I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 51 Cultural Export?

Chapter 51 Cultural Export?

Shopkeeper Yi is happy. "Who made you the third child? Admit it!"

The others still haven't recovered from it!
"San'er, did you really carve this?" Yu Qiang asked with widened eyes.

Su Chen nodded, and said: "Brother Yan'er, I still like you to call me brother, Chen'er is fine too!"

However, Yu Qian also ignored him.He snatched the cloth from Wu Jing directly, then carefully wrapped the walnuts, and quickly put them in his pocket.

Everyone was speechless for a moment, but after being speechless, there was deep envy.

Especially Wu Jing, who patted his forehead regretfully. "No, bro, didn't Chen give it to me?"

Yuu waved his hand. "Don't talk nonsense, everyone heard it just now, it was given to me by San'er."

Wu Jing scratched his head, then thought for a while, picked up a glass of wine, came to Su Chen, and made a toast.

Seeing this, Su Chen got up in a hurry. "Brother Jing, what are you doing!"

Wu Jing said: "Brother, I misunderstood you just now, let me accompany you with a glass of wine!"

As he spoke, he was about to drink it in one gulp, but Su Chen grabbed the wine glass.

Su Chen looked at Wu Jing, and said seriously: "Brother Jing, if you want to drink, I can handle it! But I don't have this kind of wine to apologize. It's a big deal, so it won't happen!" Su Chen poured it for himself He drank a glass of wine, then clinked glasses with Wu Jing.

"Come on! Done!"

Wu Jing looked at Su Chen, and grinned happily, very happily.Then without hesitation, a glass of white wine was drained in one gulp, not a drop left!
The same is true for Su Chen, he did it in one gulp!
"it is good!"

There were embarrassing applause from all around.

Su Chen wiped his mouth and said to Wu Jing: "Brother Jing, what carving do you want? Just tell me if you have any requirements. I will be in charge of the carving, but you will pay for the materials yourself!"

Su Chen's implication is that no engraving fee will be charged.Wu Jing also heard it, and his heart was very warm.Then his heart moved, he looked at Su Chen, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Chen'er, you treat me as an older brother, and I don't treat you as an outsider. Let me tell you the truth, as for me, I am currently filming a movie !"

While listening, Su Chen called Wu Jing and the others to sit down.

Everyone returned to their seats, and Wu Jing continued: "Actually, I was just a cameo in this movie. But after a while, the director found me and said Brother Jing, the crew is too poor, can you make a cameo for free?
I was very optimistic about the crew and the director, so I readily agreed. "

Everyone was very surprised to hear this. This kind of thing is really rare in the entertainment industry. I have to say that this director is really strong!
Wu Jing took a sip of wine, and then said: "I thought this was the end of the matter, who knew that the director came to me again the day before yesterday, saying that the crew had no money, and asked me if I could invest! After I inquired, my feelings The crew is at least one billion short! I was completely dumbfounded at the time!"

Su Chen asked: "So you voted?"

"I voted! I have already acted to that point, can I not vote? It happens that I made some money in Wolf Warriors, and I am really optimistic about this movie, so I voted for 6000 million, but 6000 million is not enough. Sci-fi movies require a lot of special effects, and there is still a gap of at least 5000 million! So I was looking for a boss I know to see if he can invest!"

After hearing this, Yu Qian frowned. "Jing'er, this is a risky thing for you. No matter how much you like this movie, if you let the boss invest in it, if the movie loses money, then you will easily offend people!"

"I know this, so I'm just leading the way for the director. The specific negotiation is still in accordance with the rules, and I won't get involved!"

Su Chen didn't speak, he was not very interested in investing in movies.The main reason is that this matter is meaningless. Huaxia movies have always been in a weak position in the whole world. The main reason is that they started late and their development is still a bit messy. It is not a problem that a certain person or movie can solve.

Unless there is any special meaning, Su Chen doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

However, he didn't want to do it, but the system forced him to do it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering a large-scale chain task-becoming the vanguard of cultural output and making Chinese movies popular all over the world!
Opening conditions: The host needs to successfully invest in "The Wandering Earth", and the investment amount is not less than 5000 million!

Mission reward: start a series of missions, the amount invested by the host will be reimbursed by the system twice! "

Su Chen: "!!!"

Another large chain mission?

Counting the museum, this is already the second one. If counting the technology company, he now has three main tasks.

What about getting rid of the shackles?Su Chen suddenly felt that he was bound by system tasks.

What frustrates him the most is that he doesn't want to give up any of these three tasks. Needless to say, the museum is his favorite, and he will definitely not give up.Technology companies can invent and transform the world's science and technology, the merits of which will be in the future, and the benefits will be in the present, so there is no excuse.

As for the final cultural export, well, as an angry young man who cares about the country, Su Chen feels that he has no reason to refuse.

It seems that I have to find a tool man for myself again. The current tool man is not enough at all!
After accepting the system task, Su Chen looked at Wu Jing and said, "Brother Jing, have you talked to that boss?"

"Not yet! Isn't this sculpture not finished yet!"

"Then don't look for him!" Su Chen put a piece of mixed cucumber into his mouth, chewed it, and said casually: "Ask that director, how much money is still missing, I voted!"

"You voted?" Wu Jing frowned, not happy, but hesitant.Although he is very optimistic about this movie, but the movie market is changing, who can guarantee that his work will not lose money?
He is a filmmaker himself, and that's what he does. Investing in movies can be regarded as his job, and it doesn't matter if he loses his job.He has no psychological burden to find other bosses to invest in, and he doesn't have a deep friendship with that boss. It's just to connect him with the crew and build a bridge. The relationship between them is a purely commercial transaction.

Everyone is happy if they make a profit, but no one else is to blame if they lose.

But if Su Chen got involved, it would be completely different.He regards Su Chen as his brother, and it's okay to say that the movie made money, but if he loses, then he really has a psychological burden.

Su Chen saw Wu Jing's worry at a glance, so he explained with a smile: "Hehe, brother Jing, don't think too much. The main reason is that I have a sum of money in my hand. It's a waste to put it in my hand. It's also a waste to have an investment. Okay. And I didn’t say I’ll vote right away, you invite that director over tomorrow, and I’ll talk to him later!”

Wu Jing still hesitated.

Su Chen patted Wu Jing on the shoulder and scolded with a smile: "Oh, brother Jing, isn't it just one or two hundred million? I don't feel bad even if I throw it all away. Just ask Brother Ji and Second Brother, the ones I bought today How much did the antique cost?"

Wu Jing heard the words and looked at Yu Qiang.

Yu Qian stretched out two fingers with emotion.

Wu Jing stared, hesitated for a moment, and guessed: "2000 million?"

Yu Qing shook his head. "Take another ten!"

2000 million times ten?
"Hiss?" Wu Jing was really taken aback.

Spending [-] million yuan to buy antiques, and still looking like he doesn't care, Wu Jing hasn't seen many such local tyrants.

If Su Chen is really so rich, maybe it would be a good thing to let him invest in Xiaopoqiu?

Wu Jing's heart was a little shaken!
(End of this chapter)

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