Chapter 43
Su Chen took Gao Qing to sweep all the way. After shopping for more than two hours, he gained a lot. Two copper-bodied painted enamel snuff bottles from the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, a piece of four-color Qin ancient jade, a genuine painting of Qi Baishi, and a Ming Dynasty. A pure gold Buddha statue and a famous inkstone from the Song Dynasty.

They were all scoured by Su Chen in various stores, and they were not picked up. They were all bought by Su Chen with real gold and silver, and they were all purchased at a premium. There is no way, these are all treasures in other stores. Existence, unless the price is right, otherwise who is willing to sell?
Just these six small items cost Su Chen nearly [-] million yuan. Gao Qing looked terrified and numb all over.The broken veins in the hand holding the box bulged, and everyone was vigilant, for fear that someone would come out and rob him.

No way, anyone holding a treasure worth [-] million would tremble.

Two hundred million!With so much money, Gao Qing also saw it when he was visiting his ancestor's grave in the countryside. He was really nervous!
Su Chen tried a few words of persuasion at first, but found it was useless at all.Later, I simply ignored it. At the beginning, everyone was nervous, just get used to it!
I have gained a lot along the way, but Su Chen is not very excited. After being baptized by the twelve zodiac signs and the Kowloon sword, Su Chen is much less interested in these tens of millions of cultural relics. It is okay if they are leaked.If it wasn't for picking up leaks, he wouldn't be able to trigger system bugs, and he wouldn't be able to obtain national treasure-level cultural relics, so wouldn't he just come here to buy goods along the way?What's the point?
After shopping for a while, Su Chen lost interest, so he and Gao Qing drove to the nearby Shilihe Market. He wanted to go to the Wenwan boss to order a batch of Wenwan walnuts, and buy some olive stones by the way.

Since you want to do antique carvings, you can't just carve walnuts, it's better to have more varieties.

After getting out of the car, Su Chen left all six antiques in the car. Gao Qing was worried, and Su Chen also felt that it is better to be careful. Although this is a bulletproof car, who knows what skills a thief can do?Be careful there is no big mistake.So Su Chen let Gao Qing stay in the car, and he went to Shilihe by himself.

Su Chen found the Wenwan shop last time by familiarizing himself with the road.

When the boss saw Su Chen coming, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Yo! Brother! You're here? You're welcome, please come in!"

The last time Su Chenhao paid 30 yuan, the shopkeeper remembered Su Chen's appearance to death, and labeled him as a local tyrant. This is a big customer, how can he be negligent?

Su Chen went to the door behind his back with one hand, and in the other hand was twirling a dragon and phoenix walnut. He specially wore a casual Tang suit in black and white today. Coupled with his energetic temperament, he really looked like a Confucian scholar.

When the boss saw Su Chen's outfit today, his eyes lit up, and he sighed in his heart, this master must have been a handsome young man in ancient times!
Su Chen entered the door and took a look, and found that there were still customers inside, who were looking at the goods with their backs turned to him. One looked like a middle-aged man with fluffy hair, and he was not short.

Su Chen always felt a little familiar with this person's back, but he didn't recognize it for a while.

He didn't think too much, but followed the boss to the counter and said casually, "Boss, pick me fifty pairs of walnuts and one hundred olive pits!"

The boss was taken aback, and the middle-aged man who was looking at the goods also looked over.

Good guy, I have seen buying walnuts, but I have never seen so many at one time. Are you here to buy?

The boss can't laugh or cry. "Brother, you want too much. I don't have so many high-quality products, most of them are defective products!"

If it's someone else, it doesn't matter whether he is good or bad, the boss sells as much as he has.But Su Chen was different. The boss knew that Su Chen was an expert and a big client, so he didn't dare to fool him.

Su Chen didn't care, he waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll buy it for carving and practice, as long as it's suitable for carving, I'll put as much as you have!"

