Chapter 445
"No, no, no, no... no, that, that, that... that... old... old... Boss, I'm... I'm going to retreat now, don't be angry!"

Fatty Yu was sweating profusely in the winter, it seemed that he was really anxious.

Seeing this, Su Chen softened his heart, knowing that it was a bit too much just now.But Fatty Yu's situation forced him to say that.

He didn't even know that Fatty Yu would one day swell, and he swelled so much that he began to ignore the law.

It's not that Su Chen is impulsive and serious, but that he has wisdom eyes. He was afraid of misunderstanding Fatty just now, so he specially activated his wisdom eyes to look.

Name: Yu Shuiliang

Friendship: life and death friends (100%)


Abnormality: Slightly inflated heart, weak legal awareness, and may commit illegal acts at any time. (Hint: May be bewitched.)

Su Chen has evolved the smart eye several times, and now it has many functions, and can see more data. If you list it in detail, you can make a personal file and directly enter the national intelligence database.

Su Chen only paid attention to the key points. Fatty Yu really had a problem, so Su Chen paid so much attention to it.

Seeing Fatty's anxious look, Su Chen couldn't bear it. His feelings for Fatty were not fake, and Fatty really regarded him as a life-and-death friend. Every friend like this, Su Chen cherished it very much.

So the more you cherish it, the more Su Chen wants to save Fatty.

"Fatty, it's not the purpose for you to retreat. The key is whether you can change it. Come to me in a month. If you still don't wake up, then don't blame me."

Fatty Yu nodded decadently, without saying anything.

Su Pan, on the other hand, seemed to want to say something, then opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"You guys go home when I get out of school!"

The two nodded together!

Su Chen also specially checked Su Pan. Fortunately, Su Pan is fine and normal.

Along the way, the atmosphere was a little depressing.

Finally, school arrived.

Qingli Primary School, the school looks very good, the scale is not small, the facilities are complete, the teaching building is also very new, and the decoration is very high-end.

Jiang Yan is much better, the pain is not so bad, and she can walk by herself.

Jiang Yan has been here several times and is very familiar with this place.He took Su Chen and Su Pan upstairs directly.

Fatty Yu and Gao Qing stayed in the car, Fatty was emotionally unstable, Su Chen didn't let him get off, don't scare the child anymore.

The three of them went straight to Teacher Yu Feiyang's office, and Yu Feiyang was Jiang Yan's nephew.

"Mr. Li, hello."

Jiang Yan knocked on the door and entered the room with a smile on her face.

The person called Teacher Li was a middle-aged woman named Li Qin.

When Li Qin heard someone calling her, she turned her head and saw that it was her parents, her face was overjoyed, then she first looked at Jiang Yan's hand, seeing that Jiang Yan came empty-handed, she was a little displeased, so she looked up again Jiang Yan, recognized Jiang Yan's identity, her expression instantly dropped, with a cold face, seemed very upset?

Su Chen's eyes changed, and then he looked back at Su Pan calmly.

Su Pan nodded at Su Chen.

Su Chen felt that something was wrong yesterday, so before leaving today, he specially prepared a miniature camera for Su Pan to carry close to him.

Just now when Su Chen watched Su Pan, he just checked with him whether to record or not.

Here Jiang Yan didn't know that Su Chen had made preparations, and didn't even feel that there was anything wrong, so she continued to be polite to the teacher.

"Teacher, I'm really sorry to trouble you again."

Li Qin gave Jiang Yan a blank look, and said annoyedly: "If you know you are embarrassed, discipline your children well, look, this monthly exam is the bottom one again.

I said to Yu Feiyang's parents, whether your children can study or not, if they can't study, they should drop out of school early, so that they don't learn well by themselves and affect the grades of other students in the class. "

Jiang Yan's expression froze for a moment, and she was a little overwhelmed by the words.

After all, Jiang Yan is still too young, how can she be the opponent of Li Qin, a middle-aged teacher?In a few words, he was fooled.

Li Qin had to be unforgiving, and then chattered endlessly: "And you are irresponsible as parents. How many times have I told you in the parent group, why didn't you correct Yu Feiyang's homework? Why didn't you do it for him? Pre-class tutoring? When I was in class, I asked questions and didn’t know what to do, so I obviously didn’t do a good job of pre-class tutoring.

With your attitude, how can you take care of your children? "

Jiang Yan blushed when she was told.

Su Chen couldn't listen anymore, if it wasn't for the evidence, he wouldn't be able to bear it now.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that he is good at nourishing Qi recently, Su Chen would have slapped him by now.

Why, as a teacher of the people, he can't even speak a word of human speech.

Su Chen pulled Jiang Yan into his life, came to Li Qin by himself, and looked at him expressionlessly.

"What do you say about parents raising children, you..." Li Qin was about to continue, but suddenly felt that his eyes dimmed, and there was a change in front of him.

Looking up, seeing Su Chen, Li Qin showed a shy expression. "Yo, this handsome guy is new to me, may I ask who you are?"

"I am her husband."

Su Chen pointed to Jiang Yan.

Li Qin's expression turned cold again.

"What a good piece of grass was eaten by a donkey!"

"What did you say?"

Su Chen's face turned cold instantly, and he stared at Li Qin extremely sharply. "Apologize!"

Li Qin pouted. "What did I say? Why do I apologize? Who are you? You're here to dictate."

Su Chen took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

Glancing at Li Qin, he turned his head, looked at Su Pan and said, "Xiao Pan, let someone call the principal of this school."

Su Chen will not argue with Li Qin personally, she is not worthy!

Su Pan nodded and turned to go out.

After listening to Su Chen's words, Li Qin smiled disdainfully. "You can really pretend, you're still called the principal, who do you think you are?"

Su Chen didn't bother to talk to Li Qin at all, and dragged Jiang Yan, who was a little dazed, out.

"Come on, let's go out and wait."

Jiang Yan was still a little uncomfortable. "Honey, who did Su Pan call?"

"It should be the top of the Education Bureau."

"Ah? Education Bureau?" Jiang Yan's expression changed. "Husband, isn't the trouble too big?"

Su Chen put his arms around Jiang Yan's shoulders, and comforted him: "Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely not let you be wronged, and this matter is not as simple as you think."

Jiang Yan looked up at Su Chen, feeling turbulent in her heart, she was just an ordinary person, she would lose money and apologize at most when encountering troubles, and she had never turned against anyone.

But what about today?For her sake, Su Chen actually directly alarmed the government departments. Jiang Yan had never dared to think of such boldness before. Even now, she still feels a little uncomfortable.

But Jiang Yan has to admit that this sense of security is really good and fascinating.

Maybe I really made the most correct decision in my life this time.

Looking at Su Chen, Jiang Yan's eyes were full of tenderness.

The tension that Li Qin brought to her before also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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