Chapter 48
Hearing what Su Chen said clearly and logically, everyone who had no expectations at first gradually became curious.

Looking at it like this, it seems that this meal can still be looked forward to!

The barbecue will be roasted for a while. Taking advantage of this time, Han Yun, Gao Qing and the others served up all the melons, fruits, beer, and drinks that had been prepared in advance. The East Garden is full of flowers and trees. The flowers are ornamental flowers and plants, and there are two types of trees. , some are pure ornamental trees, and some are all kinds of fruit trees. The place where everyone is located is the center of the garden, close to the rockery artificial lake, surrounded by two gazebos, a large open space around, and a well. Surrounded by rockery, gazebos, fruit trees Above, all kinds of small lights are hung, and there are street lights on both sides of the path, so even though night falls, the place is still brightly lit.

Three tables were set up in the open space, one for Yu Qiang and others, one for Gao Qing and others, and one for Han Yun and others, but Gao Qing, Han Yun and others were helping Su Chen with work and hadn't taken their seats yet.

The night is deep, the moonlight is gentle, among the flowers and plants, listening to the singing of birds and insects, the breeze blows, the body is cool, and the smell is fragrant. Friends and friends, a few boxes of Yanjing beer, and refreshing side dishes, teasing the past , Imagining the future is really very enjoyable.

Several members of the Su family were also present, especially the two puppet cats, who were the most popular and vying for hugs, but the two little fairy cats ignored everyone and were tired of Su Chen.

Uncle Yu especially likes animals and cats, but he prefers wild cats. Although the puppet cats are beautiful, they don’t please him. Instead, they are two Akita dogs, which Uncle Yu can’t put it down.

After eating the spirit nourishing liquid for three days, the two Akita dogs evolved to be extremely beautiful, especially a pair of eyes, which were extremely divine. Perhaps it was because drinking the spirit nourishing liquid for the first time had a miraculous effect, and the children of the Su family all became spiritual. They can understand some simple instructions from humans, which makes Uncle Yu very fond of them.

A group of people chatted and farted, ate and drank, and occasionally a few cats and dogs shuttled among them, and everyone caught them for a while.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Su Chen started grilling a plate of meat skewers, and handed over the tricks to Han Yun. Han Yun learned to test a few skewers, and made great progress. Of course, it must be incomparable with Su Chen's, but it has already surpassed 90.00% of the outsiders. Nine's Grill.

Holding a plate of grilled meat skewers, Su Chen came to sit down beside Guo Xiaoshi, next to him was Uncle Yu.

Guo Xiaoshi is also familiar with everyone. She is already beautiful, and she is innocent and cute, without any scheming, so she is easily recognized by everyone.

"Hey, brother, you're finally done? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Seeing Su Chen, Yu Qian hurriedly greeted him.

Su Chen put the baking tray on the table, and said with a smile: "Come on, try my handicrafts, it's appetizing, it won't taste good when it's cold!"

Everyone was also polite, and all took a bunch.Guo Xiaoshi is the most nimble. While maintaining the image of a lady, he quickly picks the biggest one. Others don't know, but he knows his boss's craftsmanship, and if he is slow, he can't eat it.

Sure enough, everyone tasted it with the attitude of giving it a try, but after this taste, everyone's eyes lit up with the naked eye, and then they didn't care about being amazed. They ate up the meat skewers in two or three bites, and hurriedly Go get the next bunch.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, more than twenty meat skewers were snatched up, three skewers were eaten quickly, and one skewer was eaten slowly like Yu Qiang.

Yue Yunpeng and Yu Entai ate the most delicious food, both of them were typical foodies.Yue Yunpeng narrowed his small eyes while eating, and Yu Ntai's eating reminded Su Chen of the scene when Lu Xiucai first ate Wushuang's Xiliang River vinegar fish. It was a reappearance of a classic moment!
After eating a plate of meat, everyone came back to their senses and smacked their lips, feeling the endless aftertaste in their mouths, and only then remembered to sigh.

"Oh my god! It's delicious!"

"This craftsmanship is really amazing!"

"It's so delicious! I've never eaten such a delicious barbecue!"

"Teacher Su is really amazing!"

Yu Qian took an empty stick, smacked his lips, and said to Su Chen: "Brother, I admit that I was mistaken. Your craftsmanship is really good. It is indeed top-notch. I am looking forward to your authentic Mongolian roast now." Whole sheep!"

"Authentic Mongolian Roasted Whole Lamb?" Wu asked in surprise, "Brother Su, do you cook Mongolian Roasted Whole Lamb?"

"Yeah!" Su Chen nodded. "This is a recipe I got by chance. It is definitely the most authentic Mongolian roasted whole lamb. This recipe has long been lost, and you can only eat it here!"

When everyone heard it, their eyes were straightened, and their expectations were not good enough!
Wu Jing was surprised and said: "I have heard of the name of Mongolian Roasted Whole Lamb a long time ago, and I have traveled to the grassland several times for it. It will be lost!"

"Don't worry, this time I will definitely let you eat the most authentic one! It's almost time, I'll bake it for a while, it's almost ready, you sit down first, I'll come as soon as I go!"

With that said, Su Chen got up and left.

However, everyone was not sitting this time, so they couldn't help being curious. They looked at each other, got up one after another, and followed Su Chen to the stove, wanting to see how Su Chen roasted the sheep.

Su Chen didn't stop him either. In fact, the whole lamb roast has reached the last step.

Everyone saw that Su Chen used a tong to pick up the charcoal with sparks in the furnace, and smoked and roasted the sheep back and forth. His movements were neither fast nor slow, as if he had a rhythm.

Originally, this kind of slow fire barbecue was very boring, but everyone saw an indescribable beauty in Su Chen. It seemed that Su Chen was not roasting meat, but making a piece of art, which made people not feel bored at all.

"It's the first time I've seen it. It turns out that cooking can be very artistic after a certain level of cultivation!"

Yu Qian lit a cigarette and said with emotion.

Yi Zhou nodded. "The skill of the third child is authentic!"

Wu Jing squinted his eyes, and praised: "Brother Yuer, you still think people are amazing, this Brother Su is really not simple!"

Suddenly, Yue Yunpeng came to Yu Qiang, stared at his small eyes and said seriously: "Master! This Mr. Su is your brother, so do I have to be called Master?"

Yu Qiang was taken aback. "No need for this, let's talk about it separately!"

Yue Yunpeng shook his head resolutely. "That can't be done, it's seniority, don't mess it up!"

Yu Ntai heard the words and came forward. "Yue Yue, you are wrong, I am also your uncle Yu's brother, why don't you call me uncle?"

"You go! You and my uncle are not sworn brothers, and you are still my brother, we have our own opinions!"

"I see!" It was Sun Yue who knew Yue Yunpeng best, and suddenly said: "You want to recognize the uncle so that you can come to eat at any time?"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized, and then looked at Yue Yunpeng with disgust in their eyes!
This fat man is shameless because of his stuttering!
But what if I also want to eat?

Everyone has disdain on their faces, but they are secretly envious in their hearts. Why do I have no reason to call you uncle?
(End of this chapter)

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