I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 366 Courtyard View

Chapter 366 Courtyard View
Su Chen arrived home a long time ago, and the Qinglong car was driven by the security guard at home, just to arouse public opinion and warm up the scene for Honghuang Group in advance.

Su Chen himself didn't take the car, he has been very high-profile recently.

So act in a low-key manner.

After leaving home for a week, nothing seems to have changed much, but the taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though it is winter, the east and west gardens are still full of greenery and vitality.

Because it is a garden, most of the plants that bloom in all seasons are planted in it, such as Sijigui, Sijilan, Siji Begonia, and some special plants that are not too exaggerated and inconsistent in the mall.

Because of the gas gathering array, even if the air purification has not started, the smell in the yard is still very fresh.In the East Garden, a group of little demon kings were dressed in various red clothes and ran back and forth in the East Garden to chase them.

In the open-air gazebo here, two puppet cats, Big Fatty and Erya, lay comfortably on the little white horse, and occasionally looked up at the two Erhas who were fighting with Chi Huo, and rolled their eyes from time to time, as if they were mocking them. Thing, just know how to call and dare not go up!
Are you biting him?How much energy did you use to tear down furniture?
In the flowers, San Dai and Si Niu's two autumn fields loomed, up and down, and occasionally called out a few times, making the starling who was forced to watch the wind nearby look hopeless.

Next to the gazebo, on an old crooked-neck tree, Jin Diao and Hai Dongqing faced each other, fluttering at low altitude from time to time, plucking each other's feathers, and then landed on the crooked-neck tree, truce, staring, and then went to the sky , so repeatedly.Hai Dongqing's nest is in the West Garden, but Hai Dongqing can't stay in the West Garden, and spends most of the day on the crooked neck tree of the golden eagle.

Under the crooked neck tree, there is another theatergoer.A pure black little black horse is lying under a tree, and there are two little things lying on its body, two short-legged cats, Chubby and Xuebing. Little black will occasionally harass little white, and occasionally bump his body against the tree to remind the people above Don't rest, you two, it's time to fight, the following are waiting impatiently!

To the west of the East Garden is the East Wing of the main courtyard. On the roof of the East Wing, there is a row of ornamental pigeons, all kinds of strange shapes. Occasionally, they are startled by golden eagles or Haidongqing, which creates a sense of Beijing. Full pigeon whistle.

The garage of the East Garden is on the east and south sides, and they are connected together to form two walls of the East Garden. On the north side of the East Garden is a small warehouse, corresponding to the large warehouses on the left and right sides of the backyard!

Coming out of the garage, Su Chen instantly alarmed the demon kings in the East Garden.

The first one to rush to Su Chen was Chi Huo. Under the nourishment of the golden pupil aura, Chi Huo's body grew very fast, especially the three big heads, each of which was more energetic than the other. Seeing Su Chen, it was like a raging fire. With a roar, he fell into Su Chen's arms.

Not seeing each other for a few days, Su Chen also missed Chi Huo very much, holding Chi Huo, one person and one mastiff rolled in the snow.

The two husks looked hot and wanted to join in, but were scared by Chihuo's two heads and roared, lay on the ground and gasped, but didn't dare to take a step forward.

Zhang Huan and Tang Qiong, who followed behind, couldn't help laughing and were slightly surprised when they saw Su Chen, who was usually steady, rolling on the ground with Chi Huo.

After a while, Su Chen comforted Chi Huo, and took it to the courtyard.

The little guys were very excited when they saw Su Chen, and wanted to rush over, but they were stopped by Chi Huo's roar. It can be seen that Chi Huo is very prestigious now, and even the two on the tree with crooked necks were suppressed. .

Instead, four little guys, Big Fat Erniu, Pangdun and Xuebing, pounced on Su Chen, Zhang Huan and Tang Qiong respectively.

There are no new pets at home, Gu Qingya is not very interested in small animals, she only likes Wenwan jewelry and luxury goods.Tang Qiong likes motor vehicles, or machinery, all kinds of machinery, as long as they can run and move, she is interested.

Zhang Huan also likes small animals, but there are already so many at home, so she didn't buy new ones. Instead, she and Guo Xiaoshi took care of Pang Duner and ice cream.

It's also a good thing that Fat Duner and Ice Cream are not like the big fat Erya, they follow everyone, and they are not pretentious at all.

It's not like the two fairies, Fatty and Erya, who just pester Su Chen. Except for Su Chen, no one is allowed to touch him, not even Gu Qingya.

Holding two cats in his arms, Chi Huo was still following him, Su Chen was already surrounded before entering the main courtyard.

Perhaps they heard the movement, and through the corridor of the East Wing of the East Garden, they saw a group of people already standing in the courtyard of the main courtyard.

Guo Xiaoshi, Gao Cheng, and the housekeeping girls who live in the house.

There is a ginkgo tree planted in the main courtyard, which is the kind that Li Shimin planted in the ancient temple in Xi'an, but the tree in the main courtyard is not that big, but it is very beautiful, especially under the dual nourishment of spiritual nourishment liquid and Qi gathering array, The ginkgo tree grows very tall, and the luxuriant ginkgo leaves are like brilliant fireworks, colorful and dazzling. Around the ginkgo tree, there is also a golden yellow leaf scattered, like a thick layer for the earth. Thick gold carpet.

Even though it is winter, there is an air-gathering array to adjust the temperature, so that the small courtyard is not very cold, and it is nourished by the spiritual nutrient solution, so the ginkgo tree is still golden all over, which looks mesmerizing.

Under the ginkgo tree is a set of solid wood tables and chairs that are not afraid of corrosion, and there is a small electric stove beside the table and chairs. In summer and autumn, what Su Chen likes most is to sit under the ginkgo tree, drink tea and chat, and invite cats and dogs.It's just that the weather is a bit cold now, so I can't stay outside for long.

Compared with when I left, the small courtyard, or the entire courtyard, has already started to decorate for the New Year. There are fiery red and festive window grilles and hanging decorations everywhere. Red Lantern.

This year is the Year of the Rabbit!
Not only the main courtyard, but also trees are planted in other courtyards, but the ones planted are wisteria, rhododendron, red maple and Samuel, which are respectively planted in the middle of the five courtyards.

In the east and west gardens, there is actually a unique giant tree.

The one in the East Garden is a canopy tree. This is the name Su Chen randomly chose. The tree species comes from the system and has no name.When this kind of tree grows up, the trunk will continue to fork and expand around like capillaries, and the branches will be covered with golden and red leaves, finally making the crown of the whole tree like a canopy, which is very beautiful. pretty.

The rainbow tree in the west garden also comes from the system, a kind of tree whose leaves are colorful from the trunk to the bottom.

Different from the canopy tree, the trunk of the colorful tree is extremely straight and can grow upwards. There will be countless branches around the trunk, and the branches will be covered with colorful leaves, making each branch seem to be floating around the trunk. A colorful cloud, beautiful and unique in shape.

The most important thing is that this kind of tree has no limit, and it will grow a little almost every year. As for how tall it can grow in the end, it depends on the right time, place and people.

After greeting everyone, Su Chen and the girls entered the main hall.

In the main hall, there were people standing at the door waiting for him, they were the two sisters Gu Qingya and Gu Qingyu!

(End of this chapter)

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