Chapter 40 Monkey Wine

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the entertainment gift package, rewarding the host with a family of courtyard-style private kitchens, the right to purchase legendary wine (monkey wine), a family of hot spring resorts, and one billion in cash!"

"Hold the grass!"

This local tyrant system is simply inhumane!
The sign-in rewards are more ruthless than the other.

Needless to say, the Huiyan who signed in yesterday, this thing can become a golden finger of a certain novel, but now it is treated like an ordinary sign-in reward by the system like cabbage.

Today's is not simple, the four awards correspond to eating, drinking, playing, and fun, no wonder it is called an entertainment spree.

And the rewards in the gift bag are almost rude.

The private kitchen of the courtyard house is worth at least several million, but with the system's trenchant nature, Su Chen thinks that the private kitchen is worth at least tens of millions.

Needless to say, monkey wine, this thing only exists in legends, and the system also specially marked legendary wines, the quality must be the best of the best, and the value of this thing is immeasurable. If Su Chen mainly manages the wine business with monkey wine, It is estimated that its market value will exceed one billion or even ten billion in a short period of time, and it is not impossible for the market value to exceed one hundred billion or even trillion after development.

Needless to say, hot spring resorts are industries worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

The most inhumane thing is the last one billion cash, which is too simple and rude, especially since he still corresponds to the category of "Le".

Well, Su Chen admits that nothing can make people happier than giving money.

One billion cash, even Su Chen couldn't help but feel excited when he looked down on money.

Accepting the big gift package happily, Su Chen was about to take back the system when he heard the system's notification sound again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the mall function in advance due to the check-in task, please click to view the host!"

"Huh? Mall?"

Su Chen is very familiar with this function, so he doesn't even need to read the system description.

Su Chen directly clicked to enter the mall interface, and after seeing it, he was speechless.

Only then did he know what it means to open early, because the current mall only has one top grade, which is monkey wine, and the price on it is 1 yuan a bottle. It seems that the currency of the mall is also RMB.

But a bottle of monkey wine is actually [-] bottles!
Su Chen didn't think it was expensive, but that it was too cheap.Because there are usually millions of bottles of peerless wine nowadays, and a bottle of [-] bottles can only be regarded as a mid-range wine!

But maybe the system is not bad for money, and it is normal to sell it cheaply. After all, the system is a supplier here, and there is no middleman to make the price difference, so the cost is low.

Su Chen clicked on the introduction of Monkey Wine, and was shocked when he saw it.

Monkey wine: the best wine made by wild monkeys in the mountain forest with mincemeat, also known as mincemeat.

Efficacy: Long-term use can strengthen the body, beautify the skin, delay aging, and eliminate stubborn diseases!
Su Chen: "?????"

This monkey wine actually has health benefits?
Just don't know how it works!With the aggressiveness of the system boss, he should not do that kind of nonsense. If he said it was useful, it would definitely be useful.

If that's the case, then the value of this monkey wine will have to be multiplied several times!

This is simply divine wine!

Su Chen licked his lips, as if buying a pot to taste, but he might have to drive later, so he could only endure it.

No, I will ask Guo Xiaoshi to interview the security guard in a while, and I have to find myself a driver and attendant as soon as possible, otherwise it will be really inconvenient.

Huh?Where is Guo Xiaoshi?

Su Chen looked at the shiny diamond watch in his hand, it was already past seven o'clock.

Guo Xiaoshi hasn't woken up yet?
Su Chen frowned slightly, narrowed his eyes, and after a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Su Chen didn't call out, but went online to find a restaurant with better reviews, and ordered a breakfast for himself.

Just ordered one.

Su Chen went back to the house, put the dragon and phoenix walnuts in his pocket, found another pair of walnuts, took out the nuclear carving tools, and continued to create.

Still the same sentence, skill is something that, once it reaches the level of a master, it is easy to become addicted to the craft of this industry.

