Chapter 54
Su Chen's purpose of investing in movies is not to make money, but to have a stepping stone to open up the global Chinese film market.

"The Wandering Earth", a film with a strong Chinese style, may still be unacceptable in the global Chinese market, but it doesn't matter, what Su Chen wants is a work that can be sold.

At that time, Su Chen will hold bricks in his left hand and money in his right hand, with the green dragon and white tiger, and with the secret support of the big boss of the system, he will not believe that he will not be able to fight his way out in the global film market.

Su Chen's thinking is ideal and great.But Guo Fan didn't know what Su Chen was thinking, and neither did Wu Jing.So after hearing Su Chen's words, not only did the two of them not have much joy, but they felt a little stressed.

Of course, Guo Fan would be better off. After all, he is a director, and he doesn't place too much emphasis on the interests of investors.In other words, if Su Chen is not Wu Jing's friend, then Guo Fan will only have surprises and no pressure.

The film market is like this, and no one can guarantee success. Since you have agreed to invest, you have to plan to lose money. If the responsibility for the failure of every blockbuster movie is placed on the director, then the Chinese film market has long since disappeared. The director's foothold.

It's just that Su Chen is Wu Jing's friend now, and Guo Fan can't do anything to cheat his friend due to emotion and reason.

"Mr. Su, I really appreciate your trust in me. But you are Brother Jing's friend, that is, my friend. As a friend, please allow me to say something more. Two hundred million is not a small amount. I'm confident, but I don't dare to guarantee that if the movie goes bankrupt, then I can't afford to pay you two hundred million."

After listening to the others, they all secretly nodded at Guo Fan's character. Regardless of whether they were sincere or not, Guo Fan's ability to say such a thing meant that Guo Fan's work was really authentic and worthy of friendship.

Su Chen also glanced at Guo Fan unexpectedly, and was even more optimistic about Guo Fan.

"Hehe, don't worry, Lao Guo, you take the money, don't worry about making movies, just follow your ideas. I only have one request, and that is to do your best to make a perfect work for me. As for I don't care whether this work makes money or loses money. Speaking of arrogance, [-] million yuan is nothing to me, and I don't care even if it's all in vain.

What I care about is whether the film can be sold internationally, and that's something you have to think about.If your film is good, I will also find a way to help you fight for the number of films in the US film market.But if you don't take good photos and I can't take them out, then even if I want to help you, I won't do anything to help you!

Therefore, you are not only responsible for me now, but also responsible for your future.There are only two situations for you in the future, or you will suffer a crushing defeat and disappear from the public.Either reach the sky in one step and directly become an international director! "

Guo Fan's eyes turned red when he heard this, and his heart was already excited, but now he was jumping up and down like a boil!

Great international director!This is something he never dared to think about before!Now the opportunity is at hand.

He didn't have the slightest doubt about Su Chen's words, and a person who could casually spend [-] million yuan for him to squander would not make such a foolish joke on him.

"Mr. Su, don't worry, from today onwards, I will hand over my 100 kilograms to this movie. If this movie is not made well, I will quit the director circle from now on!"

Su Chen patted Guo Fan's shoulder and said, "I believe in you! I've already told my secretary that you can go to Future Technology to sign her at any time!"

Guo Fan nodded and said nothing.He bowed slightly to Su Chen, then hurriedly said goodbye and left.

As soon as Guo Fan left, the room became lively.

"Brother, you're really good at playing!" Yu Qian's face was a little dignified, obviously feeling that Su Chen was a little reckless.

Wu Jing also had a worried expression on his face. "Chen'er, do you want to think again, this is two hundred million after all!"

The others didn't speak. Except for Yi Zhou, it's not easy for anyone else to intervene in such a big matter.

Su Chen looked at Yu Qiang and Wu Jing, picked up the carving knife and walnuts, and said to everyone while carving: "Brother Ji, Old Wu, do you think I invest in movies to make money?"

Yu Chen was happy. "What do you mean, who invests these days not to make money?"

Su Chen shook his head. "I know you may not believe me when I say this, but I still have to say that I never do any investment to make money. To tell you the truth, I am really not short of money now. If I want to make money, I can do it Billions can be exchanged for every transaction. I don't need to work hard for a movie.

My goal is to make our Chinese-language movies popular all over the world like American blockbusters.Let Chinese culture go abroad completely and become famous overseas.That's what counts. "

Su Chen said these words calmly.But listening to other people's ears has some meaning.

If Su Chen was just an ordinary person, no matter who said these words, he would scoff.

But Su Chen is now a local tycoon who can easily invest hundreds of millions of dollars, so no one can ignore his words.

"The road to open up the international entertainment market is not easy!"

Everyone was silent for a while, and Yu Qiang spoke first, with the intention of persuading him.

Su Chen nodded. "I know that, but someone has to go, doesn't it? Let me put it bluntly. It's too simple to do, isn't it?"

Su Chen said this with confidence in his heart. Anyway, how much money he spends is covered by the system, and he can still make money. What is he afraid of?
Others didn't understand the key point, and they admired Su Chen's courage and determination to walk the Tiger Mountain.

I really admire it!Not everyone can casually take out [-] million yuan to walk a road with no future in sight.

Wu Jing was inexplicably agitated, he slapped the table and stood up. "Chen'er, you brother, I'm convinced! Although I don't have much money, I have a lot of strength. In the future, as long as you use me in the movies you invest in, I won't charge you!"

Others also spoke one after another.

"Count me in, Chen'er, if you need anything, just call me, Lao Yu!"

"Master, and me, I don't need a salary, as long as you take care of the food!"

Sun Yue immediately gave Xiao Yueyue a white look. "Hey! How can you never forget to eat!"

Guo Qilin also laughed and made up his mind.

Only Yu Qiang didn't speak, because with his relationship with Su Chen, there was no need to speak.

Su Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: "Come on, if you have the heart, you should hone your acting skills a little bit more. Don't miss the opportunity because your acting skills are not good enough. As for the money, you should take as much as you want. Two different things!"

Everyone thought about it carefully, and they all figured out the taste, so they didn't insist anymore.

Su Chen is not short of money, but they are different.And just like what Su Chen said, going abroad is not something that can be done by one person, money alone can't make things happen, there are talents.With Su Chen's money, they can also work hard on their acting skills, which is what they should do.


(End of this chapter)

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