I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 344 The Horrible Raw Material Problem

Chapter 344 The Horrible Raw Material Problem
"Sir, I am here mainly for controlled nuclear fusion!"

"Controllable nuclear fusion?" Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Isn't the research on controllable nuclear fusion successful? Isn't it going to be ignited? Is there any problem?"

The so-called nuclear fusion is, in a sense, equivalent to an artificial sun.It's just that this artificial sun is artificially controllable.

Compared with nuclear fission, in the process of nuclear fusion reaction, neutrons will not be produced, that is to say, no radioactive nuclear waste will be produced, and it is an extremely clean new energy source.

Once the nuclear fusion research is successful, the pollution on the earth will be reduced to a small half quickly, and all energy-related industries will usher in new changes.

More importantly, the electricity provided by nuclear fusion is more powerful and longer-lasting than that provided by ordinary power stations.

That is to say, with controllable nuclear fusion, human beings can create electrically propelled rockets and even electrically propelled space shuttles and spaceships!
At that time, the earth will enter a new technological era at an extremely fast speed, and aerospace will not be just a dream by then.

And it all started with controlled nuclear fusion.

So in any case, controllable nuclear fusion cannot be lost.

Originally, high-level officials had doubts about whether the Jiangnan Laboratory could develop controllable nuclear fusion, because according to normal development, it would take at least 50 years for human beings to invent controllable nuclear fusion, and many methods are extremely immature now.

The so-called controllable nuclear fusion is just a concept.

But no one expected that just a few months later, the controllable nuclear fusion reactor at the Jiangnan Laboratory was about to ignite.

Hearing this news, the entire senior management was shocked.

The main reason is that this news is too shocking.

For this reason, the top directly dispatched the big leader to the Su residence to find Su Chen for confirmation.

After confirming with Leng Mo, Su Chen also gave an affirmative answer.

At this point, the entire senior leadership was completely shocked.

If this project is successful, then Huaguo will completely realize overtaking in curves, once again stand at the pinnacle of the new era, completely get rid of the negative effects brought about by the previous three industrial revolutions, and directly allow Huaguo to stand on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. bridgehead.

More than that, the so-called fourth industrial revolution is an industrial revolution with artificial intelligence, new material technology, molecular engineering, graphene, virtual reality, quantum information technology, controllable nuclear fusion, clean energy and biotechnology as technological breakthroughs.

And these will also be the key projects of the Jiangnan Laboratory.Even the project declaration has been completed.

Prior to this, the senior leaders actually didn't pay too much attention to Jiangnan Lab, and even thought that Jiangnan Lab was a group of experimental lunatics who liked to sensationalize.

After all, there is no laboratory in the world like Jiangnan Laboratory. The engineering projects declared are all key projects of the fourth industrial revolution. This sounds like a joke.

Until the Jiangnan Laboratory reported that the controllable nuclear fusion was going to be ignited.

It can be said that this ignition is of great significance to Jiangnan Laboratory.It is of even greater significance to China.

Once the ignition is successful, the benefits are self-evident.And once it fails, the consequences are also very serious.

But because of Su Chen's accumulated character and status in the past, the senior management decided to maintain full trust in Su Chen.

This time going south, the top management not only sent a big leader, but also asked CCTV to follow and report the whole process. If possible, they would even consider a global live broadcast!

It can be said that this ignition ceremony may be a world-class carnival, and any problems are absolutely not allowed.

However, now Leng Mo suddenly found Su Chen with this question, which made Su Chen feel a little uneasy for a moment.

Fortunately, Leng Mo was very reliable as a robot.

"Don't worry, sir, there is nothing wrong with the controllable nuclear fusion itself. I guarantee that the ignition ceremony will be safe and will definitely be a success!"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the character is preserved.

"Then you came to see me?"

"That's right, sir, because the controllable nuclear fusion technology you gave me is an extremely advanced technology. According to the current classification standards, our controllable nuclear fusion reactor should belong to the third generation reactor. It is far beyond that of other countries in the world today. research technology."

"That's a good thing?"

Su Chen was not surprised, after all, it was produced by the system, and the point B is normal.

"But the problem is that the materials used in the third-generation reactors are deuterium and helium-3. Among them, deuterium does not need to worry about it, because deuterium is very abundant in the seawater of the earth, as much as 40 trillion tons. If all of it is used for fusion reactions, it will release The energy produced is enough for human beings to use for tens of billions of years.

But another reaction material, helium 3, is extremely rare on the earth. It is said that the reserves of helium 3 on the entire earth are only hundreds of kilograms. If the reactor is to supply the global nuclear fusion reaction, it needs at least 100 tons of helium every year. 3! "

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat when he heard these data.

I drop mom!
Is the difference between hundreds of kilograms and 100 tons too much?
Doesn't this mean that the so-called nuclear fusion reactor is equivalent to throwing a mobile phone into ancient times, and the other party can only use it to turn on the light, listen to a song, and then run out of battery before having fun.

In ancient times, a mobile phone without power was equivalent to being scrapped!
What's up with this Nima?

"Is there no helium-3 in the whole earth?"

"If there is no accident, there must not be much. In fact, helium 3 mainly comes from the sun. Inside the sun, the fusion process of hydrogen to helium is going on. One of the reactions is the fusion of a protium nucleus and a deuterium nucleus. The combination is Helium-3.

This reaction is mainly carried out in a small core region of the star. Most of the helium-3 will continue to fuse into stable helium-4. Only a very small part of the helium-3 element will leave the reaction zone and then reach the surface of the sun, passing through the solar wind Blow around.

And because the earth has a thick atmosphere and the geomagnetic field, the helium-3 element is blocked out and cannot reach the ground at all, so the helium-3 resources on the earth are very scarce. "

"Then where is Helium 3?" Su Chen asked.

"Moon! The moon has no magnetic field and atmosphere, and the helium-3 element in the solar wind will reach the moon's surface and be evenly distributed in the lunar soil; and according to the research of scientists on the earth, the moon contains at least 100 million tons of helium-3 The resources are enough for the earth to use for 1 years!"

Su Chen was speechless.

Moon?What is the use of the moon?
Not to mention 1 years, 1 years is too long, and now the earth is so confusing that even the day and night are contested!
Su Chen's brain hurts.

"Why did you say such a big thing?"

Leng Mo's face turned embarrassing. "Sir, because the experimental materials for controlled nuclear fusion are all provided by you, and there are a lot of helium-3 resources in it, so I have not paid attention to it, and I don't know much about the earth. Until yesterday, an assistant earth scientist asked me That's when I discovered the problem!"

Su Chen shook his head, okay!Is this a robot flaw?
Su Chen shook his head.

What to do now, without helium 3, controllable nuclear fusion is just a joke.Then a series of consequences arising from this will be very troublesome.

Although Su Chen wasn't worried about what these consequences would do to him, just thinking about those troublesome things gave Su Chen a headache!

However, suddenly Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he slapped his forehead!
I am stupid!How to forget it?
(End of this chapter)

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