I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 443 Good Man Su Chen!The two living treasures are looking forward to!

Chapter 443 Good Man Su Chen!The two living treasures are looking forward to!
The white water and the river enter the nest at night, and the luxuriant grass meets the flood.The fish and the dragon danced all night, and the flowers bloomed differently.

After one night, the six members of the Su family became seven members.

Things went smoothly last night, and there were almost no twists and turns.

Even though he was tossing late last night, Su Chen still got up early.

Last night, he and Jiang Yan slept in the room where Guo Xiaoshi used to live. After all, it was the first time. It is impossible to let Jiang Yan go directly to the master bedroom, it is inappropriate!
Jiang Yan was not used to it either.

After getting up, Su Chen exercised in the yard, went to the East Garden to play with the little ones for a while, and then returned to the master bedroom, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and changed into new clothes.

All the girls in the master bedroom didn't get up, and they were sitting on the big bed in their pajamas and quilts to play mahjong.

After Su Chen entered the room, seeing this scene, he couldn't help but laugh.

"What's the situation with you? Don't plan to get up?"

"I'm sorry!" Guo Xiaoshi replied: "We were too tired from playing yesterday, today we decided not to get up, and just played mahjong on the bed."

When Su Chen came to the boat, he naturally put his hand on the stomach of the only Gu Qingya who was not playing cards, and helped him gently massage to relieve his body and mind.

Then at the same time: "Then have you washed your face?"

"Of course we did! We just didn't change our clothes!"

"That's it!" Su Chen nodded without saying anything.

Generally speaking, he never interferes with the lives of the girls. Basically, the girls can do whatever they want. If they are tired, he doesn’t care even if they lie on the bed for three days and three nights. Anyway, with him around, the girls don’t need to worry about their health. There is no financial crisis at home, so as long as the girls are happy, Su Chen will support everything.

The same goes for playing mahjong, as long as you don't get addicted to gambling, you can play mahjong casually, and Su Chen agrees with both hands.

"Where is Fifth Sister?" Gu Qingyu asked suddenly.

Su Chen was happy. "You call it fluently."

"Hee hee, of course, I am finally not the youngest in the family!"

"Lao Wu was too tired yesterday, he was still sleeping!"

The girls were startled. "Husband, didn't you go back to full fire last night?"

Su Chen's fighting power is very clear to the girls. Under normal circumstances, any one of the girls fighting alone is no match for Su Chen, and the two can barely even.

But it was the first time for the fifth child. If Su Chen fired all his firepower, he would have to be tossed to death.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Am I the kind of person who doesn't care about fragrance and cherish jade?"

When Su Chen said this, the girls did not refute.

There is no way to refute, Su Chen has definitely done a good job on this point, not to mention anything else, the girls in the family are almost spoiled by Su Chen.Su Chen's indulgent attitude towards the girls, even Gu's father and mother couldn't stand it, and several times advised Su Chen not to get too used to the girls.

A few girls can be sure that no matter whether he is among the rich or the handsome men, Su Chen is definitely the one who dotes on his wife the most, not one of them.

They can be considered to have made countless friends, and they are basically in the rich circle and the beautiful circle. The girlfriends of a few girls are either rich, high-ranking officials, or handsome business elites.The girls often chat with them, but after so long, the girls haven't found anyone who is gentler than Su Chen.

Most of these women's husbands are playboys, at least 70.00%, basically all have lovers, and they all do it behind their backs.That's all, these people raise their children outside, and they don't treat them well when they go home.Some people simply do it themselves, living in the dark every day, leading a cautious life, and basically do not have much real happiness.

It was only after comparing with them that they realized how good and rare Su Chen is. It can be said that a man like Su Chen is God's best masterpiece. up.

Because any woman, alone, cannot stand Su Chen's favor, no matter in terms of fate or body.

A man like Su Chen is destined not to be possessed by a woman alone.

So the girls cherish their current life extremely, and Su Chen even more.

"Honey, do you have any plans for today?" Gu Qingya asked casually.

"Really, go to the parents' meeting with the fifth child!"

"What?" All the girls were dumbfounded!Lao Wu has a child?impossible?
Seeing the expressions of the girls, Su Chen guessed that the girls were thinking too much, and said speechlessly, "What are you thinking? It's the fifth sister's child!"

"Bad! Boring!"

Su Chen: "."

These silly daughters-in-law are getting more and more corrupt.

Jiang Yan got up very late, and when she got up in the morning, she couldn't walk well, so Su Chen carried her from the wing room to the master bedroom to have dinner together.

After eating, seeing Jiang Yan like this, Su Chen couldn't help but frowned and said, "Can you go now? How about I go by myself!"

"No, that kid Feiyang is very introverted. If I don't go, he might not dare to recognize you."

"Okay!" Su Chen thought for a while, and searched for an ointment in the system space.

Jiang Yan shyly went to the bathroom to apply the medicine. After she came out, she was able to walk slowly. It seemed that the medicine was effective.

Speaking of it, this is also a matter of personal physique.It was the first time, Tang Qiong was alive and kicking like a normal person the next day, and the other girls were not serious either.Just Jiang Yan, as if her legs had been cut, she struggled even to walk.

Just when Su Chen was getting ready, Fatty Yu and Su Pan, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, came to the door together.

"Boss, have you eaten yet?"

As soon as he entered the hospital, Fatty Yu shouted loudly.

"After eating, why don't you check what time it is? Did you have breakfast?" Su Chen gave Fatty Yu a blank look, and said angrily.

"Fatty, it's up to you. I told you last night to go to bed early and go to bed early, but you didn't go to bed. Did you wake up late this morning? You didn't even have breakfast!"

Su Chen had a weird look on his face. "Did you two sleep together yesterday?"

"That's right! Oh, boss, you're thinking too much, we've been playing games together all night!"

Su Chen was speechless. "Okay, it just so happens that you two are here, come with me."

"Where are you going? I can do anything, it just so happens that I have nothing to do today!"

Su Pan curled his lips and said, "Speak as if you are usually busy!"

"Za Pan, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, both of you, I'll give you 15 minutes to go to the kitchen to settle the good morning, don't wait when it's too late!"

"Emma, ​​boss, just wait for your words, 15 minutes is enough. Lao Hong, get me fifty garlic oysters!"

"One hundred, fifty is not enough." Su Pan said hastily.

Su Chen scratched his head, he always felt that these two people were not playing a game last night
After another toss, the four of them finally went out at nine o'clock.

Fortunately, there was no reminder from the school, as long as it passed today.

The four of them sat together today. Su Chen drove the Shenlong. The rear compartment of the Shenlong is large enough, like a small car, with two rows of large sofas. Even if there are ten people, this car will not be crowded!
(End of this chapter)

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