Chapter 367 Gossip
"Husband!" "Brother-in-law!"

Two sisters, one in white, one in green, one dignified, one naughty!

Su Chen stood there dumbfounded!

Did I change my surname to Xu, or did my wife turn into a demon?

"You... did this on purpose?"

Su Chen was curious.

"Heck! Sister, I said brother-in-law must be able to think of it, right?" Gu Qingyu laughed heartlessly.

Gu Qingya gave Gu Qingyu a white look, and explained: "No, it's just a coincidence! Then this girl insisted that I pick you up like this, and said to see your reaction!"

Su Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and put the two fairies on the red carpet, Su Chen wanted to go up to give Gu Qingya a hug, and then thought that he just hugged a cat and dog, although the clothes could automatically remove dust, but it still didn't work.

"Talk first, I'll take a shower!"

After taking a bath, the whole family sat together, chatting and playing.

It’s good to have a large family, you will never be lonely, there will always be endless jokes and endless games, just like an old saying, when there are too many people, you will want to eat.

Of course, the premise is that your family has a good relationship and there can be no conflicts.

And the premise of this is that the head of the family must be rich, capable, and handsome, and most importantly, be able to satisfy all the desires of all the beautiful wives.

Among these, the first and last points are the most important, but often, or in other words, everyone in the world can only do the first point. As for the second point, it is really powerless.

Especially when people reach middle age, they can't handle even one, let alone multiple.

There is only one Su Chen in this world, the owner of the Eternal Kidney that makes all the men in the world envy.

The atmosphere of the Su family is naturally good, but there is one more Gu Qingyu.

Speaking of which, Gu Qingyu's position in the Su family is still a bit awkward.

Call it my sister-in-law, but looking at the communication between Gu Qingyu and Su Chen, there is always something wrong.

Say there is a problem, but the two are indeed innocent.

The main reason is that there is Gu Qingya between the two of them, if the elder sister doesn't speak up about this matter, it doesn't matter what other people think.

"Brother-in-law, you are really popular all over the country now, and you have become a real national idol."

After dinner, the whole family gathers around the small stove, those who drink tea drink tea, and those who drink coffee drink coffee. If there is no pressure to lose weight, how come it is not so happy?
If it weren't for the limited appetite, the girls in the family would not be able to leave their mouths to eat as long as they don't sleep.

"Isn't your brother-in-law always on fire?"

Gu Qingya's stomach is already distended, and now she only eats and sleeps every day.

Fortunately, with Su Chen's special care, various supplements from the system were often served, which saved Gu Qingya from many pains and tortures during pregnancy.

"That's different!" Gu Qingyu took a bite of a grape without delaying her speech. "Brother-in-law used to be on the Internet, at most it means that he is handsome, rich, and talented! There are not a lot of such people in the entertainment industry, but there are still a few.

But it's different now. My brother-in-law's company has now produced controllable nuclear fusion and new energy vehicles. These are all great things that benefit the country and the people. At least they solve the two living pressures of the common people, electricity and gasoline, and one for an ordinary family. At least hundreds of months can be saved. Such an achievement with immeasurable merits will itself be worshiped with gratitude.

What's more, my brother-in-law's condition is so excellent, now brother-in-law, you have really become a national husband.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you are currently participating in a movie or TV series, you don't even need acting skills, you just need to read the lines rigidly, then the ratings and movie box office will explode! "

"Ah! This is good, this is good. Later, I will ask the company to prepare a script for my husband!"

Zhang Huan said in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Su Chen patted Zhang Huan's buttocks, and said, "I'm already very high-profile now, I can't go too far."

Zhang Huan was disappointed when he heard this. "Oh, there's nothing I can do about it? All the companies in my family are thriving, but the company under my umbrella is still half dead. Don't worry!"

Su Chen was taken aback, looked at Zhang Huan, and fell into deep thought.

Huanchen Group is mainly responsible for things including film and television companies, movie theaters, the Internet industry and museums.

Except for the museum, Su Chen didn't care much about the rest of the business, but he didn't care much.

It has already begun to plan VR technology for film and television companies, and even the technology has matured and entered the experimental stage.

But because of Su Chen's concerns, the project was temporarily suspended.

It's not that Su Chen is worrying unnecessarily, it's really that this matter can't be really careless.

Once VR technology matures, it will be followed by the era of VR games.Once the development of VR games is mature, it is equivalent to giving human beings a second life, and it is also a super miraculous life.

Human beings can experience a different life in VR games that they didn't even dare to think about before, which is equivalent to active time travel.

Once this kind of game is popularized, the subjective consciousness of human beings will sink.

Especially for those low-level people, real life is so hard, but they can live a different life in the game. At that time, who wants to suffer in reality?
It can be said that VR technology is not a simple technology of scientific progress, but a technology capable of changing the pattern of human society.

Su Chen will never allow the premature development of VR technology before he is fully prepared.

However, a VR technology has no effect on humans, Future Group, or Su Chen, but it does have a great impact on Zhang Huan's Huanchen Company.

Originally, Huanchen Company relied on VR technology to produce real VR movies. Now that Su Chen has cut Huanchen Entertainment's hopes from the root, what will Huanchen Entertainment do to compete for resources with those already mature entertainment companies?

So it is impossible to say that Zhang Huan is not in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Su Chen realized that he had been negligent.

Zhang Huan was just complaining casually, but when he saw Su Chen suddenly fell into deep thought, he panicked, and hurriedly explained: "Husband, I have no other intentions. I didn't complain about your injustice. I was just simply a little anxious. Don't be angry!"

Zhang Huan thought that Su Chen felt that he was jealous of the toughness of the other female companies, so he was anxious.

The women knew in their hearts that in the Su family, they could play their tempers casually, even be naughty like a child, but there are a few bottom lines that must not be touched, one of which is jealousy.

Zhang Huan understood this, but she really didn't mean it, she just said it casually.

So seeing Su Chen's silence, he almost cried.

Seeing this, the other women fell silent, not knowing what to say.He could only look at Gu Qingya.

Gu Qingya didn't respond at all, she knew too well the personalities of the girls in the family, and knew that Zhang Huan really didn't mean it, so she didn't care.

Stretching out her hand and holding Zhang Huan's hand, Gu Qingya said casually, "Okay, hubby didn't think too much about it, and it's nothing serious, don't worry! Right, hubby?"

(End of this chapter)

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