I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 459 Yan Quan's Dissatisfaction

Chapter 459 Yan Quan's Dissatisfaction

Mr. Yan was too old, and he was short of breath for a while, so it was not a big problem.

Su Chen gave the old man a few massages, and the old man woke up, but his spirit was a little weak.

However, Yan Quan was furious for a moment, and without thinking about anything, he stepped forward and wanted to drag Su Chen away.

"What are you going to do? Don't want to hurt my grandpa!"

Su Chen: "."

Do you really think you are a gourd baby?
Su Chen was extremely speechless to Yan Quan.

But the old man has already changed, so there is no need for Su Chen to give the old man a massage.

Taking a light look at Yan Quan, Su Chen let go of the old man and sat back slowly.

Mr. Yan was being massaged comfortably, but suddenly found that his comfortable little hands had left.

The old man suddenly woke up, and then slowly recalled what Yan Quan said just now, the old man suddenly lost his temper.

This little bastard, I was stunned by you, and then I finally asked Dr. Su for a diagnosis, but you scolded me and ran away?

Are you kid trying to bully your master and destroy your ancestors?

The old man did it directly angrily, then picked up the teacup on the table, and threw it directly on Yan Quan.

It doesn't hurt to be hit by a teacup, but the tea in the teacup is very hot.

Yan Quan's belly was instantly reddened.

Before he opened his mouth to call out, he was startled by Mr. Yan's loud shout.

"Naughty beast, why don't you kneel down?"

Su Chen: "????"

Why?Why does this line feel so familiar?

Yan Quan was wronged, and said with a mournful face: "Grandpa, why are you beating me? I am your grandson!"

"How do you know it's my grandson? Then why don't you follow me at all? I, Yan Jun, have been upright all my life. How can I have such a worthless descendant like you?"

Yan Quan was really dissatisfied, and said stubbornly, "Grandpa, I am dissatisfied!"

"Don't accept! Kneel down for me first! Kneel down and say something."

When Yan Quan heard the words, his face was very ugly, but because of what the old man heard, he had no choice but to walk to the center of the hall and kneel down with a plop.

Coincidentally, a few people just came in at the door. Judging by their age and clothes, they should be the second generation of the Yan family.

One of the middle-aged women, after entering the door, saw Yan Quan kneeling, and her face suddenly changed.

"Quan'er, what's wrong with you? Who made you kneel here?"

"It's me!" The middle-aged woman was about to help Yan Quan get up when she heard the old man's voice, and the woman's hands froze immediately.

After a while, the middle-aged woman turned her head to look at Mr. Yan with an ugly face, and asked, "Dad! What are you going to do? Didn't you just fight with someone? The other party was not injured, so you will lock Quan'er as well." It's been two months, isn't that enough?"

The old man looked at the middle-aged woman with cold eyes and said: "I am disciplining my eldest grandson, I don't allow you to interrupt, get up and stand aside!"

The middle-aged woman was unwilling and wanted to talk, but was stopped by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's name is Yan Lishan, who is Yan Quan's father.The middle-aged woman is Feng Hui, Yan Quan's mother.

"Xiaohui, don't worry, listen to what the old man has to say first!"

When Feng Hui heard this, she nodded and got up.

In fact, Yan Lishan didn't stop her, and Feng Hui didn't dare to make trouble.

In a big family, the words of the old man are the imperial decree, and no one dares to disobey them.

Seeing this scene, the second generation of the other members of the Yan family acted as good babies, found a place to sit down by themselves, and didn't say a word.

Of course, during this process, everyone saw Su Chen.

Everyone saw that Su Chen was so young, yet he could sit on the left hand side of the old man. This was the position of host and guest.

And to be able to sit on the left hand side of Mr. Yan is truly either rich or expensive.

So everyone is guessing who Su Chen is.

There is also someone who recognizes Su Chen's identity at a glance, after all, it is rare to find Su Chen's photos.In addition, Su Chen is so handsome, as long as people who have paid attention to Su Chen, basically they can't forget Su Chen's appearance.

Su Chen was drinking tea on his own from the beginning to the end, and didn't even glance at the people who came in.

It's not that he was rude, but that Su Chen really didn't have a good impression of the Yan family.If he hadn't seen Mr. Yan so understanding of righteousness today, Su Chen would have left long ago.

Such an atmosphere has already made Su Chen feel uncomfortable.

Mr. Yan has been observing Su Chen in secret. Seeing that Su Chen is so calm, calm like an old man, he can't help but admire and feel helpless.

The helpless thing is that Su Chen obviously looks down on the descendants of the Yan family.

But now it has been obvious for a long time, if there is no accident, Su Chen will definitely become the pillar of Huaguo in the future.

It would definitely be a great thing if we could make friends with Su Chen before his full rise.

As long as he can establish a relationship with Su Chen, as long as he doesn't risk his life, at least the family's glory can be guaranteed for 50 years.

Unfortunately, all of this was ruined by Yan Quan.

Thinking of this, Mr. Yan couldn't help being jealous of the three families of Yu, Su and Xu.These three families got on Su Chen's boat early, and now they have become the absolute giants in the imperial capital.

As long as there is Su Chen around for a day, the status of these three families will be as stable as Mount Tai. How can Mr. Yan not be jealous.

The point is, Mr. Yan knows that his body will not last long, but none of the second generation of the Yan family can satisfy him.

Mr. Yan had a hunch that if he didn't think of a way, then after he returned to the west, the Yan family would definitely not be far from the separation.

At that time, the century-old family will eventually become a joke.

Mr. Yan's affection for the Yan family is too deep, as long as there is a slight possibility, he will not let the Yan family break up.

The important thing is that Mr. Yan has already found that the glimmer of hope lies in Su Chen.

That's why he tried his best to lure Su Chen to the door.

Now Su Chen finally came to the door, but was almost destroyed by Yan Quan.

Now the old man has decided that as long as Su Chen expresses dissatisfaction with Yan Quan a little, then old man Yan can deal with Yan Quan without Su Chen doing it himself.

Don't look at Yan Quan as the grandson of Yan's parents. Compared with the family inheritance, as an eldest grandson, Mr. Yan will not be reluctant in the slightest.

It's a bit harsh, but it's reality.After everyone was seated, Mr. Yan said to Yan Quan: "Tell me, what's your objection?"

Yan Quan had already organized his words in such a long time, and now he really asked the old man when he saw him, Yan Quan immediately came to his spirits and said: "Grandpa, let's talk about the last time first, I admit that last time at the jade fair, It was me who was reckless and impulsive, but he also beat me up later, and he didn’t suffer at all, and I was also a victim of that incident, so why did you only shut me up in the end?”

After listening to Mr. Yan, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he said lightly: "It seems that you really have accumulated a lot of grievances! It's okay, you can continue to talk, if you have any dissatisfaction, today I will give you a chance, you can all speak out."

When Yan Quan heard this, he was immediately excited.

He already had a stomach full of grievances and wanted to confide in him, this time he wanted to say it all at once!
(End of this chapter)

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