Chapter 38

"Yaoyao, since you are not optimistic about this project, let's make a gentleman's bet!"

Su Chen suggested with a smile, like a big bad wolf who tricked Little Red Riding Hood.

Han Yao was shocked for no reason, and her right eyelid jumped up abruptly.

Suddenly there was a bad premonition in her heart, Han Yao forced herself to calm down, swallowed, and asked, "What kind of gentleman's bet?"

"Give this information to Xiaoshi and ask her to form a team for research and development, within half a month. If the research and development fails after half a month, then I will take the initiative to invest an additional 9000 million in the company and give you 5.00% of the company Shares, let you enter the company's management!"

After listening to Han Yao, her breathing became short of breath.

The temptation is too great, who can stand it?

The reason why she didn't want to go to Master was because she didn't want to work for others.But she has no money to start her own business.

Her family has little assets, but she doesn't have the courage to start her own business.I was afraid that if I lost money, I would cheat my family.

What she hopes most is to be able to take a share in a company opened by others, and it is best to be able to join the management team, so that she can start a business and have share dividends, which can be regarded as starting a business to a certain extent.

But this is all her own thinking, it can also be said that she is dreaming, because it is completely unrealistic.

Not to mention she is a fresh graduate, even her master has worked hard for his company for seven or eight years and made countless contributions, so she didn't even get stock options, let alone shares.

Even her master would not dare to think about shares, let alone her.

Han Yao actually knew this too, and those thoughts before were just thinking about it.The reason why she came here was actually to have more autonomy and the right to manage the company.Her idea is very simple, even a little fool like Guo Xiaoshi can be a full-time secretary for Su Chen, and a talent like her will definitely get better treatment.

In fact, she is already satisfied if Su Chen can give her a management position. Although the prospect of the future technology company is not good, it is still a company with a registered capital of tens of millions. She has worked here for a year, and even if she changes jobs in the future, she will have a better one. CV.

In fact, the shares and so on are just her jokes.

But she didn't expect that her joke-like dream would find hope so easily!
No!It's not that I see hope, but it's already within reach!
Han Yao firmly believes that if Xuan's project can be successfully developed, she will change her name to Han Sanpang from now on!

As soon as she thought that she would soon be worth millions, Han Yao immediately suppressed her uneasiness, and said to Su Chen excitedly: "Boss, do you keep your word?"

Su Chen smiled and said lightly:

"Of course, I don't have much money. How can I lie to you? If you don't believe me, I can sign an agreement with you!"

Han Yao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Boss, is it really okay for you to show off your wealth like this? Dear boss, because you are so kind to me, there is no need to sign the agreement. I believe you."

Su Chen shrugged, and then asked:

"Don't you care, if the research and development of the fabric is successful, what will happen to you?"

Han Yao giggled. "No matter what the consequences, I agree."

Su Chen took a deep look at Han Yao, and said:
"If you lose, then you have to work for me for free for three years. Of course, I will provide food and housing! For three years, you will have no salary and you must not betray me. Once you have second thoughts during this period, I will make an agreement one by one. To collect debts from you!"

Han Yao nodded without hesitation.

"No problem! I promise!"

Guo Xiaoshi was a little dumbfounded when she heard it. Although she hadn't been in contact with Su Chen for a long time, Guo Xiaoshi's intuition told him that her boss would never do business at a loss, and her third sister would probably be cheated.

After all, it was her third sister, Guo Xiaoshi hesitated for a moment, and reminded Han Yao in a low voice: "Sister, why don't you think about it again?"

"Don't think about it, what's the point of thinking about it?" Han Yao was still a little excited, and said cheerfully: "I will definitely not regret such a good thing, but you, boss, Xiaoshi and I are sisters who have lived in the same dormitory for four years. You Are you not afraid that our partners will collude to cheat you?"

Guo Xiaoshi rolled her eyes after hearing this, okay, how excited are you, Han Laosan?Did you consider your fourth sister and me when you said this?

"Mr. Han, don't talk nonsense, I'm absolutely loyal to my boss!"

"Well, I also believe in Xiaoshi." Su Chen narrowed his eyes and said to himself: "Besides, I don't think you can fool me!"

"Hee hee, handsome boss, you are too wise!" Seeing Su Chen trust her so much, Guo Xiaoshi was overjoyed.

"However, what you said reminded me. I can't just give you benefits, but not Xiaoshi's benefits. In this way, Xiaoshi, if you can lead a team to successfully develop this fabric, I will give you 1% of the company. shares as a reward!"

Guo Xiaoshi opened her mouth wide in surprise, and the envy she had for Han Yao just now disappeared without a trace.

Just know that your boss will not treat you badly!

Guo Xiaoshi was too moved.

She is not stupid, she would not think that Su Chen only gave him 1% of the shares, which is less!In fact, her 1% shares are worth more than Han Yao's 5% shares, because her 1% shares are based on the successful research and development of intelligent temperature-adjustable fabrics. By then, the company's assets will definitely If it expands rapidly, then her 1% shares will definitely be worth more.

hum!Han Laosan, let you swell!Get ready to die!
Of course, Guo Xiaoshi's pressure also skyrocketed!Although Su Chen didn't say it, Guo Xiaoshi can also guess that once she fails, she will not have a good life!

So whether it's for her own better life in the future or to protect the interests of her boss, she must go all out to ensure success!

Han Yao stopped talking this time! And she calmed down quickly.After she calmed down, she always felt that something was wrong.

She couldn't figure out why Su Chen did this.

It was understandable to bet with her before, after all, young people, everyone has impulsive moments.

But now that Su Chen distributed the shares to Guo Xiaoshi, things are a little abnormal, because in this way, no matter whether Su Chen wins or loses, he will lose the shares, which is not worth the loss.

For a while, Han Yao began to supplement Su Chen's thoughts in various ways, and the more she supplemented her ideas, the more confused her mind became, and she became more and more concerned about gains and losses.

However, what Han Yao didn't know was that Su Chen didn't have so many calculations at all.

The reason why he set up this gamble was to cultivate a few reliable tools for himself.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses in this gamble, he can reap a loyal tool man who is tied to his interests.

And the other, once he finds a chance to make up for it in the future, he can also use it for himself.

As for the shares, Su Chen didn't care, and he was not short of money, so it didn't matter if he lost some shares.As long as he still holds the holding, those high-tech products can be successfully developed and promoted under the leadership of his tool people, then his goal will be achieved.

For technology companies, Su Chen really doesn't want to spend too much energy, the simpler and rougher the better, if he can solve it with money, he will never use his brain!He was really afraid that he would be dragged into the endless paper work.

As for Guo Xiaoshi and Han Yao, if they can really be qualified tool people, then Su Chen really doesn't mind giving them a great fortune!

(End of this chapter)

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