I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 47 Authentic Roasted Whole Lamb

Chapter 47 Authentic Roasted Whole Lamb

Su Chen originally wanted to show everyone around the courtyard house. He is the owner, so it would be inappropriate if he wasn't there.

However, considering that it takes about two to three hours to roast a whole lamb, and it is already six o'clock, in order not to stay up too late, he can only hurry up to roast the meat, so this task is given to Guo Xiaoshi.

Guo Xiaoshi usually gets off work after five o'clock. If there is unfinished work, she will usually take it back to do it. After all, her job is Su Chen's full-time secretary.

But in this way, Guo Xiaoshi is busy at both ends, and she will be very tired every day.

Yu Qiang and the others don't really mind who is the "tour guide", as long as they can visit, the main reason is that they are very curious, otherwise they will not visit.

Under the leadership of Guo Xiaoshi, everyone entered the main courtyard from the East Garden, then from the main courtyard to the middle courtyard, the front courtyard, and then went to the inner and back courtyards, and even walked around the West Garden.

The crowd kept admiring while watching.

This is not to deal with casually, but really admiration from the heart.

More than 4000 square meters of courtyard house, who could live in this in ancient times?

Of course, in terms of area alone, it’s not so evil. It is said that Lao Guo’s mansion in Australia is more than 4000 square meters, and even the mansion in the imperial capital is two to three thousand square meters.But those are all products of the modern steel industry, and they have no other characteristics except luxury.

As for Su Chen's courtyard house, not only is it not inferior in luxury, but it also has a centuries-old courtyard culture, but in terms of money value, there is no comparison between the two.

"Hey! Bro, who is this guy?"

During the play, Wu Jing, Yu Ntai and the others took the opportunity to ask Yu Qiang in a low voice.

Yu Qiang glanced at Guo Xiaoshi, who was discussing with Yi Zhou in the distance, and whispered to several people: "I just met Chen'er today, he is a very talented young man, and of course he is super rich, but it is said that he has nothing to do. Background, the money is his inheritance. But don’t think that he is a nouveau riche because of this. Let me tell you, in terms of understanding of the cultural and antique business alone, you, including me, can’t compare with him one person.

Chen'er has a very good personality, and you are all young people, so it won't hurt to get in touch with him more! "

Hearing this, several people nodded thoughtfully.

After Yu Qian finished speaking, he was about to move forward when he suddenly remembered something and pulled Wu Jing back. "Hey, by the way, I heard from Chen'er that he knows kung fu, and he even claims to be a master of martial arts!"

Wu Jing paused, looked at Yu Qiang, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, his loose hands clenched into fists involuntarily!
On the other side, Su Chen is directing eight people, Gao Qing and Wang Bing, to build an oven dedicated to roasting whole lamb. In addition, they also built two stoves and a long stove that can be used for barbecue. Su Chen plans to Outdoor gatherings are placed in this area of ​​the East Garden.

There is no need for Su Chen to participate in such things as setting up the stove, he just needs to say the general requirements. As a special soldier, this matter is too simple for Gao Qing and others.

On the other side, Su Chen, Han Yun and several housekeepers and cooks began to work on the fat sheep.

The fat sheep is not big, only weighs more than 100 catties, and about [-] catties of meat are left after removing the bones, which is enough for more than [-] of them to eat. Everyone can handle it.

Generally, when killing a sheep, one wipes one's neck directly. Su Chen didn't do that. According to the master-level culinary experience given by the system, he has a better way to kill a sheep.

Let Gao Qing and others come over to help temporarily, put the sheep's chest up and its back down, and hold down the sheep's limbs and head. Su Chen roughly pulled off the hair on the sheep's chest, and then took a knife to cut it at the heart. After taking a small mouth, Su Chen quickly put his other hand into the sheep's body.

Immediately, everyone only heard a broken sound, and the lamb immediately swallowed his breath.

Everyone was surprised.

Han Yun leaned forward and asked humbly, "Sir, is there any benefit to doing this?"

