Chapter 44
The sunset is on the west mountain, and the sunset glows through the sky.

The three of them chatted until nearly five o'clock, but they were still not enjoying themselves.

Yu Qiang is a person who makes friends easily, and Su Chen is also a straightforward person, especially for Yu Qiang, who has been in love with him for a long time. As early as when he was listening to Yu Qiang's cross talk, Su Chen liked Yu Qiang's typhoon and personality very much.

The owner of the Wenwan store is named Yi Zhou. Although we first met him, after two hours of chatting, I found that the boss is also very particular about rules and morals, but his personality is a bit boring, but in terms of personality alone, it is definitely worth it. One delivery.

Therefore, the few people chatted and chatted, and they formed an old-fashioned friendship in an imitation of ancient times. Yu Qiang was the boss, Yu Boss was the second child, and Su Chen was the junior.

Of course, a few people didn't do the ceremony of beheading the head of the chicken and drinking the blood of the dog, that's too secondary, and it's not necessary, it's just a verbal agreement.

In fact, for those who keep promises, even if they just say it casually, it will be recognized for a lifetime.And for those ruthless people, not to mention asking for help, but brothers, as long as the money is enough, they will never be ambiguous when it is time to betray.

Therefore, the three of them focus on heart-to-heart friendship and don't pay attention to those rules.Moreover, the few people addressed each other casually, without calling them big brother or third brother.

The chatting atmosphere of several people was interrupted by Su Chen's phone call. It was Gao Qing who called. After Su Chen disappeared for so long, Gao Qing was very worried and couldn't make a phone call to confirm safety.

"Your siblings are urging you to go back?"

Yu Qian was smoking a cigarette, looked at Su Chen and teased.

"Brother Yu, do you think I can have a wife like me?"

Yu Qian knocked the ash into the ashtray, curled his lips and said, "I think you don't have a single wife, but a bunch of daughters-in-law!"

Su Chen made a straight face at first, but then he didn't hold back, and he was also happy. "Hehe, as expected of you, you really understand me! What you said is my goal, but I'm really single at the moment, and the person calling is my driver and bodyguard!"

"Hey!" Yu Qiang yelled, looked at Su Chen, and said, "What's wrong with you kid? You still bring bodyguards when you go out?"

It can be seen that Yu Qiang no longer regards Su Chen as an outsider, so he has no scruples in saying such shallow words and deep taboos.

Yu Qian thought that Su Chen hired bodyguards just to show off, which was a little publicity, so he advised him out of kindness.

Yi Zhou also looked over, staring at Su Chen.It's just that he has a mild temper, and it's better when entertaining guests. If it's his own person, he rarely talks.

Seeing this, Su Chen hurriedly explained: "Oh, you misunderstood me. I didn't hire bodyguards to protect me. If you don't believe me, I know kung fu myself. In terms of martial arts alone, those bodyguards may not be able to do it. Beat me!"

The two nodded upon hearing the words. After chatting for so long, they could also see that although Su Chen was a bit flamboyant, he had a good nature, and he was not a person who liked to put on airs.

"Then why do you hire bodyguards?" Yu Qiang asked wonderingly.

Su Chen shrugged. "I don't want to, but I can't help it. The house is too big and there are many treasures in the house. If you don't hire a few bodyguards to watch it, you may lose it at home!"

"The house is too big? How big can it be?"

Su Chen smiled "shyly" and said "shyly", "A courtyard of nearly [-] square meters!"

"Pfft!" Yu Qiang took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.

"How big?"

"Four thousand flats!"

Yu Qian was beyond shocked, and Yi Zhou's eyes flashed with surprise!
"I said, Chen'er, what do you do at home?"

Su Chen scratched his head, and started to make up nonsense: "Actually, I was an orphan some time ago, and then I suddenly inherited a fortune, which made me rich and free all of a sudden!"

Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou looked at each other, with complicated and inexplicable expressions.

What can I say?What else can I say?Only envy!
"Yes! I found out that you are a freak. You know so much about Wenwan and antiques at a young age, and you are lucky to inherit billions of dollars. I don't know whether to envy you or admire you!"