Su Chen is very addicted to nuclear carving now. He finds that he likes carving more than playing with a disc. Watching a pair of ugly and ugly walnuts become one by one under his carving knife. A work of art that is touching and breathtakingly beautiful, that kind of sense of accomplishment is not enough for outsiders to understand.

Walnuts are also in the shape of lion heads. Among Wenwan walnuts, lion heads are a large category, which contains countless subcategories.

For example, the dragon and phoenix walnuts in Su Chen's hands belonged to the dull-pointed lion heads, and today this pair resembles the apple orchard lion heads, but the shape is not very standard, but Su Chen doesn't care, it doesn't matter if it's ugly, it's just fine!
Picking up a flat knife, Su Chen fell into deep thought, not knowing what to carve.

The reason why Su Chen carved dragons and phoenixes yesterday is because Su Chen really likes these mythical and legendary beasts, and the auspiciousness of dragons and phoenixes has a very good meaning.

Huh?Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of the twelve zodiac signs!
He likes nuclear carvings and antiques, so why not carve all the antiques he collects in the future, which is both beautiful and meaningful.

Just do what you want, Su Chen is suddenly full of energy.

Holding a walnut, Su Chen held a flat knife in his right hand, and after a dozen or so simple strokes, the outline of a mouse came out.

Walnuts are used for hand toy, and it is best to be in pairs, so Su Chen wants to carve the twelve zodiac signs, and they must also be in pairs, otherwise two walnuts in his hand, a mouse, and a cow, it would be hard to see. not good!
Therefore, it is said that it is the twelve zodiac signs, but in fact he has to carve a total of 24 walnuts.

The busy time always passed quickly, and when the first mouse sculpture was about to be completed, breakfast was delivered.

Watching "Wulin Biography", Su Chen had a delicious breakfast, and when he was about to finish eating, it was almost eight o'clock. Only then did there be any movement from the west wing.

After a while, Guo Xiaoshi came out yawning, seeing Su Chen sitting on the solid wood table in the yard having breakfast, her eyes widened.

"Ah! Boss, you didn't call me for breakfast!"

Su Chen took a sip of porridge slowly, raised his eyelids and glanced at Guo Xiaoshi, and said in a calm voice, "Stand still!"

Guo Xiaoshi's body trembled, and when she saw Su Chen's expressionless face, she was shocked, instinctively stood at attention, her pretty face was blank.

Su Chen finished the last sip of porridge in the bowl with the salty cucumber, took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth, then raised his head, and said to Guo Xiaoshi with a flat face: "What time is it?"

"Eight or eight o'clock!" Guo Xiaoshi stammered.

"Do you know what you do?"

Guo Xiaoshi was shocked again, and finally realized that Su Chen was angry, that he had caused trouble, and he was so uneasy, he hurriedly said:
"Yes, your full-time secretary!"

"Yeah!" Su Chen nodded, looked at Guo Xiaoshi again, and said, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Guo Xiaoshi nodded hastily.

Su Chen didn't need to remind her at all, just a glance made Guo Xiaoshi wake up, she came here to work, not to hang out with relatives!
It can be summed up in one sentence!

Guo Xiaoshi, you are floating!

 There will be an update later, add more today!

  Also, in the morning, I took the time to change the typos in the previous chapters from beginning to end, and found that there were quite a few, Emma, ​​feeling ashamed and flustered, I was a little busy before, so I didn't pay attention, first I say sorry to everyone , I will definitely pay attention in the future, and I will check it every once in a while.

  A friend pointed out typos or mistakes before, and I have already corrected them. Thank you very much, and I especially hope that friends can help me point out typos or mistakes. I will definitely correct them when I see them!

  In addition, once again, I shamelessly ask for recommendation tickets and comments, mainly comments. The comment area of ​​this book is too quiet, and there are not many people who comment and score. Now is the critical period for recommendation, and the data is very important. Please support me a lot, listen Can't thank you enough!


(End of this chapter)

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