I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 426 Gu Qingya Goes Crazy

Chapter 426 Gu Qingya Goes Crazy

Su House, West Garden, Su Chen hugged two fairy cats, sitting under the rainbow tree, with colorful leaves piled under his buttocks.

Beside him, Chi Huo lay on his stomach gently, with three heads staring at one direction in a daze.Next to the red fire, two ponies rubbed each other not far away.

Above Su Chen's head, Hai Dongqing and Jin Diao started to look at each other again.

Su Chen lay beside the tree, very comfortable.

At this moment, a fragrant wind hit, and then the two fairy cats were suddenly scared away, and Su Chen's arms were replaced by a beautiful woman.


Zhang Huan lay on Su Chen, obediently like a kitten.

However, Su Chen didn't appreciate it.

"Fuck off!"

"Hey, I said before that I would never leave me for the rest of my life, so let me go now, the man is really a big pig's hoof!"

"Are you okay to say that?"

"Hee hee, oops, isn't that someone joking with you!"

"Hehe! But I don't think it's funny! Humph! Well, well, I was wrong, I accept the punishment, right?"

"Don't do this!" Su Chen said stiffly, and then said: "How do you want to be punished?"

Zhang Huantian licked the corner of his mouth, his small head suddenly crawled to Su Chen's ear, and whispered something.

Su Chen's pupils dilated instantly.

With a "gudong", Su Chen swallowed hard.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, have I lied to you?"

"Just now you played me!"

"Oh, I said it was a joke, why don't you believe it?"

"All right, all right, can't I believe it?"

"Then you forgive me?"

"Look at your performance tonight!"

"Virtue! When has my performance let you down?"

"That's true!" Su Chen's lips parted into a smile, and he calmed down. "But why do I say you are doing this? Typical harming others and benefiting oneself?"

"What can I do? Just to have some fun! Who knows that the eldest sister will also join in the fun."

"Eh? That's right, isn't your eldest sister a lively person? Huanhuan, is there something wrong with your eldest sister?"

"Hmph, now you know how to make people happy? Who told me to get lost just now?"

"Okay, okay, am I wrong?"

"Hee hee, it's pretty much the same! Don't worry, Eldest Sister is fine, she is about to give birth, and you are a little anxious, and you always run out, and you don't care enough for Eldest Sister. Think about it, how long has it been since you cooked delicious food for Eldest Sister yourself?"

Su Chen nodded, then suddenly became suspicious.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?"

Zhang Huan licked his tongue, and said angrily, "Believe it or not! Hmph!"

Su Chen hehe, suddenly lowered his head, and kissed the little thing.

The couple got bored for a while before Su Chen stood up.

"Let's go?"

"Where are you going?" Zhang Huan asked with a blushing face.

"What do you think? To the kitchen, of course. Today, my husband cooks himself!"

"Ah! Great! I'll go with you!"

In the East Garden, Gu Qingya and his daughters are taking a walk.Even if they are pregnant, a few women maintain enough exercise every day.

Pregnant women need to feed, but they are most afraid of being lazy. Many pregnant women are too lazy during pregnancy. Basically, they only eat and sleep. As a result, their physical fitness drops sharply and their resistance is weak. It is easy to cause premature or dystocia, and even lead to the development of the fetus in the belly bad.

Su Chen is a master of Chinese medicine, and he knows these things very well, so even though he feels sorry for the girls, he still asks the girls to walk around every day.

A few girls are not hypocritical people, and even for the sake of children, a few girls will overcome laziness.Even thinking about Zhang Huan, even if she is pregnant, she can't sit still all day long, with a big belly and following Su Chen around.

"Huh? Where's fourth sister and husband?" Guo Xiaoshi asked suddenly.

"I don't know, maybe I'm getting tired of it again!" Tang Qiong pouted.

"Yo! Second sister, you are jealous!"

"Go! Don't provoke me! My husband didn't neglect me, why should I be jealous? I'm just sighing!"

"What are you feeling?" Gu Qingyu asked curiously.

"How did the fourth child get so much energy! Originally, I was the person with the most physical strength and vitality in our family, but after I got pregnant, I became less and less inclined to exercise. The fourth child is uncharacteristically, energetic like a monkey every day! Too Strange!"

"Hey, it's not surprising, I know the reason!"

"What reason?" Even Gu Qingya was curious this time.

"Hee hee, that's because I once showed my fourth sister a piece of comfort. The news said that a rural elder sister gave birth to her child at home because her family was struggling and had no money to hospitalize her. After giving birth, You can even cook a table by yourself!"


"Is there such a thing?"

All the girls were shocked.

"Yeah, it's true, and it's been reported in the news. Afterwards, some expert research showed that the reason why the elder sister gave birth so smoothly was because the elder sister also did farm work every day during pregnancy, and her physical fitness was very good, so the birth The child will be so smooth. Moreover, experts have also studied that pregnant women who often work during pregnancy usually have a smooth and fast delivery process!

Of course, experts also said that although fitness is necessary, scientific fitness and scientific childbirth are more important. You must not do such things as giving birth privately. This is irresponsible for both the pregnant woman and the child! "

"Third Sister! You're off topic!" Gu Qingyu said.

"Oh, hehe, the fourth sister was stimulated by this news, so she is so diligent. I guess she is also afraid of accidents!"

"You still have the nerve to laugh?" Gu Qingya laughed and scolded after hearing this: "The fourth and quintuplets are dangerous, you think it's easy for you to have triplets? Since you know exercise is good, why don't you exercise hard?"

Guo Xiaoshi shrank her neck from being scolded.

"Sister, don't be so fierce! I want to exercise too, but now I'm so tired after exercising, and I want to sleep after exercising. I don't want to become a pig!"

"Becoming a pig is better than dying!" Gu Qingya said: "Sanmei, I know that you have confidence in your husband and think that he can guarantee your safety. But you can't put all your hopes on your husband, he will eventually die Human beings make mistakes sometimes, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

In case, I said in case, your husband is not around when you give birth, what should you do? "

Guo Xiaoshi's face turned pale after listening to it.

Indeed, just like what Gu Qingya said, she has always pinned her hopes on Su Chen. After having Su Chen, she is used to relying on everything. If she hadn't been slapped in the face by Gu Qingya suddenly, she would probably have been "confused" forever!
"Eldest sister, I know I was wrong. Starting tomorrow, I will be busy with fourth sister!"

Only then did Gu Qingya's expression soften.

"Third sister, you have to know what we are raising in our stomachs. I definitely hope that everything goes well, and that my husband can stay by each of us on time, but life is not a program, and there will always be various accidents in life. We must Make all kinds of preparations in advance, no matter what, we can't make fun of lives, let alone these lives are our flesh and blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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