Chapter 52

It was another night of drunkenness, but luckily he wasn't the only one who remained sober this time.

With Su Chen's permission, Gao Qing and the others got half drunk. Of the eight of them, four drank and the other four did not drink at all.The eight agreed to have another party next time, and change the other four to drink. Of course, even if the four who drank were not drunk, at most a little drunk, they were all professional security guards. Charter, they don't even know how to drink this little wine.

In addition, the four housekeepers are also okay, and they can simply clean up the East Garden afterwards, and some leftover food has been stored, so that they can continue to eat the next day.

As for Su Chen and the others, none of them were sober. Even Su Chen walked and staggered drunk.

Su Chenqiang cheered up, supported Guo Xiaoshi, and together with Gao Qing and others, Yu Qiang and others settled down.

He was in charge of the arrangement throughout the whole process, firstly because he was afraid that Gao Qing and others would be careless.The second is to be afraid of something unexpected.

It is necessary to be defensive. Gao Qing and others have just arrived, and Su Chen has not yet figured out his character and cannot fully trust him. Naturally, he must be a little defensive.Especially Yu Qiang, Wu Jing and the others are all stars, if something goes wrong, if some ugly photos are spread, it is likely to have a blow to their careers.

Su Chen is a typical Northeast person, and he has lived in BJ for five or six years. His personality has both the righteousness of Northeast people and the arrogance of BJ people. In Su Chen's heart, he can suffer a little when he gets along with friends. But never sorry friends.

So don't look at Su Chen's usual look of not caring about anything except playing.But in fact, Su Chen takes some principles in his bones more seriously than anyone else.

After Yu Qiang and others settled down, Su Chen was the last one to send Guo Xiaoshi back to the room!

This is the second time, the little girl's pretty face is flushed, her big eyes seem to be opened or closed, her eyes are blurred, she is really cute.

This girl is also big-hearted, in this courtyard, she is surrounded by packs of wolves, she dared to get so drunk, she is really innocent enough.

That is Su Chen, who still has a little self-control in resisting temptation. If it were someone else, it would probably be emmmmm by now.

Put Guo Xiaoshi on the bed, let her lie down, covered her with a quilt, and thoughtfully poured a glass of water on the bedside, then wandered out of the room, took her key and locked the door for her .

After Su Chen left, Guo Xiaoshi, who was so drunk on the bed, opened her eyes instantly. Her eyes were still a little blurred, but her expression was obviously thinking!
After a while, Guo Xiaoshi turned over and lay down on the bed, buried her little head under the pillow, and kicked her calf like a child, at the same time, there was a humming sound from under the pillow.
The next day!

Su Chen got up early again.

Although he was hangover, but because of the good wine and his strong physical fitness, Su Chen's body didn't feel any discomfort, and he didn't have any post-drunk syndrome at all.

After feeling the energetic body, Su Chen was in a good mood.

Get up and wash as usual, and then change into casual and refreshing clothes.

It was raining lightly outside, I don't know how long it had been raining, but it seemed that it was going to be serious for a while.

Su Chen opened the door, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit, Su Chen felt his whole body tremble, a tangy scent of earth mixed with floral fragrance entered his nostrils, that natural and fresh smell made Su Chen feel refreshed shock.

Su Chen still likes rainy days, especially when there is no pressure to survive and carefree, his favorite thing to do is to sit by the window, make a pot of tea, and enjoy the rain quietly, just simply watching the rain, He could watch for hours without moving.

It was raining and he couldn't go anywhere, so Su Chen simply made himself a pot of milk tea, then opened the window, found the dzi bead bracelet, sat on the armchair by the window, looked outside, and his heart slowly calmed down.

"System, sign in!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the sign-in and obtaining the trigger opening right of the mall!"

After listening to the notification tone, Su Chen was at a loss, what?Triggered open right?I can't understand it at all!

There is no other way but to call up the system interface and see the specific instructions.

After reading it, Su Chen's calm heart became alive again!

The so-called triggered open right means that the system mall will passively put on top products at any time according to the host's experience and encounters.

For example, Su Chen couldn't think about it one day, had a strong desire to cultivate immortality, and found a gymnasium to become a monk.According to Su Chen's behavior, the system may list some immortal cultivation techniques.

Of course, according to the system, some commodities beyond the scope of science will be very expensive, and they may not be authentic.

Judging from the performance of the system boss Haofu, if the system says the price is expensive, it is basically telling Su Chen that he can't afford it.

Su Chen pondered for a long time, and found that although this reward looked very attractive, it was too passive and out of his control, so he could look forward to it, but he couldn't rely on it.

After signing in, Su Chen's heart was completely quiet!Now he is more and more fond of this habit of meditating and cultivating nature every morning. After every time, Su Chen will feel very at ease in his heart and in good spirits.

Perhaps it was because Su Chen got up too early, he finished coiling the dzi bead for an hour, but it was still quiet outside, no one got up.

Bored, Su Chen got up and put the dzi beads back, took out the twelve zodiac signs that were not finished carving yesterday, went back to the window, and continued to carve.

I don't know how long it took, around seven o'clock, the rain outside became a little lighter, but it was still falling.

However, the courtyard finally gained popularity, and there were non-stop voices from around, Yu Qiang, Wu Jing, Yue Yunpeng and others all woke up.

Judging by the angry voice, it seems that everyone slept well last night.

"Hey! What is this engraving? Are you up early enough?"

After washing up, everyone gathered in Su Chen's master bedroom.

The originally quiet environment suddenly became noisy, and Su Chen couldn't work anymore, so he took back the props and chatted with everyone.

After a while, Han Yun and three other housekeepers brought breakfast.

Breakfast is made by Han Yun. Millet porridge, steamed stuffed buns stuffed with meat and vegetarian stuffing, fried liver, bean juice, and donuts that old BJs love to eat, plus a few dishes of refreshing cold salad. It is very simple, but very delicate.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work! I ate so much in the early morning, and no one is living this small life!"

After Yu Qiang thanked Han Yun and the others, he felt extremely emotional.

The others followed suit and thanked Han Yun and the others.Smiles appeared on the faces of Han Yun and the others, and their words became more enthusiastic. They recognized this respect very much.

The breakfast is very simple, but everyone eats it very well.I just ate so much wine and meat last night, it was just right for something light, eight people, including Guo Xiaoshi who came late, nine people drank two pots of millet porridge.

After the meal, Yue Yunpeng spread out on the recliner, motionless!

(End of this chapter)

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