I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 502 Shanqing No. 1 Emperor's Villa

Chapter 502 Shanqing No. [-] Emperor's Villa

"Don't listen to your third sister's nonsense, your husband is a genius, how can such a trivial thing as a name still confuse me?"

Su Chen gave Guo Xiaoshi a white look, looked at Gu Qingyu and said seriously.

When Gu Qingyu heard it, hey too!The name my husband gave to Dahu is not ugly at all, and it has a generational character. It is full of characters and has a strong scholarly temperament. How could it be a useless name?

Gu Qingyu hurriedly said: "Husband, then think of a name!"

Guo Xiaoshi rolled her eyes frantically.

In the end is the fifth, too young!
And I don't believe your third sister!


The other girls covered their mouths and snickered, but Jiang Yan came late, so I don't know why.

Su Chen thought about it seriously: "Actually, I have already thought of the name! It's called Future Bank!"


Gu Qingyu's expression froze instantly.

"Pfft~! Hahahahaha!"

After all, Guo Xiaoshi couldn't hold back, lying on the recliner, laughing forward and backward.

The other women couldn't help but laugh too.

Su Chen scratched his head,
"What are you laughing at? Isn't that a bad name?"

Gu Qingyu looked at Su Chen resentfully and said, "Honey, are you sure you're not doing it for convenience? Future Bank? Are you being too casual?"

"Why is this so casual? Isn't the name Future Bank bad? The theme of our bank is the future, and we want to save a future for our children! So we named it Future, and the theme is so clear!"

Gu Qingyu looked desperate and turned her head, expressing that she didn't want to talk to Su Chen.

Su Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, then glared at Guo Xiaoshi.

Guo Xiaoshi also refused to suffer, and directly sued.

"Sister, my husband stares at me, I'm piapia!"

"Elder Sister makes the decision for you." After Gu Qingya finished speaking, she stared at Su Chen. "You know how to bully the third child. If you don't name yourself well, you still blame the third child for exposing your background?"

Su Chen suddenly lost his temper.

There is no way, in the Su family, if there is no major event, the eldest sister is the real head of the family.

Su Chen secretly gave Guo Xiaoshi a glance.

This girl is getting skinnier!
Guo Xiaoshi made a face at Su Chen, she was not afraid at all!
Seeing this, Su Chen was overjoyed.

What the hell, I actually married a family of living treasures.

"Okay, one last thing. I've been thinking about this for days, and I think we should move!"

"move place??"

The girls are all in good spirits this time.


This is a big deal!

Zhang Huan didn't understand.

"Honey, why did you move? Is it uncomfortable to live in this courtyard house?"

The other women also looked suspicious.

It can be seen that the girls really don't want to move.

For them, the courtyard house is like an old house from their childhood. It is far away from the busy traffic and the impetuous atmosphere of the metropolis.

Moreover, the four seasons in the courtyard are like spring, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and there is a large garden.

Most importantly, the courtyard is full of happy memories of them.

Here is the place where their beautiful love is recorded.

The happiness between them and Su Chen all started from here.

Maybe it didn't feel like anything before.

But now that An Yi suddenly proposed to move, the girls were really uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, listen to me, I only said to move, and I didn't say that I don't want the courtyard house anymore!

I mean, the reason for temporarily moving out of the courtyard is very simple, that is, it is inconvenient!In a few months, our family will have ten children.

On the side of the courtyard, there are too few security measures, and the yard is a little narrow. It is okay if there are fewer people, but when there are too many people, it is really inconvenient to squeeze them into one yard.

So I plan to buy a manor, the area must be large, let alone ten children, even a hundred children can make them toss.

As for the courtyard, I plan to expand it. Now there are nine courtyards in total, which is still not big enough.

I have asked people to discuss with the neighbors around us, and the neighbors on the left and right have agreed to sell the yard to us.

At that time, all three courtyards will be opened up, and the entire courtyard will have [-] courtyards, so that no matter how many people are added, there is no fear of running out of places to live.

Coincidentally, while the child is still young, we will move out in the past two years, and then the courtyard will undergo a major renovation!
After two years, when the children grow up a bit, can run and jump, and know how to protect themselves, we will come back again.

I will definitely let them spend their childhood in the courtyard, after all, for children, the fun in the courtyard is far more than that in the manor! "

"That's it! That's no problem! Hehe, let my husband say this, I really want to live in a manor. I've grown up, and I haven't lived in a manor yet!"

"Ha! Leave this to me!" Guo Xiaoshi suddenly became energetic! "Husband, you don't need to buy the manor, we have it at home."

"Huh?" Su Chen suddenly remembered that Guo Xiaoshi was managing Shichen Real Estate Group. "I forgot if you didn't tell me, why? Shichen Real Estate also invested in the manor villa?"

"For sure!" Guo Xiaoshi said proudly, "Husband, don't you know? The market value of our Shichen Real Estate has now exceeded [-] billion. I and I have invested in many properties, including manor villas.

Well, what I want to say is that there is a Shanqing villa area near the airport, which is adjacent to Qingshan Mountain, and there is a Kistler Park inside, which covers a super large area and has beautiful and pleasant scenery.

The Shanqing villa area is basically single-family villas, and each villa is designed independently, so that they are far away from each other without disturbing each other.

The most important thing is that Villa No. 1000 in this villa area is called Emperor Villa. This villa not only occupies five times the area of ​​other villas, but also has five times the construction area of ​​other villas. In Villa No. [-], There are a total of ten buildings, one large, nine small, among which the main building is a five-storey villa attic with a Chinese-European style. There are three floors on the ground and two floors underground. Each floor covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

The remaining nine small buildings are functional buildings, including kitchen, warehouse, entertainment building, staff dormitory, children's playground and so on.

In addition, there is an exclusive garden covering an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters in Villa No. [-], and there is also a small outdoor children's playground in the garden.

It can be said that Villa Shanqing No. 11.3 is one of the most valuable and luxurious villas in Huaguo, with a total value of [-] billion! "

Su Chen looked at Guo Xiaoshi in surprise, and said: "Okay, third child, I haven't seen you manage the group before? You actually know so much about the group, especially these data, just open your mouth, it's amazing!"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted proudly! "Husband, you underestimate me. Although I don't go to work, I have never relaxed about the affairs of the group. I know any troubles in the group. As for these data, they are all our family's property, so I will naturally do it." You have to know it in your heart!"

"Okay! It seems that the third child of our family is still very reliable. Yes, the Shanqing No. [-] villa you mentioned sounds very good. I will go and have a look tomorrow. If it is possible, I will find someone to renovate it. After two months , let's move!"


(End of this chapter)

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