The daughters of Han Yun are all older than Su Chen, so calling Su Chen Mr., although a little old-fashioned, is just right, otherwise it would be too unfamiliar to call him the boss.

Although Gao Qing and the others are also older than Su Chen, men's address does not depend on their age, but generally depends on their social status and each other's ability, so they all call them Brother Chen.

Han Yun is very talented in cooking, and Su Chen also talked to her. If Su Chen keeps hiring her with a high salary in the future, she is also willing to stay in the Su family and be a home cook, so Su Chen intends to cultivate Han Yun's cooking skills.

"This is called heart-breaking method. This method of killing a sheep can make the sheep lose consciousness in an instant and die completely. In this way, apart from a part of the blood scattered in the cavity, a small part of the sheep's blood will be soaked in the meat, making the lamb pink. , it tastes delicious when boiled. It can also make the sheep die more happily, which is more humane than rubbing the neck!"

Han Yun nodded and wrote it down in her heart.The others listened with gusto, especially Gao Qing and the others, their eyes turned around on Xiao Yang and Su Chen, and they thought to themselves:

The boss seems to be very good at killing!
The preparations here are almost done, and the progress of the stove over there is also very fast, and the more people work, the faster it is.

Su Chen called Wang Bing and Gao Qing over to help him, and asked them to lift the sheep upside down with the front legs of the sheep. Then Su Chen quickly opened the sheep, removed the internal organs and offal, washed the chest cavity and abdominal cavity, and then used Boiling water scalds the wool.

Afterwards, the sheep is tied to the prepared iron rack with wire. The tie of the sheep is also very talkative. What part of the sheep is in what position and how long it will be roasted are all particular, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, most people think that roasting lamb is very simple, that is, roasting it on the fire and turning it constantly so that it does not get mushy. The kebabs were delicious.

As for Su Chen's method, according to the system, it is the most authentic Mongolian method of roasting whole lamb, which is said to have been lost.

After tying the sheep securely and setting up the stove on the other side, Su Chen asked a few people to bake the stove with fruit and wood firewood prepared in advance. The hotter the fire, the better.

Then Su Chen put the sheep flat, and began to spread ingredients on it, scallions, ginger, a little garlic, pepper, good old sauce, a little sugar, cumin, cumin powder, salt, and Su Chen’s own preparation Special oil.Spread all the seasonings evenly on the whole body of the sheep.

Finally, string the sheep with the hooked iron chain prepared in advance, then Su Chen walked to the stove, felt the temperature, and asked Su Qing to take out all the firewood, and then quickly put the sheep out of the stove top Hang it into the furnace, adjust the position, and then close the lid, and it's done for the time being!

Everyone watched in amazement. At this moment, Guo Xiaoshi and Yu Qiang, who were visiting, also came back.Hearing the astonishment of Gao Qing and others, they curiously asked the reason. When they heard that Su Chen used high temperature to smoke the sheep instead of roasting the sheep, they couldn't help being curious.

Su Chen rubbed his nose and explained: "This is a special method of roasting lamb. It doesn't use a big fire, but uses a low fire to smoke it slowly. This will not only make the lamb belly more delicious, but also prevent it from being burnt."

 Solemnly thank book friends for their reward of zero 100 book coins!
  Solemnly thank book friend Rongjian for the reward of 200 book coins!
  Cough cough, I added an update today, mainly because everyone has tipped me a lot in the past two days, so it stands to reason that I should have added an update yesterday.But to tell you the truth, I will start looking for a job in a few days, and I may be very busy for a few days. I don’t know if I have time to write, so I want to save some drafts during these few days, so as not to be interrupted in time.

  But there is no way, everyone supports me so much, I can't justify not adding more, but I can only add one more.
  Although it's a bit rare, well, it's super rare, but there's no way. I'm really not sure about the time recently. When I stabilize, I will definitely find time to make another wave.

  de'l, I've been chattering for the past two days, let's stop talking and slip away.
(End of this chapter)

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