Chapter 343 Grandmaster
Breakfast is ordinary buns and porridge. Han Yun knows Su Chen and likes to eat light breakfast.

The only special one was the dish that Han Yun carefully prepared for Su Chen.

"Yo! Big yellow croaker? Or a golden legend? Yes!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up.

Large yellow croaker, also known as kingfish, yellow croaker, and cucumber fish, is one of the traditional "four seafood" in my country, and it is also the main economic fish species in my country's coastal waters.

Its economic value is extremely high, the meat is fresh and tender, rich in protein, not only delicious, but also its swim bladder can be dried into precious health medicinal materials, fish maw also has certain economic value.

Large yellow croakers can be regarded as noble seafood on the table, and the price is comparable to gold, and each one costs at least tens of thousands of yuan.

And the so-called golden legend is the best among large yellow croakers. It is golden in color and extremely rare.

Of course, there must be some for sale in the system mall, but when he was in the imperial capital, it was difficult to explain why there were such fresh large yellow croakers at home, so Su Chen rarely ate seafood in the imperial capital.

But now that he is in Jiangzhou, Su Chen naturally doesn't need to be polite, not to mention it was bought by his apprentice, it is more or less a wish, and Su Chen eats it with a special taste.

He called Zhang Huanlai, who was wearing short sleeves and hot pants, to sit down beside him, and called Han Yun to sit down and eat together.

"Not to mention wearing more, can you give winter a little bit of respect?"

"Hee hee, I just woke up! I'll wear it later!" Zhang Huan leaned against Su Chen's arms for a while, and then ate honestly.

Su Chen took a bite of the large yellow croaker, tasted it, and then suddenly froze.


Su Chen had a strange look on his face. He took a piece of fish and tasted it. After pondering for a while, he ate another mouthful of buns, and then put down his chopsticks with emotion.

Zhang Huan didn't know why, so after taking a few mouthfuls, he asked in confusion, "What's wrong? It's delicious? Xiaoyun, your skills have improved again!"

Su Chen nodded.

"I've made progress!" Su Chen looked at Han Yun who was nervous and looking forward, and said with relief, "When did it happen?"

Han Yun replied excitedly: "Just now! This big yellow croaker was selected by me personally at the seaside early this morning. I did it by myself from material selection to production, and then I don't know why, when I was cooking today, it was special. I felt, and even unconsciously recalled the bits and pieces that Master taught me, and I accidentally lost my mind. When I came back to my senses, I found that the fish soup was actually ready!
I don't even know how to do it!

Master, have I succeeded? "

"Of course!" Su Chen first gave affirmation, and then explained with a smile: "Cooking is actually an art of creation, and if you want to create, you must master it. As a chef, you must clearly master the art of your hand. The ingredients, seasonings, and even the details of each pot and pan in the book, only by knowing these, can you complete the most natural creation, just like having a well-thought-out plan in pen and ink, it is the same reason.

In fact, your skills have already reached the pinnacle of the master level. The reason why you have not been able to break through is that you have not completed the ultimate mastery, because when you cooked before, all the ingredients were prepared for you by others, and you never carefully prepared them. I have studied it, after all, it is something you often see!

But this time is different, because you personally selected the large yellow croaker, and because you seldom cook large yellow croaker, and it is such a top-quality large yellow croaker, you will naturally study it carefully before doing it. During this process, you are invisible You completed the control in the middle, and because of your hard work, you completed the breakthrough by chance and coincidence!
However, your breakthrough this time is not considered solid, and your mastery this time is just an accident.Remember in the future, even if you are familiar with the ingredients, you must first understand every detail of the ingredients before you start. You can know everything about it in an instant, and by then, you will be a real master chef! "

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching, this disciple understands!"

Han Yun was very excited. After half a year of hard work, she finally broke through to the Grandmaster level.

Of course, if this word gets out, people will definitely be raving about it. It's only been half a year, and if it's put in another place, half a year of practicing the basic skills will not be enough to learn, let alone break through.

That is, Su Chen, relying on the buff bonus given by the system, was able to make Han Yun transform from a senior chef to a master chef in just a few months!

Su Chen was also very excited, after all, this was the first master he trained himself!Although there is a system buff bonus, it was taught by him after all.

But now, many of his master-level skills are the essence of our Huaxia craftsmanship. If possible, Su Chen really wants to pass on these skills?

Do you want to start a sect?
Su Chen looked at Han Yun and fell into deep thought for a moment.

After eating breakfast for a long time, it was mainly to celebrate Han Yun's breaking through to the grandmaster level and becoming Su Chen's first grandmaster.

Su Chen estimated that the next master under him would be either Gao Qing or Su Qing. Under Su Chen's training, they would soon become master-level warriors. There is no doubt about this!

after that
Su Chen's eyes flickered.

After dinner, Su Chen chatted with Tan Song and Han Yun about the opening.

Jingyuan will officially open tomorrow.

And today is the day when Tianfang Beverage Company opened and Tianfang Beverage went public.

The day after tomorrow, Su Chen will visit the Jiangnan Laboratory and check their work results in the past six months.

The day after tomorrow, visit Honghuang Motor City!
Finally, attend the ignition ceremony of the nuclear fusion reactor.

It can be said that Su Chen went south this time, and every day was full of tasks.

The opening time of Tianfang Beverage Company is 07:30, and at [-]:[-], Su Chen was chatting about the hotel with Tan Song and Guo Xiaoshi from the imperial capital via video, when Leng Mo paid a sudden visit.

Although Leng Mo is a robot, with the passage of time, Leng Mo has become more and more like a human being, and even has his own emotional system. Su Chen can no longer treat him as an ordinary robot.

Leng Mo didn't contact him easily, once he contacted him, something big would happen.

Su Chen hurriedly interrupted the meeting, and then Han Yun brought Leng Mo up.

In the small living room, Su Chen and Leng Mo met again.

Leng Mo is still dressed as a scholar, with a refined temperament, but this time he met, Leng Mo's body was obviously more humane, and the expression on his face was obviously much more vivid.

Because Leng Mo is still a robot in essence, his respect for Su Chen is locked by the gene chip in his body and cannot be changed.

So when Leng Mo saw Su Chen, he respected him very much.


"Hmm! Sit down!" Su Chen didn't make tea for Leng Mo, and since there were no outsiders, Su Chen didn't bother to put on a show.And it feels really awkward to make tea for a robot.

Leng Mo sat down as promised.

"Tell me, what can you do with me this time?"

 and also.
(End of this chapter)

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