I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 53 Investing in Movies

Chapter 53 Investing in Movies
"Hello? Hello, who is it?"

"Oh, Mr. Wu, hello, hello!"

"Hey, look at what you said, how dare I forget you? Ah? What? A super-large antique auction? How big is it?"

"More than 100 lots? Are they all carefully selected boutiques? Oh, that's not small!"

"Go! I'll definitely go! Okay! I'll leave the invitation letter to you!"

"Alright, see you tomorrow!"

Putting down the phone, Su Chen was thoughtful.

In the room, Guo Qilin, Yue Yunpeng, Sun Yue, Wu Jing and Yu Ntai are playing stud, Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou are admiring the treasure that Su Chen bought yesterday, neither of them looked carefully in the car yesterday, and now it is raining outside , everyone couldn't leave, and what's more, there was nothing to do during the day.

Yu Entai has just finished filming a movie, and he is going to take a break during this time.Wu Jing temporarily shut down because of the lack of money for Xiao Poqiu's production team. He is fine, and he has already called Xiao Poqiu's director. He will come over to discuss investment with Su Chen in a while.

As for Yu Qiang and others, there will be no performance until the evening at the Deyun Club.

As for Guo Xiaoshi, there is nothing he can do. The research team has already begun to study temperature-adjustable materials.Recently, Guo Xiaoshi has been busy registering the company's research institutes and recruiting various talents from various colleges to enrich the future research institutes.

So she will be very busy during this time and leave early in the morning.

But before leaving, she took 100 million from Su Chen.Among them, 30 yuan was given by Su Chen on his own initiative, and Guo Xiaoshi used it to provide the company with two cars, whoever needed them would use them.The remaining 70 was applied by Guo Xiaoshi on her own initiative. According to Guo Xiaoshi's words, she will assist in the management of Su Chen's basic necessities of life. Since she is the life secretary, she must do the things that belong to the life secretary.

There are a lot of things going on recently, and many things are a little sudden, so Su Chen needs to reflect on himself from time to time.

"What auction?"

When Xu Shi heard the voice, both Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou put down Wenwan and took the initiative to join in.

"Oh! An old man in the literary and play industry invited me to participate in an antique auction. The time is tomorrow. It is said that this auction is an annual super-large auction in the imperial capital. At least half of the items in the auction every year are The antiques are genuine, and some are even priceless."

"You're talking about the Xinghe Auction, right?" Yi Zhou suddenly said, "I know this auction, and it's well-known internationally. Every auction attracts many celebrities and wealthy businessmen from home and abroad. And this auction is also Not everyone who wants to participate can participate, you must have an invitation letter issued by the Galaxy Auction House to enter! Otherwise, no matter how much money you have, you are not eligible to participate!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! This auction house seems to have a strong background!"

"For sure, there are not many merchants who can use the invitation letter system in these four or nine cities."

As Yi Zhou said, he suddenly looked at Su Chen with hot eyes, and looked at Su Chen furiously.

Su Chen swallowed, and hid back. "Second brother, if you have something to say, don't look at me like that, I'm not good at it!"

"Fuck you!" Yi Zhou gave Su Chen an angry look, then rubbed his hands, and said a little embarrassedly: "San'er, do you have an invitation letter?"

Su Chen nodded, and said truthfully: "My elder friend has a high status in the industry, so he can get a few invitation letters, and he has promised to give me one!"

Yi Zhou's eyes brightened, he looked at Su Chen, and said seriously: "San'er, I won't hide it from you, I actually wanted to participate in this auction a long time ago to increase my knowledge, but you also know that my second brother's wealth and status are I was not eligible to participate at all, and I have always regretted it."

Yi Zhou said, after a pause, he continued: "San'er, I heard that each invitation letter has three participants, so."

Su Chen suddenly laughed. "Hey! What am I supposed to do! Second brother, you can just say it. Does your brother need to be so embarrassing? You also know that I don't have any friends, let alone friends who know antiques, so even if you don't say it, I will I'll invite you and Brother Ke'er as well!"

Yu Qiang's heart was moved when he heard it, but he didn't have time to open his mouth. Seeing that Su Chen took him with him, Yu Qiang was very happy.

When Yi Zhou heard this, he waved his fist happily, excited like a child. "San'er, I didn't say anything. After this incident is over, I will go to Yunnan myself and I will definitely buy you a batch of the best literature and entertainment materials!"

"Okay! I won't refuse this, so I'll leave it to my second brother!"

In fact, with that bug benefit, Su Chen doesn't need any good material at all, he can make it himself.But this is Yi Zhou's return of his kindness, he can't push it, and he can't push it.

When you are friends, unilaterally asking for and blindly giving favors are not a long-term solution. Only a friendship with reciprocity can last forever.

Wu Jing and the others also heard the movement here, but they were not interested in antiques, so they didn't get involved.

In Su Chen's place, they are rarely quiet and comfortable, and they don't need to think about any troubles, so they play very seriously and happily, and don't care about other things at all.

In the morning, around ten o'clock, Guo Fan, the director of Xiao Po Qiu, rushed over.

As soon as he came, Wu Jing threw pokers to recommend to everyone, and the others knew what was going on, and lost interest in playing, and consciously became melon-eaters.

It's the people who really eat melons, Han Yun specially prepared a lot of fruit plates, and the place where they played poker is already a mess.

Not too polite, after getting to know each other, Su Chen took the initiative to ask for the script.Su Chen is still very interested in this movie "highly recommended" by the system.

Su Chen watched it for half an hour. After half an hour, Su Chen rubbed his eyes, nodded and said: "The script is really a good script, and the box office should be very objective after it is filmed!"

Although Su Chen doesn't understand movies, he can give a basic judgment from the perspective of an audience. Coupled with the blessing of the system, Su Chen naturally has confidence in Xiao Poqiu's box office.

"Which part of your movie is still short of money?"

Su Chen asked.

"Special effects!" Guo Fan replied without thinking.

Su Chen nodded. He had already guessed that the special effects of this kind of sci-fi movie must be the biggest investment.

"How much money do you still need?"

Guo Fan scratched his head, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "It depends on how to shoot! If you save a little, 5000 million is enough. If you want to shoot well, naturally the more the better, [-] million is not too much!"

"You're only thinking about the movie, you didn't think about the announcement, did you?"

Guo Fan smiled embarrassingly, he doesn't even have enough money for filming now, how can he have money to think about other things?

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled, then thought for a while and said: "Well, since you want to shoot, then shoot it in place at one time. I will invest [-] million yuan for you, and there is no cap on the amount. If necessary, I can do it again." Vote. And I have only one request, that is, you must try your best to make this movie the most perfect state!"

(End of this chapter)

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