Chapter 441

In the private room upstairs, after Su Chen and the two elders came back, they ate normally, and no one mentioned what happened just now.

But in fact, everyone knows it well.

All the girls simply think that Su Chen is so handsome.

To be honest, Su Chen in the video just now is really super handsome, at least in the eyes of the girls.

After all, such a secure husband is really rare in the world.

As Su Chen's wives, they don't seem to need to worry about anything, and Su Chen can stand up for them in any trouble.Not only that, when they were wronged, Su Chen could vent their anger on them.

Such a husband is worth money.

After watching the video, Jiang Yan immediately felt a feeling of no regrets in this life.

Only then did she gradually realize that being able to be with Su Chen is definitely not wronging herself, but a kind of happiness that can make others jealous.

Gradually, Jiang Yan has completely transformed into Su Chen.

As for the others, their ideas are not as rich as those of the girls.

No way, they all know Su Chen. To Su Chen, today's incident is really just a small scene, and there is no need to worry about it.

Even Gu's father is very relaxed, he is very aware of the energy of his son-in-law, so he is not worried at all.

Therefore, under the tacit agreement, no one mentioned this matter again.

Until, the boss of Zhimeizhai knocked on the door and came in to report the situation.

Su Chen didn't want to hide it from anyone, so he asked the manager to report back on the spot.

"How? Did they pay?"

The manager's expression was a bit complicated, as if he couldn't laugh or cry. "No, they fought in the hall. They have been taken away by the police now!"

"What?" Su Chen was stunned.

Not only Su Chen, but others were also stunned.

Can't figure out what happened.

Father Gu asked Su Chen ignorantly, "Xiao Chen, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything? I just asked them to buy the bill for the private room."

When everyone heard the words, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but felt very vented.

Those people are obviously cheating people, and it is reasonable to ask them to pay the bill.

But it's just a purchase order, why did the fight start?
Old Wu asked puzzledly.

Su Chen shrugged and looked at the manager.

The manager hastily explained: "That's right. They spent a total of 300 million yuan on that table, and after the discount it was 270 million yuan. Because those people were invited by Professor Sun Qing, they all wanted Professor Sun Qing to pay for it himself." .Professor Sun Qing refused, and advocated an equal share, only willing to pay his own 27 yuan.

Then they quarreled, and they started fighting after arguing! "

Su Chen: "."

Everyone: "!!!!"

The people who heard this also couldn't laugh or cry.

Father Gu was a little puzzled. "That table is worth 300 million yuan? Is it that expensive?"

Without Su Chen's explanation, the manager took the initiative to repeat what he said before.

Everyone suddenly realized, and then looked a little emotional.

Mr. Wu looked a little complicated, and sighed: "This time, the old grandson has been defeated. If he pays all the money, he may be able to win some friends. Even if something happens to him in the future, he will not betray his relatives.

But now, hey, I guess his reputation will be completely stink in the future!
As for other people, it's the same, 27. It is estimated that many people can't even afford [-] at home. "

Mr. Wu was talking, looking at Su Chen from time to time.

Su Chen knew that Mr. Wu was indirectly interceding for those people.

But Su Chen didn't respond.

Seeing this, Father Gu couldn't bear it, and persuaded him: "Xiao Chen, why don't you just forgive me and forgive me!"

Hearing this, Su Chen put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "Dad! It's not that I'm stingy, but some people, if you don't teach them a lesson, they won't change their past. And these are the retribution they deserve. I don't I believe this is the only time they have a meal with Sun Qing. I guess they have eaten and drank with Sun Qing before. Since they want to take advantage, they have to be prepared to suffer big losses in the future.

And personally, I hate the word let bygones be bygones, it's so hypocritical.In comparison, I prefer the feng shui rotation!Turn to death! "

Gu Qingya took a bite of food for Gu's father and said, "Dad, don't worry about these things."

Seeing this, Father Gu stopped talking.

Father Gu could see that Gu Qingya was a little unhappy.

Indeed, Su Chen was venting his anger on him, but he regretted it first.This is his own son-in-law. If he were someone else, he would complain that Gu's father was not authentic.

Gu's father knew he was wrong, so he took a sip of muffled wine.

Seeing this, Lao Guo rarely said:
"Repaying grievances with kindness, how can we repay kindness? Some things, forbearance will make progress for a while, and take a step back to make things worse. Brother, these things, just look at them!"

After hearing this, Father Gu looked at Lao Guo and sighed.

The same is true for Mr. Wu, who took a sip of the wine and stopped talking.

Seeing Gu's father put down, Su Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, and then directly ordered: "Go down, do things according to the rules, no matter what they decide, our debt must be settled by them, not even a penny!"


The manager left after speaking!

Both Mr. Wu and Father Gu were in a bad mood, as if certain complexes in their hearts had been destroyed.So I drank the stuffed wine one cup after another.

Su Chen originally wanted to persuade him, but then he thought about it, if he was in a bad mood, it would be good to get drunk, anyway, with him around, he would not be afraid of physical problems for the two elders.

Except for the two elders, everyone else is in a good mood.

Especially the girls, after seeing Su Chen's supernatural power, the girls can hardly hide their love for Su Chen.

It has to be said that this strong sense of security can really make women intoxicated.

In addition, today's table full of Chinese people is really super delicious. When the girls are in a good mood, they will have a big appetite and enjoy eating.Everyone has a smile on their face.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the girls, Su Chen was also very satisfied.

Didn't he work so hard just to see this scene?

What state affairs?What business?How can it be important to have your own wife?

After dinner, the girls teamed up to play

Su Chen and Jiang Yan broadcast live together. They have no choice but to dig a hole by themselves, and they have to do it if they don't want to!
This is the price he should pay for picking up girls.

But anyway, it's my own business, so it's worth being busy.

In the afternoon, Su Chen broadcasted live for three hours, but he fulfilled his agreement and sent out a full 500 million online red envelopes. Seven people directly became ten thousand yuan households by grabbing red envelopes, which made the live broadcast room full of sourness.

Of course, more importantly, Su Chen's live broadcast in the afternoon was Entertainment City.The focus is on the Eighth Building and the overpass.Needless to say, the Eighth Building caused a group of foodies to drool online, crying and clamoring for tickets.

And Tianqiao's performance did not disappoint Su Chen, Xiao Yueyue's basic skills were indeed solid.

Even if it is not in the small theater, even in Tianqiao, Xiao Yueyue still speaks well, and has received a lot of praise.

There may be a bonus of Xiao Yueyue's popularity here, but more of it is Xiao Yueyue's good words, which retain people purely by his works.

Because they were all disguised and put on makeup when they came out, unless they were hardcore true fans, they would basically be unrecognizable.

Even so, Yue Yunpeng and Sun Yue made Tianqiao the busiest place in the entertainment city, bar none.

(End of this chapter)

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