I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 495 The Evolution of Fatty Yu

Chapter 495 The Evolution of Fatty Yu
The last point is the overseas military base, where there is also a laboratory, which has now been upgraded to a scientific research center.

At present, this scientific research center has helped the army and navy update [-]% of their combat equipment, including rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, various grenades, body armor and other equipment.

The blueprints for [-]% of the new equipment all come from Su Chen's system, and its technological level is generally higher than the current world technological level.

In other words, in terms of basic equipment, the equipment of the Huaguo Army is half an era ahead of other countries.

In terms of military affairs, the only thing China lacks is heavy weapons and even strategic equipment such as aircraft carriers and fighter jets.

Of course, it’s not that these big objects can’t be made, but the time is too tight. Even if there are blueprints, it will take at least three to five years to copy these things and equip them to the army.

In the current state of Hua, it is still necessary to keep a low profile strategically, but small-scale wars can already be used to fight the whole world.

It is precisely because of this kind of military self-confidence that Huaguo's voice in the world has increased day by day over the past year.

If it weren't for knowing that the security guards around Su Chen were all very skilled, the leaders even wanted to arrange the twelve zodiac signs by Su Chen's side.

In short, the current Su Chen is a well-deserved boss in China.

Of course, in order to protect Su Chen, Su Chen has become more and more low-key recently, and has gradually faded out of people's sight. Even if he shows up occasionally, it is mostly for entertainment.

As a result, most people in the country still have superficial knowledge of Su Chen. They only know that Su Chen is rich, he is the chairman of the future group, and he has made contributions to the country.But to say how powerful Su Chen is, many people can't tell.

Su Chen doesn't care about these at all. What he cares most about now is his children.

Not to mention, before seeing the child, Su Chen really didn't care much, even when his wife was pregnant, he went out for a stroll.

After saving Su Rui last time, Su Chen took Jiang Yan to play for more than half a month before returning home.

But after returning home, as Gu Qingya's belly got bigger and bigger, Su Chen's attachment to his children became stronger and stronger, so much so that until now, Su Chen's heart was his own children.

In the past few months, Su Chen has been carving beautiful jade and jadeite when he has nothing to do. He has carved a total of one hundred pieces, and among them, twenty pieces are prepared for the child who is about to be born, ten dragon and phoenix pendants, and ten pieces. A jade leaf jade pendant.Among them, the jade leaf jade pendant is the inheritance symbol of the Su family. Every child of the Su family has one, representing the identity of the Su family.

And these twenty objects were all blessed by the heavenly official by Su Chen, which could bring good luck to his children.

Today is a big day.

In the hospital, Su Chen, his daughters, his father and mother, Yu Qiang and other Deyun boy group, Wu Jing and other star friends, representatives of Xu, Su, and Yu, and friends from all walks of life, all gathered in this small corridor inside.

Su Chen walked up and down the door with a very worried expression.

Because Gu Qingya was giving birth to the Su family's first child for him inside.

Because Gu Qingya was only pregnant with one child, and the delivery was normal, and Su Chen took good care of Gu Qingya's body, so Su Chen didn't follow her in because she was afraid of causing trouble.

But now he regrets it a bit, it's even more uncomfortable to wait outside, if he had known earlier, he might as well go in,

"Oh, old Su, it's alright, how about your usual prudence? Relax, sister-in-law can see that she is a blessed person, and she will be fine. What are you in a hurry for?"

Fatty Yu watched Su Chen turn around, and couldn't help but speak.

Speaking of Fatty Yu, after he was cheated by Yan Quan last time, he really closed the library at home for a full month.

In fact, within a few days, Fatty Yu woke up.

It was a momentary obsession, firstly he was slapped by Su Chen, and then he was scolded by Mr. Yu, Fatty Yu had already woken up.

But in order to teach himself a lesson, because he was afraid that Su Chen would be dissatisfied, Fatty Yu really shut himself up at home for a month and didn't leave the house for a whole month.

For a month, Fatty Yu was not reading books at home, drinking tea and playing chess, self-cultivation, and he didn't even go online.

He even burned incense and chanted sutras to the Buddha on time every morning.

Fatty Yu doesn't believe in Buddhism, he just wants to adjust the Heart Sutra for peace of mind.

And a month later, Su Chen came to visit Fatty Yu on purpose, but this really shocked Su Chen.

After the retreat, Fatty Yu seemed to have been baptized, and his whole person became different.

The fat man in the past was lively and active, impulsive and irritable, quick-tempered and short-tempered.But after retreating, the current Fatty Yu seems to have calmed down from the depths of his soul.

His first impression on Su Chen was one word - steady!

It's just too steady.

After leaving the customs, Fatty Yu is not in a hurry to do anything, and he is also used to thinking.My temper is also much better, I don't get angry with others at every turn, and talk about betting and swearing all day long,

The current Fatty Yu is like a monk who has realized the Tao, which makes people feel at ease at first glance.

As for his inflated heart, it has long since disappeared without a trace. 'Now Fatty Yu is not only not inflated anymore, but he is always cautious.

This once made Su Chen wonder if he had overcorrected.

But looking at the changed Fatty Yu, Su Chen felt that the current Fatty Yu was better.

Although Fatty Yu in the past was happy, he was really a bit out of touch. As the heir of the Yu family, Fatty Yu's condition was not good at all.

But now, let alone Su Chen, even the old man likes Fatty Yu very much when he sees Fatty Yu again. Looking at Fatty Yu is like seeing the future of the Yu family.

On the day Fatty Yu left the customs, the excited old man took Fatty Yu to Su's house and Xu's house, and showed off at the two houses, saying that he had successors and his children and grandchildren would strive for success.

I'm so angry with Mr. Su and Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu is fine. After all, Xu Zhen, the successor of the Xu family, is very stable and capable of handling affairs, which has always satisfied Mr. Xu.

Even the evolved Fatty Yu is still inferior to Xu Zhen in terms of ability to handle affairs. After all, Xu Zhen has been working in the government for so long. In terms of experience and ability in dealing with people, Fatty Yu cannot compare behind closed doors.

So Mr. Xu was angry for a while, and he will be fine in a while.

But Mr. Su, he was really pissed off.

In the past three families, Fatty Yu and Su Pan were half to eight, and the two brothers were finished compared to each other, so let's not talk about each other. .

At that time, Mr. Su didn't care about it, thinking that the child was still too young and would be sensible when he was older.

But now, Xu Zhen's talent is extraordinary, and Fatty Yu has completed his evolution, leaving Su Pan still idling.

Can Mr. Su be in a hurry?
So, from that day on, Su Pan was finished!

(End of this chapter)

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