Su Chen really didn't want to buy a good one. Anyway, no matter it's good or bad, he can turn it into a high-quality product after he buys it. Why would he waste so much money?

When the boss heard this, he suddenly remembered that Su Chen bought a set of carving tools from him last time, and he understood immediately!So this time I happily agreed.

"Okay! I'll let someone load it!"

"Boss, do you have any other works?" Suddenly, the middle-aged man looking at the goods asked.

When Su Chen heard the voice, he turned his head suddenly, and his eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Yo! Isn't this Teacher Yu?"

Su Chen recognized right away that the middle-aged man was Yu Qiang, the cross talk queen of the Deyun Club. Uncle Yu didn't put on a disguise, so he was easy to recognize.

When Yu Qian saw that Su Chen recognized him, he didn't hide it any more, and responded enthusiastically. In fact, he was also very curious about Su Chen, after all, it was the first time he had seen such a shopper.

The two exchanged a few polite words with each other before they started chatting.

"Teacher Yu also likes Wenwan?"

With a smile on his face, Yu Qian said with a smile: "I like it, I like everything that can be played!"

Su Chen slapped his head. "Hey, look at my memory, I've read your book, I forgot about it!"

"Yeah? That's still my honor! Little brother also likes Wenwan?"

"I like it! To tell you the truth, I am a traditional person like you, and I also like to play, and I like things passed down from our ancestors! But I am new to the industry, and I only play Wenwan and antiques. I haven't played anything else. Dabble!"

Originally, Yu Qiang only planned to be an ordinary fan and greet Su Chen politely, but now when he heard this, his gaze suddenly changed.

He glanced at Su Chen up and down, especially when he paused for a moment on Su Chen's pair of dragon and phoenix walnuts, his eyes became brighter and brighter, knowing that what Su Chen said was true, he was really a fellow, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Today's young people basically focus on money, and few of them can calm down and concentrate on playing.It's not that young people are philistines, but life forces them to do so. In this era of fast-paced life, those who dare to stop and play are either rich second-generation or prodigal sons.

Familiar people don't know that although Su Chen has liked antiques since he was a child, he only dared to enter the industry after he became rich.

It can be seen from this that it is really not easy to explain in a few words about inheritance, there are too many sad tears and helplessness in it.

It was rare to see someone who dared to play, and Yu Qiang immediately became interested.

In Yu Ji's eyes, games are not new-age entertainment such as games, video games, bungee jumping, and death in the eyes of modern people, but games that have been passed down from ancient times to the present and contain the essence of the ancestors' inheritance!

Some people think that playing is full of derogatory connotations, and that playing with things is depressing.In fact, those who think so are unambitious. Playing is a realm and a high-standard attitude towards life.And 360 lines, every line will be the champion, and you can start a family if you play well.

And don't look down on play, there are countless types of play, each of which is different, Wenwan, antiques, flowers, birds, fish and insects, cats, dogs, eagles and horses, you can play with everything, but it is not easy to play with anything.

It is a blessing in life to meet a like-minded friend who disagrees.

So after chatting with Su Chen and confirming that Su Chen really knows how to play, Yu Qian's attitude became obviously enthusiastic, and he didn't care about the goods, so he directly pulled Su Chen to find a place in the boss's shop to sit down and chat .

If it is about flowers, birds, fish, insects, cats and dogs, Su Chen doesn’t understand, but if it is about Wenwan and antiques, Su Chen knows more than Yu’s teachers are more than enough, so when chatting with Yu, Su Chen does not show any timidity, even frequently Being able to speak some advanced jargon and knowledge caused Yu Yu to exclaim and sigh frequently.

At the beginning, the owner of Wenwan store was a little helpless towards the behavior of the two of them. Both of them were big shots, he couldn't provoke them, and he didn't dare to provoke them.

Later, the boss gradually became interested in listening to the conversation between the two, and actually added it.The boss is also an insider, and after so many years of experience in this industry, he knows a lot, so the three of them chatted more and more speculatively!

(End of this chapter)

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