Chapter 496
At first, Mr. Xu also wanted Su Pan to retreat.

But Su Pan is different from Fatty Yu. Fatty Yu first inflated himself, and then after being warned twice by Su Chen and Mr. Yu, he came to his senses and wanted to retreat and settle himself subjectively.

As for Su Pan, he was completely passive, didn't even have a goal or direction, and didn't know how to settle down.

As a result, within three days, Su Pan couldn't take it anymore, secretly broke open the door lock, and ran out of the house.

After Mr. Su found out, he almost died of anger.Directly mobilize the power of the family and find Su Pan back.

Then shut down again.

Then there was no accident, within two days, Su Pan ran away again!

Old man Su was stunned again.

Su Pan was arrested again and locked up again.

Su Pan ran again, and Mr. Su was panicked again.
Until one time, Mr. Su was directly fainted and sent to the hospital.

Su Pan regretted it, and hurried to the hospital to visit the old man.

Who knew that the old man didn't see him at all, not only that, but the way other people in the Su family looked at Su Pan changed.

Some hate iron but not steel, some are extremely disappointed, and some directly dismiss Su Pan.

At that moment, Su Pan's mentality collapsed.

ran straight out of the hospital,

After leaving the hospital, Su Pan first called Su Chen for help from the old man.

After that, the phone was turned off and he ran away by himself.

No one knew where Su Pan had gone, and no one went to find him.

After Su Chen learned of this, that is, through the bloodline locator, after knowing that Su Pan was safe and sound, he didn't go to him.

It took two full months before Su Pan came back.

And Su Pan who came back again, like Fatty Yu, also completed the transformation of his life.

From a cynical playboy in the past, he has become a smiling military strategist now.

For Fatty Yu, his transformation is definitely a good thing, because Fatty Yu himself made mistakes, and he is adjusting himself.

But for Su Pan, Su Chen is hard to say.

In the past, Su Pan was noisy and loved to play, but compared to Fatty Yu, Su Pan is actually very stable and reliable in his work, but his advantages are all concealed by his cynical appearance.

But now, his cynicism has completely disappeared, replaced by a wise face that smiles all day long.

This face makes people feel very reliable and stable at first glance, but it lacks sincerity.

As an outsider, Su Chen couldn't say much.Regarding Su Pan's growth, Su Chen can't say whether it is good or bad.

It's just that for some reason, Su Chen actually misses the three brothers who they used to mess around with in the past.

Also, it is worth mentioning that on the day Su Pan ran out, Su Chen also came to the hospital.

But it wasn't until after entering the hospital that Su Chen knew that Mr. Su was fine, and the so-called fainting and sickness were all pretended.

Everything is to force Supan to evolve himself!
The moment he knew the truth, Su Chen had to admit that Jiang was still old and spicy.

But this time, Su Chen didn't admire Mr. Su's strategy at all, and even felt a little uncomfortable.

But in any case, the past is the past.

Now Fatty Yu wears a pair of flat glasses all day long, plays with a bunch of bodhi in his hands all the time, and laughs all day long, like a big-bellied Maitreya Buddha.

Su Pan, on the other hand, fell in love with suits, and his daily clothes are different styles of suits. Regardless of seasons, even if it is hot, he still looks decent.Her hair was also cut short, and she was meticulously groomed, and she also wore flat gold-rimmed glasses.

He wears an old-style gold watch on his wrist, smiles at the corner of his mouth all day long, never leaves his folding fan in summer, and wears an ancient jade in his hand in winter.

No matter when and where, it gives people a sense of wisdom, like a strategist who has strategized.

Not only temperament, Su Pan has also improved in terms of knowledge and IQ.

Now both Fatty Yu and Su Pan have begun to inherit the family group slowly. I believe that it won't be long before the two of them will be able to take full control of the family business.

Because of this, the two became more and more busy, and the three brothers spent less and less time seeing each other.

Today, Gu Qingya was in labor and Su's eldest son was born, and the two of them took time out of their busy schedules to rush over.

"Old Su, Fatty is right. It's useless for you to be anxious. If you have this time, let's think of a good name for our eldest nephew!"

"Hey! That's right!" Lao Guo continued: "Chen'er, you are an orphan, but you have become a wealthy family. According to the rules, you are the ancestor of your Su family. You have the right and obligation to formulate family rules, word Seniors, writing a genealogy, this can't be sloppy!"

Lao Guo attaches great importance to traditional rules, and so does Su Chen.

Although some of the rules left by the ancestors are not up to date, most of them are worth inheriting.

"I have thought about this, Su Ziyan. Loyalty will last a long time in the family, and poetry and books will last forever! Family and family, there is a family first, and then a family. Only by keeping the small family can you keep the prosperous family. For a family, only Only by taking loyalty as the policy of governing the family and maintaining the family's operation with poetry and books can the family be prosperous forever.

Of course, the times are different now, the word loyalty is acceptable, but not enough to run a family, so I changed it to the word filial piety.

Filial piety has been passed down to the family for a long time, and civil and military have been passed down for generations!Let's sort these two sentences as the descendants of the Su family.I have also thought about the name of the boss, Su Xiaoyan! "

"Su Xiaoyan? What a good name!" Lao Guo pondered for a moment, then praised: "The word Yan refers to a person with talent and learning. Only by knowing filial piety and talent can one become an outstanding person!"

"Well, and the homonym of Xiaoyan is smiling face, smiling face is like a flower, in life, happiness is the most important thing!" Yu Qiang followed.

"As expected of Mr. Su, this name is really good!"

"Yeah, those ten characters are also worth chewing."

"Tsk tsk tsk, from now on, the emperor will have another century-old family!"

After Yu Qiang, some people who came to join in the fun praised him one after another.

But what these people say sounds like flattery.

Su Chen glanced at these people, then turned to look at Gu's father and mother.

"Mom and Dad, I forgot to discuss the name with you. I just thought about it not long ago. What do you two think? If you have any opinions, I will change it!"

"Okay, very good! Every opinion!" Mother Gu laughed.

Father Gu also nodded repeatedly. "Xiaochen, your literary quality is much better than mine, and you are the head of the Su family. You should have come to name things. Although we are your father-in-law and mother-in-law, we can't intervene in such matters. , you can decide for yourself!"

Su Chen nodded after hearing the words.

Father Gu was right, this time the name was different from ordinary people.

Regardless of whether Su Chen wants to admit it or not, the Su family is already considered a wealthy family. If the Su family wants to last for a long time, these rules must be established.

Since it is a family rule, it is not easy for people with foreign surnames to interrupt, let alone this is the name of Su's eldest son?

That's right, the child in Gu Qingya's stomach is a boy, and also the eldest son of the Su family!

(End of this chapter)

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