I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 468 Large-Scale Excerpt

Chapter 468 Large-Scale Excerpt
The sesame seed cakes are all woody.

He raised his head and looked at his wife.

But found that the teacher was eating hot pot as if nothing had happened, and ignored him.

Turning to look at Master, he saw that Master was looking at him kindly, his eyes full of expectation and relief.

Everyone looked at the biscuits in anticipation.

Su Chen looked at Shaobing's phone, and said with a smile: "Shaobing, you have to think about it! Maybe something big will happen!"

The biscuits were about to cry. "Uncle, don't make sarcastic remarks, and find a way to save my nephew!"

"What's there to think about? Say what you want? I don't believe you're not curious?"

"Huh?" Shaobing's eyes lit up.

Lao Guo suddenly had a bad premonition, and hurriedly said: "Zhu Jianfeng, you have to think carefully before asking!"

"Hold the grass!"

All the apprentices burst out laughing.

Is this going to be excerpted?

The biscuit was also shocked immediately, but he suddenly thought of something, and said excitedly: "Master, you can't blame me for this, the main reason is that we have never used this cloud word before, so, I'm sorry, master, I want to ask, your Where is the private money hidden?"

Lao Guo's smile disappeared instantly.

Everyone present burst out laughing.

There was joy in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, this is the correct way to open the truth."

"Emma, ​​look at the embarrassment for us, I bet that the WeChat in Shaobing's hand just now was definitely sent by Mrs. Guo."

"It's a bet, it's too obvious. But what I didn't expect was that Shaobing actually dared to ask."

"Why don't you dare to ask? Haven't you heard what Shaobing said? This cloud word has never been used by others, so I'm not afraid of being excised!"

"God never used it, and this explanation is absolutely perfect."

"Old Guo is desperate at the moment!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Su said it well, who is not curious about private money? I am also curious!"

"It is predicted that Lao Guo will kneel on the washboard tonight!"

Xianyun Pavilion, Lao Guo looked at the biscuits, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Zhu Jianfeng, you are doing well."

Shaobing knelt down. "Master, it's not that the disciple is too incompetent, I really can't resist!"

Lao Guo took a deep breath and snorted coldly at the biscuits.

"Huh? What's the matter? You still have ghosts in your heart!"

Aunt Guo said.

Lao Guo suddenly smiled. "Nothing!"

"Then tell me, where did you hide your private money? Don't lie!"

After hearing this, Lao Guo closed his eyes in despair, and said, "There is 100 yuan in the thick brush I often use!"



"Hiding it in a brush? It's a good place. It's a pity that it was exposed!" Sha Yi said with a look of regret.

Turning his head, he suddenly saw Hu Ke looking at him with unkind eyes, and Sha Yi's smile froze on his face.

Aunt Guo looked at Lao Guo and said with a half-smile, "It's only 100 yuan?"

Lao Guo turned his eyes and said: "The sesame seed cakes only asked me where I put them, but didn't ask me to explain everything?"

"That means there are more?"

Lao Guo directly followed in Sha Yi's footsteps.The smile froze on his face.

"Hahahaha, I can't do it, I'm so happy! My cake is too difficult,"

"Hiding money in the brush? As expected of Mr. Guo, I learned."

"Learn a fart. Now people all over the country hide their private money in brushes. This trick is useless."

"Is Lao Sha stupid? He dares to say anything, isn't he looking for shit? I'm so happy."

"Lao Guo finally got smart but was misunderstood by his cleverness. This is why a wise man has a lot of worries, and he must make mistakes."

"Emma's live broadcast can laugh people to death, and it's getting more and more interesting."

"Why don't you discuss it with Boss Su and let him directly engage in variety shows? Just do it like this. You don't need to do scripts or anything, just shoot and edit."

"What kind of variety show are you doing? Once you start a variety show, the taste will change. Isn't he good for live broadcasting?"

"That's right, with Mrs. Jiang here, we can just watch the live broadcast from now on."

"Stop arguing, the lottery is starting again."

This time it was Yu's turn to draw lots.

In order to avoid being drawn by himself, Uncle Qian'er drank three sips of baijiu to build his courage before drawing lots.

Then he closed his eyes and drew one, turned it over and looked at it, everyone laughed instantly!

Impressively written directly on the bronze medal - Guo Degang!

Lao Guo was dumbfounded!
This thing is really dumbfounded!
What the hell, is it destined that I will go bankrupt today?

This time even Mrs. Guo was happy.

"Big brother, good job!"

Yu Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and handed the bronze medal to Mrs. Guo with a smile, without even looking at Lao Guo's resentful eyes.

As a partner, it's just for cheating.

Uncle Ke'er doesn't feel guilty at all.

Aunt Guo smiled and then drew a card.

Yue Yunpeng!
In an instant, everyone looked at Yue Yunpeng in unison!
Yue Yunpeng's whole body stiffened immediately.

The biscuits were so happy this time, they almost jumped up for joy.

Finally, I don't have to carry it alone.

Drag Xiao Yueyue into the water, he doesn't have to face the master's anger alone, he will be fine.

This time it was Yue Yunpeng's turn to sit on the wax, he stared at his wife with small eyes, and found that his wife was looking at him with a smile.

Turning his head to look at Master, yes, you don't need to look to know that Master's eyes are extremely unkind.

Yue Yunpeng was not very entangled.

Because there is no need to choose at all, and there is no need to think about choosing one between the master and the wife.

It's just that Yue Yunpeng is a little hard to say.

After hesitating for a while, Yue Yunpeng knelt down at Lao Guo with a plop. "Master, for the sake of the disciple, please take the initiative to explain!"

Lao Guo took a deep breath, clutched his heart, and looked "desperate".

"Yue Longgang! You are also good, you are worthy of being a teacher"

"Okay, if you want to pick up the words when you go back, take it slowly, and explain the question first," Mrs. Guo interrupted before Lao Guo could finish speaking.

Lao Guo suddenly looked loveless.

"Husband, will something happen?" Seeing that the scene seemed too intense, Gu Qingya was a little worried, mainly because she was afraid that there would be emotional problems with Lao Guo's family.

Su Chen smiled, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, my wife. After all, Lao Guo is in the entertainment industry. They are all actors. The moment the live broadcast is turned on, they are not them. Don't watch them having a good time. Actually It’s all acting. If it wasn’t for the live broadcast, Mrs. Guo wouldn’t have been able to press Lao Guo’s private money in public. This was only for the effect of the show.

Of course, the possibility of Mrs. Guo taking advantage of her strength to get mad is not ruled out, but no matter what, their anger must be fake. "

When Gu Qingya heard this, she felt relieved.

Here, Lao Guo gave up struggling, and directly confessed: "I sewed 500 yuan into the neckline of the python robe that Yue Long just gave me."

Yue Longgang. Long Gang
When Yue Yunpeng heard this address, he looked helpless.

The live broadcast room was completely insane from laughter at this time, most of them were comforting Lao Guo, and some were gloating.

The game continued, and Guo Qilin was sitting next to Yu Qiang. Guo Qilin kept his head down just now, for fear that the disaster would affect him.

Fortunately, he was lucky and didn't get him.

But this time it was his turn to draw cards, and he couldn't avoid it.

Guo Qilin coughed lightly, took a sip of wine following his master's example, then randomly drew out a card and threw it on the table.

Everyone looked sideways and burst out laughing.

There are three words written on it-Guo Degang!

(End of this chapter)

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