Chapter 497
Finally, after waiting anxiously, Gu Qingya gave birth smoothly, and Su Xiaoyan, the boss of the Su family, was born.

Children are ugly when they are born, and Su Xiaoyan is no exception, but because both parents have been transformed, their bodies are super good, especially Su Chen, whose physical fitness has even exceeded the limit of human beings.

So Su Xiaoyan's physical fitness is much better than other children.

He was extremely energetic when he was born, his big eyes were crystal clear like jewels, and his small arms and legs were stronger than other children.

The nurse sister almost didn't hug her at first, but she couldn't help "complaining" to Su Chen after she was delivered in the delivery room, your son's hands are too strong, he doesn't look like a child at all.

The child has a nickname, especially those like the Su family. In two months, there will be nine more children. If there is no nickname, it will be messy to just call them every day.

Nicknames are better, Lai Ming is easy to support, and Su Chen doesn't want to bother. This year is the Year of the Tiger, so he is called Big Tiger.

In the future, when the second child to the tenth child come out, they will be called the second tiger and the third tiger to the little tiger.

The big tiger was born smoothly, and everyone's faces were beaming, whether it was sincere or hypocritical, at least on the surface, they were all blessed.

Su Chen wrapped a big red envelope for the doctor, and then took everyone to Zifu to have a good meal.

Su Chen has many friends, so when Du Hu was born, he had several godfathers and godbrothers.

Every godfather gave the child a gift, and Su Chen planned to keep all these gifts for the child, after all, they belonged to him.

Including the presents and New Year's money given by godfathers, godmothers, uncles and aunts, Su Chen plans to keep them for the children.

Of course, that will be given to him later, except for what the child can use, such as toys and clothes, the rest will be saved for him.

When the child is born, return these to him as the child's coming-of-age gift.

When I came to the scene today, almost everyone prepared gifts for their children, and the weight was not light.

Su Chen didn't refuse, and stayed.

Including the future, Su Chen does not intend to refuse.

Among the people who came today, one counts as one, and they have basically received the favor of Su Chen, and some even have the life-saving grace that cannot be exchanged in several lifetimes.

Everyone knew before that these favors may not be enough for Su Chen, because Su Chen himself is too invincible, he lacks almost everything, and needs nothing, and there is no way to repay the favor.

Well now, with these children, these people can finally pay back some favors.

This is also the reason why Su Chen didn't refuse everyone to give gifts to the children. Kindness doesn't mean that if you keep giving and giving kindness, you can maintain friendship.

On the contrary, if you don't give people a chance to repay the favor, they will always feel that they owe you. It's okay for a short time, but once the time is long, no matter how good the friendship is, it will become sour.

Communication between people is communication.

In fact, these favors are also the greatest fortune he has saved for his children as a father.

In the future, if he is gone, if the children encounter difficulties, then these people present will come to help without the children asking.

This is the network!
After a meal, everyone is in a good mood.

Especially Lao Guo and others, they finally gave something to the Su family today, and they finally feel better, so everyone is happy.

Everyone drank too much.

The next day, Gu Qingya was discharged from the hospital, and the family finally returned to the courtyard.

But it won't be long, that is, after Gu Qingya finishes confinement, the family will get nervous again.

At that time, nine children will be born almost at the same time, so they will definitely have to work hard.

Fortunately, Su has many family members and many friends, so when the time comes to call friends, he is not afraid that he will not be able to take care of them.

As soon as the eldest of the Su family was born, Su Chen's life career instantly became a baby daddy.

Every day after opening my eyes, I just circle around the child.

Seeing that Su Chen likes children so much, Gu Qingya felt happy and happy from the bottom of her heart.

The other women are not in a very good mood, nor are they in a bad mood, mainly because they are concerned about gains and losses.

Either he is worried that Su Chen only likes his son-in-law and not his son-in-law.

Either worry that Su Chen only likes boys, not girls.

Either worry that Su Chen only likes the boss and not others.

Anyway, everyone's complexion is not very good, even Gu Qingyu and Jiang Yan, who are not pregnant, have been infected.

On the second day after Gu Qingya came back, Su Chen finished confinement meals for Gu Qingya, and the whole family sat together for breakfast.

Now, Su Chen finally saw the problem.

Gu Qingya didn't care at first. After giving birth, women are more tired. Gu Qingya likes to sleep and doesn't like to use her brain very much, so she doesn't care enough about this family. In addition, she just gave birth, and her mind is on the boss. , which caused her to never discover the problem.

Su Chen looked at the worried thoughts between the eyebrows of the girls, frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said: "After dinner, we will have a meeting!"

Second family meeting!
It was Su Chen who proposed it on his own initiative.

All of a sudden, the girls became tense.

In order to prevent too frequent meetings from destroying the harmonious atmosphere of the family, in the first meeting, apart from discussing the issue of Su Chen going out to have fun, a rule was also established.

That is, there is no major event related to family harmony and the future, and the meeting must not be started easily, otherwise, within the next year, the right to host the meeting will be revoked.

As long as there is a meeting, there must be major issues to be decided.

So all the girls will be nervous.

But all the girls didn’t say anything, the rules of the Su family, at the dinner table, you can talk about happy things, but you can’t talk about troublesome things, especially you can’t scold others. Now that you have a child, you can’t beat, scold or criticize before or during meals. child.

What's the matter, say after dinner.

Scolding or even beating others before or during meals can affect appetite too much.Especially children, sometimes, a few words of scolding will affect the child's appetite.

Don't think it's a trivial matter, that you won't die from starvation if you miss a meal.

But in fact, eating is definitely the most important thing for human survival, not one of them!

If you don't eat well, it's a trivial matter to affect your mood. If you don't do it well, it will leave a psychological shadow and bad habits.Eating a bad meal can seriously affect your health.

The so-called disease comes from the mouth, 80.00% of human diseases are all caused by poor eating habits.

Even if there is no direct impact, there will be indirect impact.

There are not many rules in the Su family, and [-]% of them have something to do with eating.

In fact, the dining table is like life. If you can thoroughly study the rules of the dining table, you will be no stranger to the world.

The appetite of the Su family has always been good, no matter what happens, it never affects eating and drinking.

The main chef is good. Except for Su Chen, there are less than ten master chefs in the whole world, and eight of them are in China, and they are all apprentices trained by Su Chen.

All eight work in specialty hotels across the country.

Only one belongs to the private kitchen, and it's in the Su residence.

There is a master chef who takes care of the food every day. If it is not good to eat, it is purely a personal problem.

(End of this chapter)

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