Chapter 446
Qingli Primary School, Principal's Office.

A thin, middle-aged man was sitting at his desk...reading a novel.

The middle-aged man is officially the principal of Qingli Primary School. His name is Zhao Ping, a somewhat feminine name.Reading online novels is the principal's personal hobby.

Zhao Ping has been an excellent principal for three consecutive years. Every year, at least half of the fresh graduates enter the key middle schools in the capital. For this reason, Zhao Ping has been named and praised by the superiors many times.

There are even rumors that as long as he wins another outstanding principal, he has the hope of being promoted to the principal of the key high school in the capital.It even manages the high school.

As for the excellent principal, Zhao Ping is very confident, not only because he has someone above him, but also because Qingli Middle School is under his management, and the enrollment rate of key middle schools is indeed increasing year by year.

Thinking of becoming the principal of the senior high school in the future, Zhao Ping is extremely looking forward to it.At that time, not to mention the increase in power, the quality of school teachers will also rise several levels. How is it like now?When I have fire, I can only look for Li Qin.

In terms of appearance, Li Qin is not considered a beauty at all, but her figure is not bad. If you don't look at her face, she is still very good.

Zhao Ping loves to read novels very much, and just when she saw BT, uh, at a critical moment, a phone call came in suddenly.

Zhao Ping frowned fiercely, she was so disappointed.

But after seeing the caller's information, Zhao Ping's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly answered the phone.

"Hello? Director Hu, I'm Xiao Zhao. Are you calling to order something?"

There was an extremely serious voice on the other side of the phone.

"Zhao Ping, are you at school?"

"Yes, isn't it working hours? I'm definitely here!"

"Okay, as long as you are here. You... Forget it, you wait for me at the school gate now, I will be there in 5 minutes."

"Ah? Master, are you coming?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about it after we meet. Zhao Ping, you should be mentally prepared! This time you will have trouble!"


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Zhao Ping's expression changed again and again.

I'm in trouble?
No, I haven't done anything wrong recently, have I?Could it be that the matter with Li Qin was exposed?
No reason!

Not daring to be negligent, Zhao Ping tidied up hastily, then put on her coat, and hurried out.


At the school gate, an Audi car came galloping.

After a while, a middle-aged man got out of the car.

He has a round face, a big back, a neat suit, and a serious demeanor.

Nonsense, director of a certain department of the Education Bureau.

As soon as Zhao Ping saw Hu Yan, she rushed to meet him.

"Director Hu, what happened?"

Hu Yan cast a glance at Zhao Ping and said, "Principal Zhao, should I ask you this?"

Zhao Ping was stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "Director, don't be fooled, you don't know who I am? I really don't know what happened."

Nonsense stopped. "It's not your fault?"

Zhao Ping smiled wryly again, and said: "Director, how could it be me? Think about it, even if I want to cause trouble, I won't cause trouble at such a critical moment, right?"

"It's better not you, otherwise, no one can keep you today."

"Director, what happened?"

"Just now, my big leader called me personally, saying that there is a big man in your school. It is said that the big man is very upset. Let me come here to check."
"Big man? Who? How old?"

"Don't worry about this, you just need to know that this person can't even be provoked by my big leader."

"What? No way?"

Hu Yan sneered and walked forward quickly.


In the teaching building, Hu Yan and Zhao Ping finally caught up, and they saw Su Chen from a long distance.

Su Chen's temperament is very unique, there is no need to confirm it at all, just nonsense, he knows that Su Chen is that big shot.

"Hello, my name is Hu Yan, and I am the director of the Education Bureau."

"Hello, I'm Zhao Ping, the principal of the school."

Su Chen didn't get up, nor did he shake hands with the two.It made the two of them very embarrassed.

"Principal, why are you down?"

Coincidentally, Li Qin came out, saw Zhao Ping, and asked in surprise.

Zhao Ping is full of anger now, how can she care about Li Qin?
However, Su Chen spoke.

"She's also the person involved, so take her with you. Yanyan, let's go find Feiyang?"

Su Chen first gave Su Pan some instructions, then put his arms around Jiang Yan and walked towards the class area.

How dare Hu Yan and Zhao Ping be negligent?hurriedly followed.

Jiang Yan took Su Chen to the fifth grade classroom with ease.

The classroom is in session at the moment.

Su Chen directly summoned Yu Feiyang as the parent.

Yu Feiyang is thin and small.

Su Chen pulled Yu Feiyang to a place where no one was around, Jiang Yan, Su Pan, and Hu Yan, Zhao Ping and Li Qin followed up separately.

"Feiyang, I'm your uncle."

Su Chen introduced himself.

"Uncle?" Yu Feiyang turned to look at Jiang Yan.

Seeing Jiang Yan nodding, Yu Feiyang turned his head and said seriously: "Hello, Uncle."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Then look again, who am I?"

Yu Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Su Chen carefully, and said with some uncertainty, "Are you Boss Su?"

"Yes, you still know me. I am Su Chen."

Hearing this, Yu Feiyang finally smiled, with a little excitement on his expression. "Are you really Boss Su?"

Su Chen nodded.

"Or my uncle?"

Su Chen nodded again.

"Yeah, that's great."

"Feiyang, since you know me, you know what I do, right?"

"I know, you are the boss Su!"

Looking at Su Chen, he was a little uncertain: "Are you Boss Su?"

"Yes, you still know me. I am Su Chen."

Hearing this, Yu Feiyang finally smiled, with a little excitement on his expression. "Are you really Boss Su?"

Su Chen nodded.

"Or my uncle?"

Su Chen nodded again.

"Yeah, that's great."

"Feiyang, since you know me, you know what I do, right?"

"I know, you are the boss Su!"

"What's the mess? But the boss Su is the boss Su. Feiyang, did you see those two? One of them is your principal, and the other is your principal's leader. I'm here today to make decisions for you.

Feiyang, I heard that you have been doing well in your studies before, why did you suddenly change, and you don’t like studying anymore?

What the hell happened?You tell your uncle, and your uncle decides for you. "

After hearing this, Yu Feiyang's expression changed drastically, then he looked at Su Chen, and suddenly said, "Uncle, can you really protect me? I'm afraid of being beaten."

As soon as these words came out, not only Su Chen and Jiang Yan's expressions changed drastically, but even Zhao Ping and Hu Yan's expressions changed drastically in shock!
At this time, everyone thought of one word at the same time - school violence!
This problem is too serious. If it is true, it will definitely cause an uproar. You know, this is not the past. Dare to take the lead, let alone campus violence!
(End of this chapter)

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