I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 45 This chapter is hilarious!

Chapter 45 It's Lively This Time!
"Second brother, how much do you think?"

Yi Zhou glanced at Su Chen, calculated in his mind, and said, "Just give 50!"

Su Chen also did the math, and it was almost the same price, no more and no less. Feeling comfortable, he happily swiped his card to pay.

Seeing this, Yu Qiang on the side also had a smile on his face.

Feelings belong to feelings, and business belongs to business. Since you are buying something in a store, no matter how good your relationship is, even relatives, you have to pay what you have to pay. This is the way to get along for a long time.

It's not that interests cannot be mixed in a relationship, it's just that it depends on the occasion.If it was in private, and Yi Zhou made it clear that it was a gift from his brother to his younger brother, then Su Chen could accept it without paying, or even not, because it would hurt his feelings if he gave it.

And in the store, if Su Chen doesn't give the money today, then Yi Zhou might agree, but if that happens, both of them will have knots in their hearts.

Therefore, people who are too face-saving and too thick-skinned often cannot get pure friendship!
And like Yi Zhou and Su Chen are the best, no one suffers, no one takes advantage, everything follows the rules.

In this way, neither hurt feelings, but also benefit from each other.Yi Zhou does business normally and can make money.Su Chen can also get good products from Yi Zhou, so he is not afraid of being cheated!
Yu Qian took out a cigarette with emotion, feeling that he was lucky today, and he was happy to meet two rare friends who "understand the rules".

After paying the money and loading the goods, the three of them went out with several boxes each.

After a while, when he came to the parking space, Gao Qing hurriedly got out of the car as soon as he saw Su Chen.

Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou found their target immediately, but when they saw the giant black beast, they froze for a moment.

"Huh? This car?" Yi Zhou fell into deep thought, feeling like he had seen this car before, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"Oh, this car is beautiful! Tsk tsk, it's so beautiful!"

Yu Qian stepped forward, walked around the car, and praised him.

"What's the name of this car? What brand is it? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Of course you haven't seen it!" Yi Zhou on the side finally remembered and sighed: "This is not a world-renowned brand car, but an independent research and development by our country's IAT car factory. The name seems to be Karlmann King. It is said that there are only ten cars in the world. Known as the most expensive SUV in the world, even a regular model costs more than 1000 million, and if it is a six-seat bulletproof armor upgrade, it costs 5000 to [-] million, and it is the kind that money can't buy!"

"Hey!" Yu Qian let out a voice in surprise, and exclaimed, "This is not a car! This is a mobile palace!"

Su Chen's heart is beautiful, but men know cars better, thinking of Guo Xiaoshi's evaluation of the king that day, Su Chen feels indescribably comfortable now.

"Okay, the car is for transportation, whether it is good or bad, as long as it is comfortable to sit, let's get in the car!"

While Su Chen was talking, Gao Qing took a sensible step forward and opened the car door. Su Chen carried the box and lifted his legs to get into the car. Yu Jue and Yi Zhou hurriedly followed in the car. Gao Qing gently closed the car door and left alone. To the cab in front of the car!

Although Anbao became the driver, Gao Qing was not dissatisfied at all, but was very excited. This is a luxury car worth nearly half a billion yuan!How can you usually open it?Now open it casually.Hehe, for men, how can driving be as good as driving?

In the back seat, the three of them got into the car. The electricity in the car was always on, especially the refrigerator. As long as they were traveling, they were basically not turned off. There was a backup power supply in the car, so they were not afraid of running out of power.

When Yu Qiang and Yi got into the car on Monday, they were shocked again by the luxurious decoration of the car.

It stands to reason that the two of them are not poor. Yu Qian has a lot of money, and Yi Zhou has a small fortune in opening an antique shop, but no matter how rich they are, they will not be willing to spend 4000 to [-] million to buy a scooter. What a luxurious person can do?So even though both of them are worth more than [-] million yuan, they still look like they have never seen the world.

At this moment, Gao Qing's voice came from the speaker in the car. "Brother Chen, where are we going?"

The driver's seat and the back seat of the car are separated by a huge TV display screen, and the communication with each other depends on the built-in walkie-talkie, which can fully guarantee the privacy of the back row!
Su Chen picked up the intercom and thought for a while, "Go home!"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen was about to ask Yu Qian something, when Yu Qian's cell phone rang, and he picked it up casually.

"Hello? Yueyue! What's wrong?"

"You want to come? That's fine, I'll find a way, and I'll give you the address later!"

He left without saying a few words.

Su Chen took this time to take out three bottles of beer from the refrigerator, one for each person!
Yu Qiang hurriedly took it, took a sip without saying a word, hiccupped at the end, then sank into the separate leather seat, and whispered: "Comfortable!"

Yi Zhou is similar, except that he is much more refined than Brother Ke'er.

"What's the matter?" Su Chen asked casually seeing Yu Qiang's eyebrows lowered in thought, as if there was something difficult.

"Hi! It's nothing serious. The call just now was Xiao Yueyue, Yue Yunpeng. He, Sun Yue, and Guo Qilin are coming to have dinner. I reserved a seat with an old friend before, but now suddenly there are five more people. There is definitely not enough space to sit on the side, and I guess there are not enough preparations there, so we can only change places. There are places to eat, but most of the good places need to be reserved, and there may not be seats for temporary visits.”

Yu Qian said a lot, and at the end he suddenly thought of Su Chen. "By the way, you boy, you are such a rich man, do you have a place to eat?"

"Okay! It's lively this time!" Su Chen was also happy. "Actually, I wanted to tell you just now, this time it's fine, don't worry, I'll make dinner!"

Hearing this, Yu Qiang breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was the first time for many friends to have dinner together. If they didn't eat well, it would seriously affect the atmosphere.Regarding Su Chen, he is still at ease, after all, someone who can spend thousands of dollars to buy a luxury car, there is no reason why he can't even arrange a dinner.

However, Su Chen's next phone call surprised him.

Su Chen's call was to his family.

"Hey! Sister Han, you will ask Wang Bing and the others to help me. Prepare something for me. The sooner the better!"

"Well, remember, you need to buy a live and authentic Mongolian fat sheep, and some spices, and then prepare some red bricks, cement, and iron chains with hooks, and then arrange some tables, chairs and benches in the East Garden, and buy some fruits and drinks. Yes, I will take seven or eight guests back for dinner in a while, and all the things I bought will be placed in the East Garden. I will pay you now, and then you can look at the layout if you need anything else."

After giving instructions, Su Chen hung up the phone.Opposite is a female housekeeper surnamed Han, a second-level chef certified by the state. She is absolutely right to tell her these things. He must have more experience in arranging dinner parties than her.

After Su Chen finished speaking, Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou were both stunned.

"Chen'er, are you going to eat at home?"

"Yes!" Su Chen looked at Yu Qiang and said with a smile, "Oh, don't worry, I have a top chef in the world at home, and I promise to make you feel full!"

 Solemnly thank the book friend āáǎà for the reward of 200 book coins!
  Solemnly thank book friend Rongjian for the reward of 588 book coins!
  Solemnly thank the book friend Huangmu for the reward of 100 book coins!
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(End of this chapter)

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