadrangle courtyard not far from Su's house.

Since there is room at home, Su Chen doesn't care if there are more people living in the house. In fact, it is also lively. If there are fewer people living in such a large yard, it will be really deserted.

Of course, the most important thing is that a group of old people generally only have activities in the backyard and garden, which basically has no impact on the Su family, and they will not easily disturb Su Chen, so there is no inconvenience.

Moreover, a group of elderly people don't live here all the time, they only stay for three to five days, seven or eight days at a time, and it's considered a visit.

As the saying goes, if there is an old man in a family, if there is a treasure, Su Chen actually hopes from the bottom of his heart that there will be a few old people in the family, so that even if there is an emergency, he will not lose his backbone.

In this way, eight or nine old people were added to the Su residence, and it became lively again.

In the garden, with the addition of Chi Huo, a group of bullies finally met the emperor!
As soon as Chi Huo appeared, all the animals, no matter whether they were flying in the sky, running in the ground or swimming in the water, were all conquered, and they were all very well-behaved.

With Chi Huo around, the East Garden finally regained peace and order.

Of course, there are also some who are disobedient, such as the two little erhas, who are now limping every day, and are beaten up almost every day!
Three days later, the Southeast Military Region!

Su Chen was begged here by a phone call from Fatty Yu.

Getting out of a military vehicle, the one who greeted Su Chen was Yu Lao San Yu Jingyan!
"Mr. Su, I'm sorry!" Yu Laosan respectfully asked Su Chen to get out of the car.

"Third uncle, you are not all outsiders, so you don't have to be polite with me, let's get down to business first!"

Yu Laosan couldn't ask for it, and hurriedly said: "Okay!"

"Tell me about the situation!"

"Well, the wounded was injured during the mission. He was injured by a grenade and was shot three times. His body was covered in shrapnel. He couldn't survive. Fortunately, the wounded had a special status. Before he left, he applied for a fetish. The golden sore medicine and the life-extending pill made him hear about it now, but even after taking the life-extending pill, he is now dying.

None of our doctors can save him, so we have no choice but to call you and ask you for help! "

The two of them were talking, and they were galloping in a military vehicle at a fast speed in the military area.

Su Chen nodded, and then said: "It seems that the identity of the injured is unusual, otherwise you wouldn't be so motivating!"

Su Chen has the medical skill of bringing the dead back to life, which is known by many people in the capital.

But there are almost no people who really dare to call him to ask him to help.

In the past half a year, Su Chen has only shot five times, and each time he saved someone, he was basically a pillar of the country.

Su Chen thought it was the same for saving this person this time.

But following Yu Laosan's explanation, Su Chen found out in astonishment that he was not a big shot to save the patient, but an ordinary soldier possessed by a protagonist template.

It is indeed the protagonist template possessed, because this soldier's resume is too legendary.

This person was born in an ordinary family, but he was a child prodigy since he was a child.

He entered the first grade of elementary school at the age of six, graduated from elementary school at the age of ten, took the college entrance examination at the age of 15, and was admitted to the National Defense University as the number one scholar in science in the province.

After one year of college, he learned all the knowledge of undergraduates, and despite everyone's dissuasion, he joined the army as a student soldier.

After joining the army, in only one year, he won three first-class merits, one second-class merit, and one first-class merit, and his rank was promoted to lieutenant.

In the second year, he made two second-class merits again, and in the same year, he completed his university studies and obtained three bachelor's degrees in computer science, physics, and chemistry at the same time.

This year, he was only 20 years old.Official title captain!
In the third year, he became the company commander of the recruit company, and formed an electronic reconnaissance company with excellent performance in the whole army.

Also in the same year, because he was favored by the boss, he was transferred to the special brigade of the military region.

In the second year, the officer and colonel served in the special forces for two years and made countless achievements!
Afterwards, he was transferred back to the original army by the boss and formed the first digital synthesis battalion in the entire military region. In one year, he achieved outstanding results, and achieved excellent results in two consecutive acting sessions.

If it's just that, that's all.

What's even more legendary is that during his years of service, this talented man also took care of scientific research and independently developed a rifle and sniper rifle with superior performance.

Now, this 26-year-old man is the youngest colonel and battalion commander in the entire military region!
The name of this talented person is Su Qing, and he is also from Su Chen's family.

Su Qing has now been selected into the list of the most outstanding military officers in Huaguo, and she is still an extremely high-ranking existence.

It's a pity that a major event happened temporarily this time.An extremely important piece of information in the country has been stolen, and someone needs to be sent to recover it.

Because the mission is extremely critical, and because Su Qing has left an extremely brilliant and mythical record in the special forces, and Su Qing's individual special combat capability is indeed the strongest in the entire military region, so the boss of the military region gritted his teeth and slapped him.

As a result, the task was completed, but this big talent almost didn't come back.

It is said that after knowing the news that Su Qing's life was hanging by a thread, several military bosses shattered several windows with heartache, and almost raised their guns to go to the military boss who gave the order to settle accounts.

It can be said that because of Su Qing, the top bosses in the entire military region have become arguing. If Su Qing really can't save him, some bosses will definitely be dismissed because of this!

(End of this chapter)

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