Chapter 41

Guo Xiaoshi's life in the past two days has been very exciting. From a college graduate in an ivory tower, she suddenly became a full-time secretary of a billionaire, and a secretary with real power.

Such a good thing, not to mention her, even the returnees who graduated from Wharton and Harvard would not dare to expect to have such a job.

To become a full-time secretary of a billionaire, graduating from a famous university is only the most basic prerequisite. In addition, a certain number of years of work experience and certain outstanding grades are required before being eligible for an interview.

And what about Guo Xiaoshi?What does she have?It's just a silly girl with a confused personality, only Su Chen who is not picky eaters can have her.

Not only wanting her, but also pampering her, living in a luxurious courtyard house worth more than one billion yuan, and eating customized set meals from various high-end restaurants, this is simply a peak start that people can't even imagine.

More importantly, the boss is super handsome, has a good personality, and speaks very softly, which made Guo Xiaoshi lose herself for a while.

It's not about how she swells up, but that once some people live too comfortably, they don't have a sense of urgency, and without the pressure of life, they will breed inertia, and they often don't cherish what is too easy to get.

Su Chen also got rich overnight, so not only did he not cherish it himself, but he also made others lost.

It wasn't until this morning that Guo Xiaoshi's lazy sleep made him realize that he seemed to be a little careless.

In fact, it is not only Guo Xiaoshi who is floating, but also Su Chen, but Su Chen has the capital of floating, so now he is sitting and scolding, not standing.

"Xiaoshi, as for me, I hate trouble. I just want to do something meaningful when it comes to doing business, so I will build high-tech companies that can promote the development of human technology. Otherwise, I am now No more trying.

Therefore, I asked you to be my full-time secretary. On the one hand, it is because I have a good relationship with you, and on the other hand, I hope that I can be freed from all kinds of troubles in the company. This is the fundamental reason why I am looking for a life secretary.

So, I hope you can keep your spirits up and don't let me down. I don't want you to tell me in the future that you haven't completed the task I entrusted to you, and make me think of a way.

I know that you may feel that you are not capable enough, and I will not force you to do everything by yourself. I can give you the right to recruit independently, as long as you find useful people, you can recruit. You set the salary and I will give you the money, but I hope that you can spend every penny wisely. I don't want you to use my money to support idlers. Do you understand what I mean? "

Guo Xiaoshi stared wide-eyed, with a dazed expression, nodded, then shook her head.

Su Chen smiled.

"In layman's terms, although you are working as a secretary, what you are actually doing is the work of the president. From now on, I will only provide you with logistics support, and you will be in command at the front. I don't care about the war, I only care about the victory. information!
How about it?Do you have confidence in being the president? "

Guo Xiaoshi was completely dumbfounded!

President?Can I be president?Isn't this a joke?
Guo Xiaoshi instinctively wanted to refuse, because she really didn't have confidence in herself.

But thinking about the temptation of [-]% of the company's shares and the president's power, she couldn't help hesitating again!

Really, this opportunity is so rare, it’s like he was a Jinshi who just succeeded in the imperial examination in a small country in ancient times. His grades in school were not particularly good, and the university he graduated from, Imperial Industrial and Commercial University, was not the top in the world, so he could only be regarded as a Jinshi student. It can be said that his background is quite poor.

But one day she met the emperor by chance, and the emperor hit it off with her immediately, and directly appointed her as the prime minister!

Such a good thing is simply a step up to the sky for her.But in terms of real ability, she definitely can't be the prime minister.

So she felt guilty and hesitated.

After a while, Guo Xiaoshi gritted her teeth fiercely, and blurted out with a fierce look on her face: "Boss, I did it!"

She made up her mind, no matter whether she can do it well or not, let's do it first. As for her ability, even Su Chen is not afraid of becoming a fool. What is she afraid of?
Seeing this, Su Chen smiled.

"Okay! With this ruthlessness, you are halfway to success! You don't have to worry too much, I think your third sister is quite capable, and you may not be unable to accomplish things with the help of her.

Emmmmm, in this way, this smart temperature-adjustable fabric matter is equivalent to a test for you. If you succeed, you will be the secretary to the president of the future technology company and act as the president.

If you fail, I will not drive you away, you are still my secretary, but you have to start from scratch! "

Su Chen felt a little emotional in his heart. It was a good thing for Guo Xiaoshi to be so overwhelmed, but since ancient times, heroes have never taken the usual path. Now that he has the ability to be a Bole, he prefers to train himself rather than buy a well-trained Maxima. , it will be more fulfilling.

It's just that his training method is a bit simple and rude, and if it's not done well, it will be very difficult!
"Boss, can I ask, if I fail, how will you arrange for my third sister? After all, I brought her here, and I am responsible for her future."

"You still have the heart to care about others?" Su Chen smiled, but he became more and more appreciative of Guo Xiaoshi's nature. This girl is a little silly in terms of feelings, that is, she is innocent. Fortunately, she is still a little cautious, otherwise Su Chen is about to consider a substitution now. "You don't have to care about your third sister. What I said before counts. If you fail, Future Technology Company will give it to her. I will give her 5.00% of the shares and let her do whatever she wants. But if she chooses to accept, then In the future, I will not care what the future technology company is like, and let her fend for herself. If she thinks I am reliable, then I will give her the same chance as you!"

Guo Xiaoshi breathed a sigh of relief, and now she felt at ease. In this way, regardless of whether she succeeds or not, her third sister will have a good result. character, he will definitely not treat his third sister badly.

"Boss, don't worry, I will do my best."

"Well! You have done the outside things well, and you can't ignore the things at home. While I have time now, you quickly call the security company and cleaning company you have chosen and ask them to send people over. I will choose one select."

"it is good!"

Guo Xiaoshi promised to leave!

Su Chen suddenly called her to stop.

"Why go?"

"Ah?" Guo Xiaoshi was a little confused!
Su Chen gave Guo Xiaoshi a white look, and said, "Do you think the matter of getting up in the morning and evening is over?"

Guo Xiaoshi's pretty face instantly turned bitter.

"Boss, everyone knows they are wrong!"

"It's over just knowing it's wrong?" Su Chen pointed to the leftovers on the table.

"Clean this up, write a [-]-word inspection after you go back, give it to me before going to bed at night, and fine you three days' salary! Today is just a small punishment, and if you commit another crime in the future, you will never be forgiven!"

(End of this chapter)

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