I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 505 Precocious Boss and Hypocritical Boss

Chapter 505 Precocious Boss and Hypocritical Tenth
Honghuang Group, Kunpeng series nanny cars.

The car is 11 meters long and [-] meters high, and people can walk upright in it.

This is a nanny car specially designed by Wu Qing for Su Chen.

People all over the country know that the boss Su Chen loves two kinds of cars the most, off-road cars and nanny cars.

Off-road is usually driven when going out alone, and the nanny car is Su Chen's standard equipment.

The reason why I like nanny cars is that there are many Su family members, and there are many functions in the nanny car. Su Chen is an extremely hedonistic person, especially in the imperial capital where there are often traffic jams. If you take an ordinary car, the traffic jam will be very boring. .

It's different in the nanny's car. In the nanny's car, you can relax to your heart's content. Don't talk about being stuck in traffic for hours, even if you're stuck in traffic for more than ten days, Su Chen won't feel bored.

Because there is a system mall, as long as he is given an environment where he can rest, he can relax to his heart's content.

The Kunpeng series nanny cars are currently only owned by Su Chen, and the Su family has a total of ten cars.

After everyone reported at Su's house, they all got into the Kunpeng nanny car, and men and women were separated.

But the ten little ones were divided up by everyone.

Su Chen has been hugging Lao Shi all the time, perhaps because she was born too late, and she was the youngest, and the nutrition in her mother's body did not keep up, which caused Lao Shi to be rather listless after birth.

Su Chen checked his body, and he was really a little weak, but the problem was not serious.

Su Chen has been combing her body with the spiritual energy in the golden pupil.

Not only her, Su Chen groomed Shi Xiaodu's body.

Reiki is a good thing. If you use Reiki to groom your body all the year round, you may not need to grow up. All the ten children in the Su family are superhumans.

There are already signs now, and the boss is only three months old, but he can already communicate with people.

Although he can't speak yet, he can already understand what adults say.

He is usually like a little adult, barking when he is hungry, and laughing when he sees milk.I cry when I pull it, and stop crying immediately after changing the diaper.

It's as if his screams are signaling to adults, telling you what to do!

Usually he is very well-behaved, sleeps by himself when he is sleepy, and likes to look around when he wakes up, likes to look at everything, and feels that everything he looks at is very novel.Sometimes, I can sit there and watch for hours without crying or fussing.

The boss's intelligence frightened Gu Qingya and the girls at first, they all thought the boss was stupid.

Later, it was found through examination that the boss was not stupid at all, but that his brain developed too fast, his IQ was too high, and he had entered the stage of cognition of the world ahead of schedule.

It's the old ten, that's more hypocritical, and she is the one who cries the most.

The old ten is also spoiled, and his standard of living is not good at all.Just like milk, don't drink it when the temperature is high, and don't drink it when the temperature is low.Of course, this is normal, not to mention babies, even adults should not often drink too cold or too hot.

But generally there is an interval between cool and hot.

Just like the other nine little ones.Drinking milk, generally 40 to 60 degrees is enough.

But the old ten only drinks milk at 45 degrees, or more precisely, milk at 45 degrees 8.

There can be no difference between two degrees before and after, otherwise you will not drink.

Not only that, Lao Shi also has requirements for the environment and sleeping places.Not in a place with too much sun, and not in a place with too much sun.The bed is not too soft, nor is it too hard.

That's really, harder to serve than a royal princess.

The angry Zhang Huan wanted to do something more than once, but was stopped by Gu Qingya.

The child is still too young to understand anything. The most important thing is that the old ten is born with insufficient vitality, so it is normal to be spoiled.

In addition, Lao Shi usually doesn't like to be hugged, not even by his own mother.

But he really likes to pester Su Chen, as long as Su Chen is by his side, he must hug him.

And as long as Su Chen hugs, nothing will happen.

And what's amazing is that when other people breastfeed the old ten, the old ten is not picky, but as long as Su Chen feeds her, even if the milk is 55 degrees, the old ten will not dislike it, and drink it very happily.

Anyway, as long as Su Chen is holding her, the tenth child will be more obedient than the eldest.If Su Chen is not here, he will immediately become the devil king.

As a result, Su Chen hugged the tenth child when he was free.

For the old ten, Su Chen also had a headache.

The main reason is that he can't understand the old ten's brain circuit, so she may be hypocritical, but as long as she is by his side, she is not generally sensible.Moreover, Lao Shi is usually hypocritical, that is, he is more picky about living standards, and he can't see it in other aspects for the time being.

The main thing is that the child is still young, so Su Chen can only get used to it.But when the child grows up, he can speak human language.When dealing with personnel affairs, Su Chen won't be as used to it as he is now.

Su Chen didn't know much about Godson, but he always remembered some words of Lao Guo.

As the head of the family, what I am most afraid of is not being able to see what is wrong with the child, spoiling him unreasonably, giving him what he wants, and spoiling him more and more.

Lao Guo advocated that filial sons should be born under the stick, and Su Chen also admitted that the famous sayings left by the old ancestors through the ages are not unreasonable.

If you educate your child well at home, then no one outside will educate him for you.If you don't educate your children well at home, it will be too late when you get into trouble outside and let others educate you.

When it comes to godson, Su Chen really admires Lao Guo.

This can be seen from Guo Qilin's tutor.

So today, except for the eldest, the children are almost a month old. Su Chen plans to hold a full moon wine together, which happens to be held together with the housewarming wine.

And on this day, Su Chen planned to do one thing.

On the Kunpeng car.Su Chen is holding the tenth child, Yu Qian is holding the eldest child, Guo Guo is holding the third child, Wu Jing and Sha Yi are empty-handed, but they have been teasing the eldest child and the third child.

"Tsk tsk, Chen'er, your boss looks extraordinary! Just these eyes are not something ordinary people can have!"

Lao Guo held the third child in his arms, but kept looking at the eldest one, and said in admiration.

Yu Qiang also nodded, he also really likes the boss. "That's right, Chen'er, we are not talking politely. If your boss is educated well, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

When Su Chen heard this, his heart moved, and he suddenly smiled and said: "That's for sure, don't you know who I am? I have a high IQ since I was a child, and I can learn everything quickly, and I can master everything.

I'm not being polite to you, and I'm not proud to say that the top ten in my family are top-notch in terms of IQ, qualifications, and martial arts. "

A few people listened with strange expressions on their faces. Isn't that proud?This is almost proud of the sky.

But several people felt that what Su Chen said was right, and it was very right.

Su Chen himself is a well-known god. This is not only because Su Chen is rich, but also because of Su Chen's superb skills, such as cooking, sculpture, medicine, martial arts, music, calligraphy, etc., Su Chen is proficient in all of them.

And it's not a general proficiency, every kind of thing is the best in the world, and he is a master of a generation.

The so-called tiger father has no dogs, Su Chen has such good genes, the children born will naturally not be bad!
(End of this chapter)

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