Chapter 442

The museum shocked the entire cultural world, and the entertainment city shocked the entire Huaguo!

For a day, the entire Huaguo was full of discussions about the Star Museum and the entertainment city's full banquet.Su Chen didn't pay much attention to the follow-up, but he knew that the model of Star Museum City had already succeeded by one-third.

In the afternoon, after the live broadcast, Su Chen took the girls home.All the girls are pregnant, they are already tired from playing today and need to rest.

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Yan also agreed to go home with Su Chen, and she did not force it at all, and even looked forward to it.

So Su Chen didn't go home with the girls, he and Jiang Yan had to go back to Zi Mansion to pick up their luggage.

In the Purple Mansion, Jiang Yan's room was arranged by Su Chen, it was definitely the best, and the living conditions were almost catching up to the level of Su's master bedroom.

As soon as the door is opened, it is full of girlish style. This is the characteristic theme room of Zifu. There are not many such rooms in Zifu, and each one is very popular.

It is worth mentioning that Su Chen did not have an exclusive room in the Zifu because the Zifu was located in the imperial capital.Anyway, in the imperial capital, he basically would not stay overnight in the Purple Mansion, it would be too wasteful to ask for an exclusive room.

Su Chen often enters the girl's boudoir, but it has to be said that every time he enters, he can find the feeling of first love.

Especially seeing some small clothes on the bed can arouse some emotions in Su Chen.

Jiang Yan noticed something wrong in Su Chen's eyes in time, and at first he was a little scared and resistant.But then she thought about it.It's all a matter of time, and she can't even avoid it.And speaking from the bottom of her heart, Jiang Yan actually already had feelings for Su Chen.Not only men are lustful, women are also lustful.

Therefore, in this room, the right time and place are perfect, handsome men and beautiful women do not fully understand each other, such a thunderous fire, naturally a symphony will be played.

However, perhaps because of his obsession with cleanliness, and also out of respect for Jiang Yan, Su Chen still held back at the critical moment.

At first, Jiang Yan thought that Su Chen disliked her, so her face turned pale with fright.

Fortunately, Su Chen explained in time that she would only be wanted tonight, at the Su family, after he was fully prepared.

Jiang Yan was greatly moved by Su Chen's caring, and her love for Su Chen also soared to the limit.

After a while, the two again.
After repeated tossing like this, the ACFTU turned off at a critical moment, and no one could stand it.

In the end, Su Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and ran out of the room, letting Jiang Yan clean up by herself.

It's no wonder that Su Chen's concentration is poor, it's because Jiang Yan is really attractive. In terms of figure, among the six girls in the family, only Tang Qiong can compare with Jiang Yan, but compared to Tang Qiong, Jiang Yan's whole body is exuded from the bottom of her body. With a charming force, Su Chen looked at Jiang Yan, as if King Zhou met Su Daji and had no resistance.

I have to say that if Jiang Yan is a goblin, then she must be a fox.

After smoking three cigarettes outside, Su Chen recovered.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Yan finally came out with her luggage.

Su Chen rushed to meet her, but when he saw Jiang Yan, he felt that something was wrong with her.

Su Chen hurriedly said: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yan hesitated to speak.

Su Chen smiled, rubbed Jiang Yan's head and said, "Aren't you used to your identity yet? Although you don't have a title yet, you are my wife now, no different from them. You have to Adapt as soon as possible. And as a husband, I am obliged to help you solve any difficulties you have, just like the girls in the family, they never hide from me no matter what they have, whether it is their own life trivial matters, or the big and small things of relatives at home , Don't hide anything from me.

And I will not hide anything from you. Being honest with each other is the most important family rule of our Su family, and no one can break it.

Understand? "

"Be honest with each other?" Jiang Yan's eyes sparkled: "Can you really be honest with each other?"

"It's not you, it's us. Even if I answer this question, you won't believe it. You can use your whole life to test the answer."

"Well, I believe you!"

Jiang Yan suddenly smiled with relief.

"Now can we tell what happened?"

"Well, but don't worry, let's go back to the car first, it's inconvenient to say here."

This time Su Chen didn't refuse, carrying Jiang Yan's luggage, the two came to the underground parking lot, and threw the luggage into the car.

What Su Chen made was the Azure Dragon that Wu Qing gave him, and Gao Qing drove in front.However, Su Chen did not turn on the special effects on the surface of the car.

That was too high-profile, Su Chen didn't like it.

In the car, Jiang Yan sat in Su Chen's arms naturally, the two whispered each other's ears, and Jiang Yan finally expressed her troubles.

It's really not that big of a deal.

Jiang Yan has an elder sister, a biological elder sister, who lives in the capital because her husband is from the capital.

That's right, sister Jiang Yan is married, and her children are 11 years old, and they are in the fifth grade of elementary school.Sister Jiang Yan and her husband are ordinary migrant workers and are usually very busy. Jiang Yan's mother often comes to the capital to take care of the children.

Sometimes when Jiang Yan came to the imperial capital, she would also help take care of her.Taking care of the children is not troublesome, and sister Jiang Yan's son is very sensible and obedient, so there is no need for sister Jiang Yan to worry about it.

But it's the children's schools that bother them.

Jiang Yan's sister's child is relatively introverted. The child has always been good at studying, but for some reason, since the third grade of elementary school, the child's academic performance suddenly dropped sharply, and the performance dropped sharply.

For this reason, the teachers at the school went to the parents again and again, because the child's current grades have already delayed the performance of the whole class and affected the teacher's performance. How can the teacher not be in a hurry?
For this matter, sister Jiang Yan and her husband took time off to go to school, but they couldn't solve any problems.

As a result, the teacher often criticized Jiang Yan's sister and her husband by name in the parent group.

This time it was the child again.

The child's monthly test score was the bottom one again, and the teacher started looking for parents again.

But unfortunately, the child's grandma, Jiang Yan's mother, returned to Shanghai a few years ago, and she hasn't come back yet.And Jiang Yan's father went on a business trip again. It's been three months and he hasn't come back yet.

Jiang Yan's sister is also a small employee of the company. Now the task is heavy at the beginning of the year. The leader has issued a deadly order not to ask for leave. Jiang Yan's sister has asked for leave too many times before. This time the task is too heavy. If she asks for leave again, she may be fired. No Way, sister Jiang Yan heard that Jiang Yan was in the imperial capital, so she could only ask her for help.

Su Chen was a little silent after listening.It's really not a big deal. In the final analysis, it's a problem of children's learning. It's not a big deal.

But for some reason, after listening to Jiang Yan's narration, Su Chen always felt that something was wrong, and Su Chen still had an inexplicable irritability in his heart.Not upset about it, but upset about my child's school.

At least Su Chen had a bad impression of the child's class teacher, even though the two hadn't met yet.

"When are you going?" Su Chen asked.

"tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, then I will accompany you!"

"Hee hee, thank you husband!"

"Don't say thank you to me, our family doesn't have such rules!"

"I know, I won't talk about it in the future!" Jiang Yan smiled very sweetly!
(End of this chapter)

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