Yi Zhou sighed and shook his head, but didn't say anything!
"Okay! It's getting late, we should leave too, let's get together again when we have time!"

Yu Qiang smoked his cigarette and got up to leave.

Su Chen stretched out his hand to stop it.

"Don't! Bro, do you still have something to do tonight?"

"Hey! It's really something!"

"What's the matter?"

"Make an appointment with someone, let's drink together!"

"Huh?" Su Chen's heart suddenly moved, he smacked his lips and said, "Can I ask who is He? From your circle? Do I know him?"

Yu Qiang paused, thought for a while and said, "Hey! Maybe you really know each other, they are both from the entertainment industry, Yu Entai! Wu Jing!"

"Hi! Can I not know them?" Su Chen slapped his thigh, and he had a good impression of both of them. Wu Jing will not talk about it. He has known them since he was a child, and now he has completely become popular all over the world with his Wolf Warrior.

As for Yu Ntai, Su Chen can't do without "Wulin Biography" when he eats now.

"Brother Ke'er, are you just having a party at night, or are you discussing things?"

Yu Chen was happy. "We have nothing serious to do together! It's just drinking, what's the matter? Do you want to come?"

"Hehe!" Su Chen smiled slightly, and didn't say it directly, but changed the subject: "Brother, I forgot to tell you, I have a batch of peerless wine at home, it's not bragging, it's true It is a peerless wine, and it is a famous wine that has been passed down for more than 2000 years. Most importantly, only my family has it in the whole world!"

As soon as he listened to drinking, Yu Qiang's eyeballs lit up.

"Fuck! Then what are you talking about? Let's go! Let's go together! Come on, second child, don't do business in your shop today, go with us!"

Yi Zhou wanted to refuse at first, he didn't like excitement, and this store was his business, so he didn't dare to close it easily.

Seeing Yi Zhou's hesitant expression, Su Chen said, "Come on, second brother, don't feel sorry for your shop. To tell you the truth, I came to your shop today to sweep the goods. You put your shop here. Put all the top-notch products for me, small-leaf red sandalwood, huanghuali, southern red, turquoise, I want whatever you have!"

Yi Zhou frowned slightly. "Xiaochen, why do you want all these? How can you play Wenwan like this?"

Yu Qiang also said, "Yes! Is this for fun, kid, or for business?"

Su Chen looked at Yu Qiang, and asked, "Brother Ji'er, tell me first, what did you come here for?"

Yu Qiang said casually: "I! This is not who, Lao Wu, Wu Jing, he wants to give gifts to others, and the other party likes crafts such as wood carvings and nuclear carvings. I heard that the second child is good at craftsmanship, so let's take a look." !"

Su Chen laughed. "I guessed a thing or two from what you saw just now, come on, don't look for second brother, come with me first!"

"Second brother, help me load the goods first, and I will explain to you later!"

Hearing this, Yi Zhou stopped insisting, and called a little girl who was a clerk in the store to help with loading.

There are quite a lot of things in Yi Zhou's store, but there are not many high-quality goods. After a long time of scratching, there are five bunches of small-leaf red sandalwood, two bunches of top-quality huanghuali, two pieces of southern red agate the size of a fist, and a piece of turquoise the size of a watermelon. .

"Okay! You came here once, and you emptied out my store. I have to stock up tomorrow!"

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Yi Zhou. "Second brother, you are so cheap and good-looking! I am a big customer, so you have to be careful!"

Yu Qiang was amused to hear it.

Yi Zhou smiled, and didn't refute this time!

 Solemnly thank book friend Shen Qiannai for the reward of 200 book coins!

  Emma, ​​there is actually a reward, I am so excited, this is the first reward in this book.It’s a little hypocritical to say that I can be regarded as an old author, but because I haven’t received a reward for a long time because of the recent waves, that’s why I’m so excited. This shows that my book can still make you worth reading .That's it, I will try my best to write this book well and live up to your expectations!
(End of this chapter)

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