Chapter 458

Among the villas of the Yan family, in the largest villa in the center, Su Chen and Mr. Yan had a happy conversation in the living room

It is true that we had a very happy conversation. Mr. Yan seems to appreciate Su Chen very much, and his words are extremely polite, without any hypocrisy or hypocrisy. Mr. Yan even took the initiative to mention the grievances between Yan Quan and Su Chen, and also Solemnly apologized to Su Chen for Yan Quan.

Su Chen was really flattered.

Most of the anger in my heart disappeared.

Su Chen could tell that Old Man Yan really wanted to befriend him, and as an elder, it was impeccable that Old Man Yan could treat Su Chen to such a degree as a junior.

Even the narrow-minded Su Chen doesn't have the slightest grudge against what happened to Yan Quan at the moment.

Mr. Yan chatted with Su Chen for a long time, before Mr. Yan suddenly slapped his head and said, "Little friend, you should have something to do with your visit this time, right?"

Hearing this, Su Chen smiled helplessly, did not hide it, and said truthfully: "Master, to be honest, this junior came this time with the intention of asking the teacher for his crimes, so he came to the door suddenly, and he didn't bring any gifts. It's really a bit rude. The boy really didn't expect you to be so magnanimous, the old man, and the boy will apologize to you again."

"Wait a minute, little friend!" Mr. Yan waved his hand suddenly and said, "You said just now that you came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime? Because of who? What happened? Make it clear! Little friend, don't worry, if it is my Yan family who is wrong, I will never Favor anyone in my Yan family!"

Su Chen nodded, and said: "Old man, you are so righteous, and this junior admires you. Sincerely speaking, since this is the case, this junior will not hide it. This time, this junior is here for Yan Quan!"

"Huh?" Old Master Yan frowned upon hearing this. "Little friend, is it because of the rough jadeite?"

Su Chen hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No! Old man, what happened last time is over, and I didn't suffer much last time. The old man understands righteousness, and I, Su Chen, am not a stingy person. I have long since let go of that matter." Of course, I won’t hold on to it.”

Hearing this, Old Man Yan gradually relaxed his frowning brows, and nodded in satisfaction. "That's good. Let me just say that the Su Chen I know is not a fussy person. But my friend, to tell you the truth, that boy Yan Quan, because I got into trouble with you last time, I have already put him in order to train him. It's been almost two months now, he shouldn't be able to cause trouble, right? Is there some misunderstanding here?"

Su Chen shook his head.

"It's really uncertain. But at present, according to the clues I have, the ultimate root is still Yan Quan."

Old Man Yan's expression became serious, and he asked, "What's going on, please tell me about it."

"Okay, that's what happened! You know, old man, I'm good friends with Fatty Yu Shuiliang from the Yu family. I don't know if you've heard of that kid. Not bad."

Mr. Yan nodded. "Fatty Yu Shuiliang? Of course I've heard of it. He's Brother Yu's proud eldest grandson, and he's often talked about by Brother Yu. I've also heard about that kid. He's very nice, smart, and behaves well. He's very nice. , what's the matter, what happened to him?"

Su Chen nodded. "That's right, it's Fatty Yu who you said is very well-mannered. After I met him yesterday, I found that his temperament has changed a lot. The law is taken into account, and it becomes crazy."

"How could this be?" Mr. Yan was taken aback.

"I was also puzzled, so I took him to Yu's house, and under the double interrogation of me and Mr. Yu, Fatty Yu finally regained some sense and confessed the truth. According to him, the cause of the incident was one of his A distant relative, his distant relative has a good relationship with Yan Quan. And Yan Quan was going crazy because he was locked up, so he wanted to ask me to forgive him, and then let me contact you and let him out.

However, he said that it was not easy for me to enter the Su Zhai courtyard, and he couldn't contact me, so he found Fatty Yu and wanted to intercede with me through him.

When Fatty Yu heard about it, he felt that it was no problem, so he took the initiative to go to the appointment, but when he met Fatty Yu, he was coaxed away.According to Fatty Yu, he didn't know what happened at the time, so he was obsessed with ghosts. He believed what they said, and after a few times, he found that his jealousy swelled, and he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to. "

After Su Chen finished speaking, he paused, and continued: "That's how it happened. Fatty Yu almost went astray because of this incident, and his life was almost ruined. Mr. Yu was very angry and wanted to investigate thoroughly at first, but then I thought, this The incident started because of me, and when Mr. Yu came forward, the incident became serious, so I took the initiative to invite Ying to come to Yan's house to see what is going on!"


Mr. Yan slapped the table, his eyes widened angrily. "Little friend, don't worry, if that little bastard really did this, I will definitely not cover him up. Go to someone and call Yan Quan over."

Su Chen nodded and said nothing.The Yu family is still involved here, so it's not easy for him to just let it go.

After a while, Yan Quan with a dazed face was brought in.

Before coming, Yan Quan even thought that the old man finally wanted to hear, and he was no longer locked up, which made him happy for a long time.

But now as soon as he entered the living room, he suddenly realized that things should not be that simple. Could it be that he is different?

Especially when he saw Su Chen, his premonition became even worse.

"Grandpa, did you call me?"

Mr. Yan looked at Yan Quan seriously, and said in a deep voice: "Xiaoquan, I often tell you that in Yan's house, you can make mistakes and cause disasters, but there is a big taboo that must not be committed. Do you know what taboo is? "

"Back to Grandpa, you must never tell lies!"

"That's right, since you know all about it, let me ask you, did you do what happened to Fatty Yu from the Yu family?"

When Yan Quan heard this, his pupils shrank instantly, and his whole body couldn't help trembling, he never thought of it.Mr. Yan actually knew about this.

This is impossible, he didn't show up at all, how did the old man know?
However, seeing Yan Quan hesitated, Mr. Yan became even angrier,


He slapped the table violently, and Mr. Yan shouted loudly: "Say, did you do this?"

Yan Quan gritted his teeth, hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered his head weakly.

"Grandpa, I did this!"

Yan Quan didn't quibble, since the old man knew about it.It may not be possible to hide it from the past. Instead of being found out afterwards, it is better to tell the truth,

As a member of Yan's family, he is too aware of the consequences of lying in Yan's family.

Seeing Yan Quan's confession, Mr. Yan's blood surged up immediately, and he sat down flickeringly.

Su Chen hurried forward, asked Mr. Yan to feel his pulse, and massaged him to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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