I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 504 Moving to Shanqing Villa

Chapter 504 Moving to Shanqing Villa
After more than three months of turmoil, the Su family finally calmed down.

And today, the Su family has to do the last big thing, and that is--move!
Moving is not that simple. There are too many secrets and good things of Su Chen in the courtyard, such as the treasure in his underground laboratory, the gas gathering array around the courtyard, and so many exotic flowers and trees in the courtyard, all of which need to be worried about. .

In fact, as early as three days ago, Su Chen had already moved.

At the Shanqing Villa, it took three months of overtime and overtime to complete the complete renovation. It happened that the girls had finished their confinement and their health was fine, so they could just move.

Today the Su family is quite large, the parents of the girls, the three brothers Yu Fatty, Yu Qiang, Lao Guo, Wu Jing, and Sha Yi all came, and they all came with their families.

The most conspicuous one is the men's team of Deyun Club. In order to move Su Chen, Lao Guo brought more than ten Deyun men's team, all of them are strong young men in their 20s. Lao Guo brought them here to do hard work. of.

Because everything was planned in advance, Gao Qing led the security guards to take care of some important things, and Xu Xiaodong took care of the rest.

Early in the morning, after everyone came to the courtyard, Su Chen, Lao Guo and other guests drove directly to Shanqing Villa.

Let Gao Qing and Xu Xiaodong be in charge of the courtyard.

The Su family has a lot of everything, and cars are no exception. There are dozens of vehicles of various models, filling the Su family's underground garage to the brim.

If it weren't for the lack of space in the garage, the number would be even higher than this.

Mainly it doesn't cost money.

All cars are produced by Honghuang Group.

Speaking of which, after more than half a year of development, the Honghuang Group has completely risen.

Now in the entire Huaguo, [-]% of the people drive cars from the Honghuang Group.

The reason why it is only [-]% is not because other people don't like Honghuang cars, but because these people already have cars and don't have the money to change them or are reluctant.

But it is estimated that before long, these people will also change their cars one after another.

There are many reasons, mainly a few points.

One is that Honghuang Auto has a beautiful appearance and a full sense of technology.

Because most of the models of Honghuang Automobile come from its own system, many technologies are not in the world today, have been researched by the future scientific research center, and belong to the Honghuang Group, such as naked-eye 3D technology, such as metal folding technology, such as intelligent systems and so on.

Especially the intelligent system, the car produced by Honghuang Group, the intelligent system has been advanced enough to completely replace the functions of mobile phones and computers.And all of them are combined with voice control of the virtual screen.

For example, if you are driving and want to make a call, you can make a voice call, call someone, and then a virtual screen will appear in the upper right corner of your front windshield, allowing you to confirm the operation, and there is also an intelligent voice reminder .

Also, if you want to use the map, after the smart search, the virtual screen will also be projected on the glass, and even a virtual arrow can be formed in front of the car to guide you the way to the greatest extent.

In addition, the intelligent system is also equipped with a system for intelligently distinguishing dangers. When you encounter dangers, such as emergency situations such as tire protection, car collision, and collision with people, the intelligent accident system will automatically turn on, and then operate the vehicle on your behalf unmanned state.

Like this, just can let a lot of panic-stricken people avoid the generation of accident etc. to the greatest extent possible.

The new car has many new functions, and all of them are unique functions of Honghuang Automobile.

With these alone, all other cars can be eliminated.

What's more, these are just one of the advantages of Honghuang Automobile.

The second is that Honghuang cars are completely driven by lithium-air batteries, which is not only more energy-saving and environmentally friendly, but also saves money, and it saves a lot of money.

Because now the electricity in Huaguo is worthless.

After half a year, all provinces in Huaguo have now built controllable nuclear fusion reactors, and some major provinces have even built several.

Now, the country's electricity supply has been completely replaced by controlled nuclear fusion.

Because of this, electricity prices plummeted.

After all, the cost of power generation is almost nothing now, and the only cost of power generation is helium-3 mine, but helium-3 belongs to the state, and the state will naturally not compete with the people for profit, so it directly lowers the electricity price countless times.

From the original fifty cents per kilowatt-hour to five cents, now, the monthly electricity bill of an ordinary family is at most a dozen yuan, which is almost nothing.

Of course, industrial electricity is still much more expensive than household electricity, but it is also much cheaper than before.

The important thing is that with such a low electricity price, the cost of driving is much cheaper.

If it is fuel-driven before, then a 1.6L ordinary family car consumes about 7 or 8 liters of fuel per 50 kilometers, and the cost is about [-] yuan.

But if it is driven by electricity, the power consumption per 15 kilometers is about [-] kWh, and if high-tech power consumption is added, it will only cost [-] kWh at most. Now it costs five cents per kWh, and [-] kWh is only one yuan.

The cost is a full fifty times difference.As long as you can do some calculations, you will know how much money you can save by driving an electric car.

The reason why so many people have not changed their cars now is mainly because old cars cannot be sold and they have no money to buy new ones.

Since the advent of Honghuang Automobile, the entire automobile market has been shattered by the impact, as long as the industry related to automobiles has been affected.

In particular, the second-hand car market has suffered a near-destructive blow.

Today's second-hand cars are basically fuel vehicles, but fuel vehicles are doomed to be eliminated. In a few years, it is estimated that no one will drive fuel vehicles.Therefore, the second-hand car market was almost destroyed, the car in hand could not be sold, and the fuel car outside was even more afraid to accept it. Such an accident, wouldn't it just go bankrupt?
If this is the case, there may be small-scale unrest in the entire society.

Fortunately, the Honghuang Group had considered comprehensively enough in advance. While researching the new car, it also studied the technology of refitting the old car.

Now this technology has spread to all automobile companies and the second-hand car market. It can be regarded as the last bit of kindness and welfare that Honghuang Group has given to the automobile industry.

With this technology, fuel vehicles can be converted into electric vehicles at a small cost.

In this way, the auto industry is given a chance for a smooth transition, so that all people in the auto industry will not lose their jobs.

It is also because of this that many people choose to modify their cars.After all, not all families have the capital to change cars casually, especially when old cars have depreciated.

Of course, this situation is only temporary, and it won't be long, at most three to five years, when all the cars in the world will baptize the prehistoric cars.

Other auto groups either spend money to buy Honghuang Group's patented new cars, or completely surrender to Honghuang Automobile and become subsidiaries of Honghuang Group.

In other words, within three to five years at the most, Huaguo's auto industry will be able to overtake on a bend and become a well-deserved auto overlord!

(End of this chapter)

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