I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 39 One Eye Dzi Bead and Lion Head

Chapter 39 One Eye Dzi Bead and Lion Head

Su Chen asked the two girls to make smart temperature-adjustable clothing available as soon as possible. Guo Xiaoshi was in charge of research and development, and Han Yao was in charge of management and overall planning, including contacting manufacturers, trademark design, patent registration preparations, raw material reserves, etc., all of which had to be done in advance.

Although Han Yao is not optimistic about smart temperature-adjustable fabrics, she has meticulously kept Su Chen's orders in mind. Regardless of the bet, she is just an employee of the company and carries out the reasonable requirements of her boss. , this is the obligation of being a staff member.

After explaining to the two girls, Su Chen really broke away. He was a little impatient with the time he had to do business. Now he is more and more playful!

He didn't respond to the "unreasonable request" of the two girls who acted like a baby and begged him to "cook". Su Chen even asked the two girls to prepare dinner for him.

The two women are bitter, but they can only be obedient!
Back in the study, Su Chen found out the dzi bead bracelet he bought yesterday. While watching tea and TV, he played a game of hand and had dinner with the two girls.

The dinner was bought by the two girls at a nearby gourmet restaurant. The two girls wanted to order takeaway, but Su Chen vetoed it.The convenience of take-out is convenient, but the health problem is really not guaranteed. Su Chen asked Guo Xiaoshi to check the phone numbers of nearby gourmet restaurants and call to order food. As long as you add more money, no matter how high-end restaurants will have food delivery services.

I ordered western food for dinner, vegetable salad, beef soup and onion soup, two Wellington steaks and two T-bone steaks, plus some desserts, and I ordered two bottles of red wine, which were rich in variety and clean.

Su Chen ate two pieces of steak by himself. In terms of taste, if Su Chen's cooking skills are very good, then the food level of this restaurant is only about seven points. In fact, this is already very good. Su Chen's cooking skills are at the master level Yes, according to the level of Western food, it is definitely not worse than the chef of the three-star Michelin restaurant, or even higher.

Therefore, according to his culinary standards, it is indeed very good that this restaurant can achieve a seven-point level, and an eight-point level is already at the level of a Michelin restaurant!
Su Chen ate very happily. After all, this level of food was unthinkable for him in the past, but now he can eat whatever he wants, how could he dislike it?
As for the two girls, well, these two have already looked like pigs.

Guo Xiaoshi was a little better. She grew up super beautiful, and her figure and appearance were impeccable. Not to mention eating and drinking, a beauty of this level is beautiful even if she picks her feet.

The last Han Yao!As far as the chest is concerned, Han Yao's figure is super good, it is the big mouth, especially when eating, Su Chen really can't appreciate it.
After eating, the two women were responsible for cleaning up the dishes and went back to their respective houses.

Su Chen filled the dzi bead for an hour, and the effect of a year was obtained, and the surface of the dzi bead looked more round and smooth.The most important thing is that there is actually a white ring on the originally smooth and non-variety dzi bead.

Su Chen knew that these were Tianzhu's eyes.

Eyes are the peculiar appearance of dzi beads, and dzi beads with eyes are more precious in comparison, because eye dzi beads with different numbers of eyes have different additional meanings.

Among them, the most precious one is the nine-eyed dzi.

Nine is the extreme number. It is said that the nine-eyed dzi bead gathers the merits of the nine times, the compassion increases, the authority is prominent, and it means getting happiness from suffering.With the supreme and noble aura, all the careers in the world can be achieved quickly, and it is the top grade among the dzi beads, which can avoid all disasters.

When Su Chen bought the dzi bead at the time, he felt sorry for the lack of eyes on it. He didn't expect that the system's bug skills could allow the old dzi bead to grow eyes. This was a surprise to Su Chen.

He already liked these excavations and antiques, and now he has the opportunity to get the top-quality nine-eyed dzi. Su Chen's eyes are sparkling.

