I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 383 Cross talk and skits

Chapter 383 Cross talk and skits

"That's it! Then let's go now? I have prepared beer, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds and almonds. Let's go now?"

Su Chen laughed.

"That's great!" Knowing that Su Chen was teasing, Guo Qilin cooperated and said, "Uncle, I'm all dressed!"

"We're dressed too!"

A group of cross talk artists from Deyun Society echoed.

"Who dares?" Guo Degang laughed loudly. "Good guy, it's just a few words, it almost messed up my box sealing! Xiao Chen, you are so careless!"

"Hahaha, blame me? You were the one who was polite to me first!"

"Who is being polite to you? I'm not here to welcome you, I'm here to welcome some younger siblings!"

As soon as Lao Guo said this, Su Chen became dumbfounded. This is the end of the sentence, and there is no way to answer it!
"Tsk tsk! It's Lao Guo, you can do it!"


A group of people talked and laughed and entered the North Exhibition Hall.

Su Chen and others came very late, so they didn't go into the backstage, but went directly into the auditorium.

They were all in the first three rows. Su Chen arranged for a few security guards to sit in after them. Regarding safety, Su Chen would never relax.

After a while, the cross talk started.

The Deyun Society has been popular for so many years, it is really powerful.

A box-sealing performance, the program is all clichés, and many of the jokes are old jokes, but the same words, at different times and on different occasions, from these people, he can make you happy, this is his skill!
It is also one of the reasons why Su Chen admires these people.

In the past, some people always compared cross talk and skits. Of course, it is difficult to compare the two in terms of artistic level. They are also a form of program, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

But in terms of characteristics, the two are quite different.

The focus of the skit is the lines and the performance, and the proportion of the two can be divided into half.

Whether the skit is good or not, the line book is very important, this is the core of the skit, and this is equivalent to a cross talk repertoire, which needs to be prepared in advance. The quality of the line book lies in the people, not in the program. .

The performance is another core of the sketch, the same sketch, the same lines, different people perform completely two effects, this is a test of the acting skills of the sketch actors, in this respect, the sketch actors and the drama actors have a fight.

Correspondingly, in addition to the script, the most important thing in cross talk is the tacit understanding between the teasers and their respective basic cross talk skills, especially their on-the-spot reaction ability. Rely on is a mouth.

Therefore, both cross talk and skits seem to be amusing and entertaining entertainment programs, but in fact the core of the two is completely different.One is acting, the other is speaking.

Therefore, it is generally very smooth for sketch actors to switch careers to become actors. Except for a few people, generally the sketch performances are good, and the acting skills of actors are not bad.

The best of them are like the golden couple of Uncle Benshan and Brother Biao.In the same way, cross talk actors who switch to filming are basically rushed.

Only Xiao Yueyue relied on the swallow for a while, and Uncle Qian completed the cross-border by relying on talent, and the rest was not so good.

Of course, Guo Qilin seems to be very talented in acting, and he should focus on training the day after tomorrow.

Like the older generation, it basically doesn't work.

If crosstalk wants to change careers, talk shows, storytelling, and being a singer are all better than filming!
It's a pity that the regret of Lao Guo's life is that he didn't win a movie king, but was completed by Uncle Qiang.

Of course, these are minutiae. Anyway, in the cross talk industry, Lao Guo is successful, a master of cross talk, well-deserved, even if Su Chen buys master-level cross talk skills now, his level may not be better than that of Lao Guo.

Lao Guo's cross talk level is honed from the ups and downs, and it is very solid.

The box-sealing performance is usually very lively, and Su Chen is very happy to watch it. It is the first time for him to sit under the stage and listen to the cross talk in the past and present, and the two lives. This feeling is amazing!
Su Chen is like this, and others are even more like this. The girls leaned forward and back together with laughter, and Gu's father and mother were also very excited. Even the three second generations of the three families had a lot of fun. When they were young, cross talk was not as popular as it was. , and there is no such atmosphere now.

After cross talk became popular, they would have already started a family and started a career, and they would have no time to listen to cross talk.

So, this is also their first time.

As for the three of Fatty Yu and the girls of the three families, this is probably the first time. Before they met Su Chen, they must have had some fun when they had time. Such serious things as cross talk can't attract them at all, but it seems that from today onwards, There are several more Deyun boys and Deyun girls.

This is a good thing, with these second generations like it, if there are any problems in the capital of the Deyun Club in the future, they can be solved easily.

Importantly, Fatty Yu and others will become the backers of other young actors of Deyun Society.

There are so many people in the Deyun Society, only a few people know Su Chen well, and the rest don’t know Su Chen. Even if Su Chen makes friends with them now, he probably wouldn’t dare. Dare to call Su Chen.

These children are Lao Guo's heart and soul, and Su Chen naturally wants to help them if he can.

Originally, Lao Guo intended to let Su Chen come on stage to play. After all, in a sense, Su Chen is also a star, and he is the kind that is well-known to everyone.

But Su Chen has become accustomed to being low-key, and doesn't seem to express himself too deliberately.

Of course, when the show said goodbye at the end, Su Chen still went up to say a few words in person, not because of anything else, but just to give the Deyun Society a boost. His status is different now.He stood on the stage tonight. In the future, Deyun Club will not say that it will always be smooth sailing, but when encountering troubles, as long as they know Su Chen, they will carefully consider the consequences.

Even in the end, Su Chen pulled the three of Fatty Yu onto the stage, and since he wanted to help, he simply did it happily.

Lao Guo had a clear mind, and he understood Su Chen's intentions all at once, and was very moved.

He has suffered all the way, and his life is full of enemies.When he was young, few people gave him timely help
But now that he is popular, there are many icing on the cake.But these people all have their own goals, so Lao Guo accepts good intentions, but not favors.

However, Su Chen is different. Su Chen's current status does not need to curry favor with Lao Guo. Su Chen's actions today can even be called timely help. After all, even now, Lao Guo still has many enemies.

That's why Lao Guo was moved. Sometimes, you don't need many confidants, even if there is only one, as long as she can take care of you wholeheartedly, then your life is enough!

The sealing meeting was a complete success, and it was lively until 12:30 in the morning.

The audience left the stage one after another, and Su Chen and Lao Guo led everyone to the backstage.

The three families didn't know that Su Chen had an arrangement, so they offered to leave, but were stopped by Su Chen.

"Then what, don't go! I'll arrange it tonight!"

With his bag in his mouth and a cigarette in his mouth, Su Chen yelled in a very social way!
(End of this chapter)

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