Chapter 384
Capital city, southern suburbs.

A group of more than 100 people, sitting in five Rolls-Royces and twelve extended Hummers, headed straight for Zifu.

Like Jing Yuan, Zi Mansion is a themed hotel, but Jing Yuan imitates Jiangnan gardens, while Zi Mansion is Prince Gong's Mansion.

It is the real style of Wangye's mansion in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the scale is larger. With the courtyard as the skeleton, it is a super enlarged version of Su's house.

There are five gardens, three casinos, two restaurants and dozens of yards in the entire Zifu.

While each courtyard is close to the original flavor, it also combines high-tech decoration as much as possible, which belongs to the foundation of the courtyard house and the high-tech lining.After all, customers come to Zifu to experience life, not to seek drunkenness. If the decoration is completely in accordance with the original taste, it may attract people by relying on creativity for a short time, but no one can stand it after a long time. After all, no one wants to Spend money to buy guilt.

It is worth mentioning that the Zifu is located next to the hot spring resort under Su Chen's name.

In other words, this was intentional by Su Chen. Su Chen directly accommodated the hot spring resort into the Purple Mansion system, which is an affiliated entertainment project of the Purple Mansion.

When the group arrived, it was past one o'clock in the middle of the night, but none of them felt sleepy, but they were full of energy.

Because of the arrangement in advance, Su Chen completely vacated ten yards in the Zifu, one yard for the Su family, two yards for the three families, and the remaining seven yards belonged to the Deyun Society.

Those with higher seniority can live more comfortably, and those with lower seniority can be squeezed together, but if you can live in Zifu, no matter how crowded you are, it is definitely more comfortable than sleeping in a five-star hotel.

Because it was late at night, the two restaurants in Zifu were basically empty.

The group was divided into two groups, and those with lower seniority or popularity in Deyun Club were arranged in the lobby on the first floor.

The rest of the backbone of the Deyun Club had dinner with Su Chen and others in the largest living room on the fifth floor.

Because of Su Chen's intention, a group of people didn't sit according to their identities. Except for Su Chen's family, all the rest of the young people sat together. In fact, it was Fatty Yu and his sisters who were given by a group of handsome guys from the Deyun Club. Divided, so that they can exchange feelings.

This is also the purpose of Su Chen organizing this gathering today. It is to introduce a backer to these guys except Yue Yunpeng and Guo Qilin.

Fatty Yu and the three of them were all confessed by Su Chen, so the three of them were very relaxed. In addition, the guys from the Deyun Society are all of good character, and they are very comfortable in the world. The three of Fatty Yu originally had the mentality of coping , After a while, I really let go, and I added contact information with the guys from Deyun Society.

Lao Guo was extremely relieved to see this scene.These children are Lao Guo's heart and soul, and they are also what Lao Guo is most worried about.

The last thing he wants to see is that these children will suffer the same experience as when they were young when they go out in the future, so he has been teaching and training these people as much as possible within his ability.

Now with the help of Su Chen, unless these guys will kill themselves in the future, at least they will get along well from the beginning to the end.

"Chen'er, I offer you a toast!"

At some point, Lao Guo came to Su Chen's side, raised his glass and said sincerely in a low voice.

Su Chen knew what Lao Guo wanted, so he didn't refuse, and raised his glass together.

Yu Qiang on the side smiled happily.

"This wine is worthy of respect, and even more worthy of drinking! Count me in."

Su Chen smiled, clinked glasses with Lao Guo and Yu Qiang and drank it down.

After drinking, the three of them sat down again, feeling invisible, and their relationship seemed to be one step closer.

No one said the words of thanks, but both of them knew in their hearts that there are some things that are not the same when they are spoken out!
"Exactly, Lao Guo, I have something to do with you!"

"Tell me, I'll listen!" Lao Guo tilted his ears, lowered his head slightly, and pretended to be listening attentively.

"Do you remember what I said about the Museum City project?"

"Remember! Why don't you remember? That's a good plan. Once it's done, it's not an exaggeration to say it's great!"

Lao Guo appreciated the Museum City very much.

"Well, that's what I'm talking about, so you should still remember the Tianqiao cross talk I mentioned back then, right?"

When Su Chen introduced the museum city at that time, he said that the museum city of each dynasty must have its own characteristics. In addition to the food and courtyard houses in the Qing Dynasty, Tianqiao artists are definitely one of them.

At the beginning, Lao Guo was very excited about this, but Su Chen remained silent. He thought this matter was hopeless, but he didn't expect Su Chen to bring up the old matter again today, so he couldn't help being a little excited.

"Xiaochen, what do you mean, are you sure you want to add Tianqiao artists to your museum city?"

"It's up to you, Lao Guo. I've built the overpass at the Museum City to ensure the original taste. But whether you can support the overpass depends on you.

The Tianqiao performers in the past practiced real kung fu. Whether it was cross talk juggling or singing and performing arts, they were all real knives and guns, and there was no room for ambiguity. If we do it, we must do the best.

So I want to ask, Lao Guo, can your connections support the flyover? "


Lao Guo replied without hesitation.

After finishing speaking, he explained: "Hey, Xiaochen, you also know that in recent years, traditional arts have gradually declined, and no successor is one of them. The most important thing is that the performance channels are gradually dying. With the closure, many craftsmen of the older generation have lost their jobs. They don't even have jobs, so how can they talk about inheritance?
So sometimes I see it in my eyes and remember it in my heart.

Let me tell you, our country of Hua has a vast land and abundant resources, and what we lack most is capable people, but we lack a stage for display.As long as you can build a flyover and you are popular enough, then I can definitely build an authentic Qing Dynasty flyover for you! "

"Okay! Then this matter is settled like this. Lao Guo, hurry up and get in touch. The first phase of the Museum City will be opened on behalf of the Museum City. The focus of it is food and overpasses. This trembling is very important. You'd better be able to Shoot some programs in advance, it is best to keep pace with the times, in this regard, I believe in you, Lao Guo!"

"Don't worry, this is a major event of inheriting craftsmanship. I will definitely do my best to do it for you! Not to mention anything else, I will let all the cross talk artists of the Deyun Society go to the Tianqiao for a while. The Tianqiao performance is used as a teacher's assessment.

You said a lot, the current stage performances are much worse than in the past. The current performances largely rely on celebrity traffic and popularity, while in the past it was really all based on a fleshy voice , anyone who can get along successfully on the flyover, the basic skills can't go wrong! "

"That's a good idea, Tianqiao Crosstalk! I'm looking forward to what I said, Lao Guo, when the time comes, why don't we go for a walk in disguise? Let's see if we can go back to our old profession?"

"Hahaha, good! This is good! That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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