I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 469 Xiao Guo's IQ, Su Pan's Strengths

Chapter 469 Xiao Guo's IQ, Su Pan's Strengths

Lao Guo looked at the bronze medal on the table, smacked his lips, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Then what, are you all done eating? Why don't you go out to digest your food?"

As he spoke, he blinked at the man.

Lao Guo's meaning is obvious, if this game continues, no one will be able to escape.

Wu Jing understood Lao Guo's eyes, and immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, I am indeed a little bit supportive."

"Did you hold it? This is not just the beginning, yes, it holds up, oh, it's really holding up."

Sha Yi was a little slow to react, and only woke up after being secretly kicked by Wu Jing.

Afterwards, Yue Yunpeng and others followed suit.

The woman looked on coldly and sneered secretly.

Hu Ke and Xie Nan directly picked up the chopsticks and started eating on their own, expressing their attitude silently.

Mrs. Guo gave Lao Guo a blank look, and said directly: "Don't forget, this is a live broadcast. It ended just after the beginning. This is deceiving the audience. I'm sorry netizens, do you still want your job?"


Mrs. Guo's words were like a bomb, and the sound was finalized.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of Mrs. Guo, this is too terrific."

"Hahaha, I haven't seen Lao Guo so deflated for a long time."

"Sister-in-law Guo is right, this is just the beginning, who dares to end it? I think it's exciting."

"Sister-in-law Guo didn't say anything, as long as sister-in-law Guo works hard today, I will go to the small garden of the Deyun Society to book a place tomorrow."

"Holding the grass, you should be an individual upstairs. Tickets for the Deyun Club are hard to find now. How dare you book the venue? Are you still human?"

"Yes, boycott the dog charter, I have failed to buy a ticket three times."

Xianyun Pavilion, a group of men were all dumbfounded by Mrs. Guo's words.

Mrs. Guo's words were too timely. Not only did she save them, but she also woke them up.

This is a live broadcast, let alone a live broadcast is not a performance, in this era, a live broadcast is equivalent to a performance.

During the live broadcast, if you interrupt at will, it is disrespectful to fans.

In this day and age, small things can be magnified wirelessly, let alone a live broadcast with nearly ten million people?
If they are gone now, there will undoubtedly be a lot of scolding on the Internet.

Except for Su Chen's family and Su Pan Xu Zhen, everyone here is from the entertainment industry. Such an accident will definitely affect their acting career.

So after reacting, the men sat down obediently again.

Of course, these men did not include Su Chen, who had been watching the show from the sidelines.He is not afraid of this game at all.

But after Lao Guo sat down, his fat face was almost like a steamed stuffed bun.

"Hey, you can't let a man-made disaster happen! Is there any reason for this?"

Mrs. Guo smiled lightly.

"Okay, stop howling, look at your promise, we have promised Xiaochen that we will never settle accounts after the fall, what are you afraid of?"

Lao Guo suddenly became energetic.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"What do you think? I can lie to you, and I can also lie to Xiaochen?"

"Although what you said is a bit awkward, I feel at ease."

Lao Guo suddenly felt that he had regained his life. "No, that daughter-in-law, my private money?"

"What do you say?"

When Lao Guo saw this, he immediately smiled embarrassingly, but his heart twitched with distress.

"That's what he worked so hard to hide!"

Aunt Guo ignored Lao Guo and pulled out a bronze medal. Lao Guo hadn't spoken the truth this time.

If it wasn't a good day today, it might be that Mrs. Guo's luck was so invincible that she actually drew Guo Qilin.

Guo Qilin was eating well, and when his mother pronounced his name, he was dumbfounded again.

No, why can't this be avoided?

Lao Guo glanced at Guo Qilin and closed his eyes in despair.

Don't think about it, the son must be towards his mother, because Guo Qilin is also afraid of his mother.

This is the characteristic of Chinese families, a group of people with the same surname can't do a job with a foreign surname.

Guo Qilin looked at his mother, then at his father, thought for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Dad, besides my biological mother, who is your favorite woman in this life?"

When Lao Guo was thinking about where to leak his private money this time, he suddenly heard Guo Qilin's question, he was stunned for a moment, and after he realized it, he almost burst into tears of joy.

"Son, you are Dad's own son, Dad really didn't love you for nothing!"

Yu Chen curled his lips. "Aren't you talking nonsense? Isn't this your own son? Is this my own son? Hey? Did you find out?"

Lao Guo immediately punched Yu Qiang in the chest. "Okay, you, don't make trouble with me at this time."

"Dad! You haven't answered the question yet?"

Guo Qilin hurriedly urged.

"Oh yes yes yes!" Lao Guo nodded and said: "There is no need to think about it at all, except for your biological mother, your father and I have only loved one woman in my life, and that is your mother!"


Everyone booed.

Aunt Guo's originally sullen expression immediately smiled.After casting a blank glance at Guo Degang, he said lightly, "You've passed."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it has to be Guo Qilin! This EQ is too high."

"Miss's emotional intelligence is really unspeakable. This question is really good. That is, it solved Lao Guo's plight, and let Mrs. Guo find no faults. It's really amazing."

"I don't care about the problem or anything. I only know that middle-aged couples are throwing dog food, and they are really choking."

There were only three things, and next, Lai Guo finally got rid of the curse temporarily, and it was the turn of others.

The second one who got caught was Su Pan, and the one who asked the question was Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't ask about the private money, because Su Chen knew that Su Pan and his daughter-in-law were still taking care of their own wealth, and Su Pan didn't need to save private money at all.

But Su Chen knew Su Pan's weakness, so he asked him directly: "What size shoes do you wear?"

As soon as this question was asked, Su Pan immediately collapsed.

Because this is the question that Su Pan is most afraid of asking.

Su Pan is slender and not short, at 1.7 meters seven.But each of them is so tall, but they have a pair of size 38 feet.

This foot is no longer usually small, but super small.

The size of feet has always been a sensitive topic for Su Pan.

However, although Su Pan minds that his feet are small, he doesn't mind teasing him about it, and he even often laughs at himself about it.

This time, when Su Chen asked this question in public, even in front of the people of the whole country, Su Pan seemed very angry while being helpless.

He frankly admitted that his feet were small, and even talked about several embarrassing things caused by his feet, making everyone laugh from ear to ear.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Chen likes to make friends with Su Pan.

Although Su Pan has many minor faults, Su Pan has more advantages. He is loyal and honest in his life.And he does things in a grand manner, without sticking to details.He also has a bold personality and doesn't care about trivial matters.

So after Su Pan finished teasing himself, he was completely accepted by everyone.

When everyone approached him before, they only knew that he was the top second generation and had great energy in the imperial capital, but everyone usually felt a sense of distance when they got along with him, thinking that people like Su Pan must be very proud.

And in fact?The essence of Su Pan is actually a tease.

(End of this chapter)

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