It's a pity that this thing can be played for up to one hour a day. After this time, the special effects of the system will no longer be triggered, and it is useless to play hard.

After fiddling with the dzi for a while, Su Chen put it in the gift box for preservation.

Afterwards, seeing that it was still early in the sky, Su Chen took out the walnuts that he had been playing with for a long time, and took out the nuclear carving tools sold to him by the owner of the Wenwan shop.

Su Chen intends to try to carve the walnuts that he has been playing for a long time.For this thing, the sooner you can carve it, the better, otherwise, when you finish the plate and carve, stick the carving knife up, and the artistic conception of the patina will be gone at that time.

In fact, olive stones are generally used for nuclear carving. Compared with walnuts, olive stones have a rounded surface, a hard texture that is not brittle, and are full of oiliness, making them suitable for carving.

It is much easier to carve than walnuts that are full of ravines and mamalai.

But Su Chen still likes walnuts, because walnuts are big, and it is more comfortable to play with them than olive pits.What's more, he has master-level craftsmanship, and the difficulty of carving walnuts is nothing to him.

It took Su Chen two hours to carve a pair of walnuts.

Two walnuts, one carved with the head of a yellow dragon soaring nine days, and the other carved with a phoenix reborn from the ashes, which means the dragon and the phoenix bring good luck.

Su Chen's engraving skills are really unique. After seeing the finished product, Su Chen himself was intimidated by his own craftsmanship.

I saw that the pair of dragon and phoenix were carved extremely realistically, and the scales on the dragon body were clear.The lines on the phoenix's feet are also carved in every detail. When the two walnuts are mixed together, it's like holding a pair of dragons and phoenixes in their hands, which looks full of style.

Su Chen named the two walnuts Longfeng Walnuts.

After carving a pair of walnuts, it's getting late, and without the pressure of life, Su Chen decided to go to bed early, um, before going to bed, I will use Douyin again
Early the next morning, Su Chen woke up naturally before six o'clock.

In good health, getting up early does not take much effort, and the whole person is full of energy and vitality.

I went to the Westinghouse bathroom to wash up, and then went to the yard to practice Tai Chi, while practicing with two walnuts in my hands.

Su Chen is also a master of martial arts now, so the Tai Chi he practiced is naturally not the kind of Tai Chi that the old man in the park practiced, but the kind of Tai Chi that has actual combat ability.Of course, he simplifies it a lot. After all, it's just morning exercises, so you can't practice murderously, and you still have Wenwan in your hand, so you can't make a fist.

After practicing for an hour, I broke out in a sweat.

When Su Chen went back to the house, he first put away the dragon and phoenix walnuts. After two days of panning, with the effect of two years, the surface of the walnuts looks more rounded, and the color becomes deeper. What Su Chen cares most is that the two walnuts surface shape.

In terms of shape, these two walnuts can only be counted as one side, somewhat like a lion's head, but not so regular.

But after being held by Su Chen for two days, these two walnuts not only completely evolved into lion head walnuts, but also made the texture, surface color and size slowly evolve into the most perfect form.

Su Chen looked at the two walnuts, thought for a while, and put the box containing the walnuts directly into his pocket.

After two years of playing games, you can go out and meet people!
With this kind of treasure that is not taken out to "show off", Su Chen always feels like he is walking around at night in brocade clothes, and is eager to find someone to share with.

After collecting the walnuts, Su Chen went to the bathroom to shower again, and after he came out, he completed today's sign-in task.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the sign-in and getting an entertainment gift package!"

 PK was recommended on the Internet, and I was trembling at the sight of whether it could take off. I urgently ask my brothers for help and support.

  Favorites, recommended tickets, comments, and ratings are all urgently needed!

  I caught up with a little thing today, tomorrow I will at least three updates, if the grades are good, I will strive for four updates, this time I will do what I say, if you can't do it, cancel your favorites to watch the pirated version, then it will be my punishment!

(End of this chapter)

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