I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 42 Han Yao's Caution

Chapter 42 Han Yao's Caution
There are newcomers in the courtyard.

A total of twelve people were filled in, eight security guards and four housekeepers.

The eight security guards all come from a world-renowned security company in the imperial capital, with strong strength and considerate service.The eight security guards are all from the special forces, and they are all under 25 years old, which is the prime of life.

Eight security guards and six house guards, and the two followed Su Chen in shifts.

The four housekeepers are also from well-known domestic housekeeping companies. Each of them has received professional training. They are all about 30 years old and have rich experience. The cleaning of his bedroom and study.

Two of the four housekeepers are responsible for cleaning, two are responsible for breakfast, and occasionally lunch and dinner.

The 12 people are all resident in the courtyard, and Su Chen provides food and shelter, and is also given a high salary, and there is not much work, so working for Su Chen will definitely get an excess return.

Since there is no shortage of money, then Su Chenzhi will carry out the high salary to support honesty to the end.

It wasn't a big deal, but he was busy until noon. At noon, Su Chen didn't eat at home, but took Gao Qing, one of the two personal security guards, out for a meal of Sichuan cuisine.After dinner, Su Chen went straight to Panjiayuan. The museum still lacked a lot of antiques, and he still needs to make persistent efforts!
On the other side, in the office of the general manager of the future technology company, Guo Xiaoshi just came back from Peking University, took time to have lunch, and made an appointment in the afternoon to discuss cooperation with a professor who specializes in materials science.

After a hasty lunch, Guo Xiaoshi took out a stack of A4 papers and prepared to write a review.

But after living for more than 20 years, Guo Xiaoshi has never written this stuff, and she doesn't even know the format.

No way, everything is never resolved, check Baidu!
While checking, Guo Xiaoshi was thinking about what happened in the morning, not because she was complaining, but because she was feeling uneasy.

Guo Xiaoshi likes her current life very much, and she likes her current job even more, so she is very afraid of losing.

In fact, the moment Su Chen got angry with her in the morning, she was completely frightened and stupid, for fear that Su Chen would drive her away.After talking, Guo Xiaoshi actually felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

Guo Xiaoshi was also spoiled since she was a child, how has she ever felt this kind of grievance?The most amazing thing is that not only did she not feel wronged, she was also afraid that Su Chen would not calm down!

This means that the more you care, the more humble you become. The moment she regards Su Chen as her own little master, she has already fallen!
"Xiaoshi, I heard you have lunch here?" Suddenly, Han Yao knocked on the door perfunctorily, and entered the room rudely.

Han Yao entered the room, and when she saw the leftovers on the table, her face collapsed.

"Damn girl, you don't even call me for dinner! Huh? What are you writing?"

Guo Xiaoshi cast a glance at Han Yao, and said seriously: "Third sister, this is the boss's office after all, do you have to knock on the door before you come in, and come in after getting permission? What if the boss himself bumps into you here?"

When Han Yao heard this, her first reaction was neither reflection nor anger, but looked at Guo Xiaoshi strangely.

They are all sisters who have slept in the same bed. Han Yao knows Guo Xiaoshi too well. If there is no accident, this girl will never change her ignorant and confused state of mind. She will only wake up for a while when she is stimulated.

"What's wrong with you? Who stimulated you?"

Guo Xiaoshi pursed her lips, knowing that she couldn't hide it from Han Yao, she simply told Han Yao the truth about what happened in the morning. Han Yao is now renting a house near the company, so she doesn't know what happened in the morning.

After Guo Xiaoshi narrated without any concealment, she continued: "Third sister, I think we should change our mentality. We are no longer on campus. This is a company and a workplace. There are some rules. We have to adapt to them in advance. You must abide by it at any time. Otherwise, wait until the time comes to change it, then there is no rush!"

After Han Yao listened quietly, her face was shocked at first, but then gradually calmed down, and finally, there was a strange brilliance.

"So, did I miss it?"

Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded. "What's wrong?"

Han Yao gave Guo Xiaoshi a white look, and explained: "Our boss is really not good at appearances! In fact, I didn't think much of him at the beginning, because he didn't have any temperament that a successful person possessed, whether it's manners, conversation or behavior. , He has no bright spots. If it weren't for his superb cooking skills and his luxurious clothing, food, housing and transportation, I even thought he was an ordinary person.

Therefore, I always thought that he was the rich second generation, and he was a rebellious rich second generation. He did not learn business since he was a child, but learned cooking.So he has developed a good cooking skill, but he knows nothing about business.

I thought that your position was also based on your beauty.

When I stayed, it was because of his 1000 million shell company.

But now that you said it like this, I finally saw some bright spots in him. Although he doesn't know anything about business, he still knows a little about the way of the imperial court. Now I believe he is really the second generation of rich people! "

When Guo Xiaoshi heard Han Yao "slandering" her boss, she pursed her lips unwillingly to refute.

"Third sister, you are too arbitrary, how do you know that he doesn't understand business?"

"What do you think? He is stupid and you are also stupid?" Han Yao gave Guo Xiaoshi another look. "He doesn't understand patents and you don't understand? Patents are so easy to apply for? Even if he has money and connections, and involves high-tech invention patents, from the beginning of the application to the review and issuance of the certificate, it will not take half a year to complete the process? It also needs to be that his invention is perfect, the information is perfect and detailed, and he has connections and background, otherwise you may not be able to pass in two years, let alone half a year.

A patent application is so complicated, and he still wants to launch Xinshi clothing in a month. Isn't this a dream? "

Guo Xiaoshi slapped his head, suddenly awakened from the dream.

She forgot about it. She had learned all these things in college, but she was so happy yesterday that she didn't think about it so much.

"Third sister, why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

"Why did you say that?" Han Yao said slowly, "Don't you know what is shallow talk? Don't you know what workplace rules are? You want me to make your boss come to power in public?"

Guo Xiaoshi's face turned red. "Oh, what is my boss? What are you talking about?"

Han Yao covered her face.

"Miss, have you lost your focus?"

"Ahem, third sister, can you continue?"

"What are you talking about? Just do your thing! The rest is not your concern!"

"But the boss said that Xinshi Clothing will go on the market within a month. If you don't tell the boss about the patent, what if the boss blames you?"

"Why do you blame me? He just asked me to get ready to apply for a patent. I did everything he asked me to do. I should find an intermediary, find a manufacturer, and find a manufacturer. I did my job well. The rest should be something he should consider as the boss."

Guo Xiaoshi wanted to say something more, but Han Yao waved her hand. "Okay, it's not a bad thing to let your boss suffer. Only by letting him understand that he is not a business material can he let him know how to let go. Otherwise, this good technology company will really go bankrupt!"

After finishing speaking, Han Yao ignored Guo Xiaoshi and got up to leave!

In the room, Guo Xiaoshi hesitated to speak, with a troubled expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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