I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 427 Noisy is Life

Chapter 427 Noisy is Life
Being scolded by the elder sister must make her feel bad, but Guo Xiaoshi has no opinion at all.

In the life of the Su family, Gu Qingya's role is not only the eldest sister, but also the role of the mother of the girls.

Gu Qingya never forgot about asking for help, adding clothes and meals.

The girls gradually got used to Gu Qingya's nagging, and even enjoyed it a little bit.

A few girls seem to have returned to their childhood. They don’t need to worry about life every day, they don’t need to work hard for food, clothing, housing and transportation. There is only one daily task-eating, drinking and having fun!
This kind of life is definitely everyone's dream.

So a few girls cherish them all the more.

More importantly, every time Gu Qingya loses her temper, the girls are convinced.

This time too, I just finished scolding Guo Xiaoshi, then put my arms around Guo Xiaoshi's shoulders, looked at Tang Qiong and said, "Second brother, don't be happy, and not only the third sister is pregnant, starting tomorrow, the three of us will exercise together, No one can be absent!"

Tang Qiong's gloating expression froze instantly, and she nodded sullenly in agreement.

Guo Xiaoshi was happy, hugged the elder sister Gu Qingya's arm and said: "I knew, elder sister is the best! Eldest sister, to be honest, you are so kind to us, my own mother treats me nothing more than that! I don't know how to repay you."

Gu Qingya was relieved in her heart, but she said: "Come on, you're so sweet! You and the fourth brother don't make me angry, so you can repay me!"

"Oh, sister, you have wronged me! Every time it is the fourth sister's fault, he is the one who deceives me. I often tell her, let's be honest, let the eldest sister save some time, it is not easy for the eldest sister, But she won't listen."

"Third Guo!"

Zhang Huan's voice suddenly came from behind.

Guo Xiaoshi was startled by fright, then curled her lips, feeling a little regretful!

Zhang Huan ran over with staring eyes, glared at Guo Xiaoshi and said, "Guo Laosan, you are so shameless! You actually spoke ill of me behind my back!"

Guo Xiaoshi rolled her eyes and said: "Okay, are you pregnant with a child? Don't get excited, we two don't know what kind of virtue the elder sister has? I've had a mouthful, so you're the one to take it seriously!"


Gu Qingya was amused by Guo Xiaoshi.

Gu Qingyu stuck out her tongue secretly.

As expected of the Three Realms, he can be so confident in talking behind his back!
After hearing this, Zhang Huan became even angrier.When Guo Xiaoshi said that, he didn't even have a reason to get mad!


Gu Qingya shook her head helplessly and said: "Okay! How old are you, and you are still fighting for the speed of your saliva. You are pregnant, so it's not easy to be overjoyed and sad, calm down!"

Zhang Huan pouted. "No, I can't swallow this breath! Guo Laosan is too deceitful!"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted. "Okay, it's almost done? Do you really think I don't know what you said about me to your husband?"

Zhang Huan was speechless when he heard it.

Feeling guilty, I hurriedly changed the subject: "Ahem, what kind of big sister, my husband called us back for dinner!"

"Huh?" Guo Xiaoshi instantly realized something was wrong. "Okay, Zhang Lao Si, I just blasted you, but you are really guilty? Tell me honestly, how did you slander me behind my back in front of my husband?"

"Oh, what are you talking about? I don't understand! My husband told me to eat, let's go!"

"Lao Zhang, don't go, I'll never end with you!"

"Guo Laosan, don't run away, you are crazy, and you are still pregnant with a child!"

"Then you stop!"

"I do not!"

"Then I'll run!"

"You are shameless!"

"You speak ill of me behind my back, aren't you shameless?"

"You still said me?"

"I was joking!"

"How do you know I'm not joking?"

"I knew it, you stop, I'm not finished with you!"

"No! I won't talk to you anymore, my husband has stewed Buddha jumping over the wall, so I'll go first!"

"What, Buddha jumps over the wall? Ziliu! Zhang Laosi, wait for me! Let's go together! Don't eat alone!"

Seeing Zhang Huan and Guo Xiaoshi jumping up and down, Gu Qingya felt both helpless and warm.

These two girls usually make her worry a lot, but she also has to admit that if Su Zhai didn't have these two pistachios, the house would become extremely deserted, and the smell of home would be at least [-]% weaker!
Perhaps, being noisy is the real life.

Su Chen really worked hard!

Cooking a table of dishes is all time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is a big dish that tests the chef's skills.

Buddha jumping over the wall, boiled cabbage, steamed puffer fish, drunken shrimp, smoked chicken, roast duck, etc., there are all kinds of specialties from all over the world!

Seeing a table of dishes, Guo Laosan and Zhang Laosi's eyes lit up with excitement.

Afterwards, when they arrived at Gu Qingya and Tang Qiong, they were also very pleasantly surprised, their eyes looking at Su Chen were extraordinarily soft!

While Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, there was also an apology in his heart.

During this period of time, he was indeed a little drifting, busy with various things, but neglected his family.

For Su Chen, this is putting the cart before the horse.

He decided at the beginning that he wanted to live a relaxed and happy family life, and his career was just an ideal, which he could do, but he could not delay his happy time.

That's why he desperately collected talents, and then delegated power to the greatest extent.

That's what it was for, but a museum made him feel a little flustered, ignoring his life.

When Su Chen was cooking, he was reviewing, he took too much care of himself.

It's just a museum, and I just need to provide creative ideas. In fact, he doesn't need to worry about the specific operations. The people below are more experienced than him. Without him pointing fingers, maybe they will do better!
After thinking about this, Su Chen became indifferent and relaxed.

There are no rules in the family, the dishes are ready, wait for Su Chen to be seated first, and then the girls will sit down!
"Honey, it's rare for you to cook next time, let's say a few words!"

Sitting beside Su Chen, Gu Qingya said softly.

The other women all looked at Su Chen seriously.

No matter how they quarrel with Su Chen, how hypocritical they are with Su Chen, no matter how strong the elder sister Gu Qingya is at home.

But there is one thing that all the girls in the family have in common, that is, Su Chen is the pillar of the family!

Anyone can be missing in this family, but only Su Chen can't be missing!

They were able to come together because of Su Chen, and it was because of Su Chen that they could live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

Therefore, for Su Chen, the girls love and respect Su Chen at all times.

Now that Su Chen was going to speak, all the girls listened attentively, even Guo Lao San and Zhang Lao Si, who were always joking, looked serious.

Looking at Yingying Yanyan at the table, Su Chen really had a lot of emotion in his heart, and he did have a lot to say.

After scanning the girls around, Su Chen said in a relaxed tone: "In the afternoon, I asked the third child, I said, is the eldest sister in a bad mood recently?"

When Gu Qingya heard this, she was moved and held Su Chen's hand. She didn't expect that such a slight change in her mood would be noticed by Su Chen, which shows how much Su Chen usually cares about her!
"I asked the third child if the eldest sister was angry with me. The third child said, the eldest sister is fine, but she is about to give birth, and she is a little anxious. You always run out and don't care enough for the eldest sister. Think about how long it has been since you gave birth to the eldest sister in person. Ready to eat?

This sentence woke me up all of a sudden! "

(End of this chapter)

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