I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 501 Saving the future, revealing the old truth

Chapter 501 Saving the future, revealing the old truth
"Husband, I don't understand, do you want to build a piggy bank for the children?"

Gu Qingyu asked.

"That's right! In a sense, you can say that!" Su Chen said with a smile, "It's just that my piggy bank is bigger!"

"Okay, let me talk about it in detail. The bank I am talking about is also for deposits, but ordinary banks only accept coins. My bank accepts everything, ranging from cars and airplanes to small plastic toys. As long as you deposit, I'll take it."

"The significance of this is that it is to let parents accumulate some capital for their children in advance."

"For example, join us, we are now an ordinary family, we don't have to worry about food and clothing, but we don't have much extra savings, if we spend a little bit every month, then all the savings will be gone.

Such a family obviously has no way to earn a future for their children, and even has no money for their children to buy a house in the future.
So what to do, you can save money!Of course, this is no ordinary savings.

Compared with what you have heard before, an old lady deposited more than 1 yuan in the bank decades ago, and now she still withdraws 1 yuan, which is obviously a big loss.Because the 1 yuan at that time was worth more than the 100 million yuan now.

So simply saving money is not reliable.

And if I want to get this bank, it will be linked to inflation.I will ask someone to calculate a formula, for example, if the same is 100 yuan, if 100 years later, the purchase of this 100 yuan is equivalent to one dollar now, then that is to say, the value of the money will depreciate by one hundred times.

Then you deposited 100 yuan in my bank at that time, and 100 years later, I will return you 1 yuan!Guaranteed not to let you suffer!
This is what I want to do, a savings system that never loses value!

In addition, this system can not only save money, but also save any other things for children.Then when the child becomes an adult, teach these things to the child at once, as a child's adult gift.This can also be regarded as the start-up capital accumulated by parents for their children to start their careers. "

"Huh? That's a great idea!"

A few girls showed interest one after another.

"That's right! I remembered that my husband seemed to have told me before that when he was a child, the red envelopes given to him by his relatives and friends ended up in the pockets of his parents. Husband, you are inspired by this, right? "

Guo Xiaoshi asked.

"That's right! In fact, many parents don't have a plan in their lives nowadays. Let's take the lucky money and red envelopes as an example. A child, an ordinary family, and a child from childhood to adulthood can get at least [-] to [-] in red envelopes and lucky money, and this is not enough. Accounting for inflation If you account for inflation, this is a huge amount of money.

But in fact, a lot of this money is basically squandered by young parents eating, drinking and having fun.

If they save the money the moment they receive the red envelopes and lucky money, then after more than ten years of saving, wouldn’t they be saving a future for their children invisibly? "

"Huh? That's true! However, there is a problem here! If inflation is considered for customers, how can we make a profit? If our profit can't keep up with the speed of inflation, wouldn't we have to lose money?"

Jiang Yan said in confusion.

"You are just worrying about it. For banks, the biggest problem is not how to make money, but how to collect savings. As long as you can obtain savings, are you afraid that you will not be able to make money?
To put it simply, after the bank collects savings, it directly converts them into value-preserving industries such as gold, emeralds, and real estate. How valuable!Based on this alone, the bank can't lose money!

Moreover, what I proposed is just a simple concept. There are many ways to play this bank. As I said, the bank does not only collect money, as long as it has a certain value, we will accept it.

It even touches on gambling.To give another example, you said, if it was 18 years ago, and you had a sum of money in your hand that you had nowhere to spend, and then you bought all the stocks of Xunteng and Alibaba, and bet on their future.

Then today, 18 years later, when you take out these shares, how much did you earn? "

"Wow! Having said that, I feel more and more interesting! Husband, if you want to do this, you must do it!"

"Yes! I agree!"

"I agree!"

Su Chen smiled. "Well, I'll contact Old Wen in the afternoon and ask him to find someone to make a proposal, and then, when our big tiger arrives at the ten tigers, he will be the first batch of depositors!"

"Okay! Husband, after the bank is established, can I take care of it?" Guo Xiaoshi was eager to try it!

Su Chen shook his head.

"You all have property, and this bank will be given to Xiaoyu! All children in our family are treated equally, and you are no exception. Everyone must have their own property.

Yanyan, don't worry, I'll get you an estate after a while! "

Guo Xiaoshi stuck out her tongue when she heard the words.She just came out of interest, and said it casually, without any other meaning.

Everyone knew Guo Xiaoshi's temperament, so they didn't say anything.

Gu Qingyu is very happy, she finally has something to do, she is not a person who can live at leisure, not to mention that this bank is so fun, he is already eager to try it.

On the contrary, Jiang Yan bowed her head in embarrassment and said, "It's okay husband, I don't care."

Su Chen shook his head. "Whether you care or not is your business. It's my business whether you give it or not. And you don't have to think too much. This is a sustenance for you, so that you have something to do. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Just look at your sisters. , They are all group bosses, but look at them, who has been in charge of the company in normal times?

One by one, it's just 3 minutes in time! "

Su Chen said, looking at Guo Xiaoshi.

Guo Xiaoshi immediately turned her head, looked left and right, and pretended not to hear.

Seeing this, Jiang Yan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

As she said, she doesn't care how much property she has, but she is afraid of not doing well.

But if it's just a name, as Su Chen said, then there's no problem.

"Husband, doesn't our bank have a name yet? Can you give me one?"

"Pfft!" Guo Xiaoshi burst into laughter. "Old fifth, you actually asked your husband to name you? Don't you know that he is a bad name? Look at the names of those little things in our family. Big fat, Erya, Sandu, Siniu hahaha. Want to laugh!"

Gu Qingyu blinked. "What? Third sister, are these names given by your husband?"

In fact, the names of these pets in the Su family have been complained about more than once, but Guo Xiaoshi never mentioned it in order to take care of Su Chen's face.

Now here are all my family members, Guo Xiaoshi naturally has no taboos, she can say whatever she wants.

"Sure, otherwise, who else in the family has the right?"

"Let me tell you, these names were thought up by my husband after thinking about them for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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