Chapter 55 Sloppy

A group of people stayed in the courtyard for lunch.It's rare to have such a good excuse to eat, and no one is willing to leave.

Su Chen didn't let them eat. At noon, he personally cooked a few side dishes for them.The side dishes were very simple, home-cooked dishes, but they were devoured by everyone, and their mouths were full of oil.

In just one meal, Su Chen completely conquered Xiao Yueyue.After the meal, the long and short yells surrounded Uncle Su Chen, and his scalp became numb from the yelling.

Xiao Yueyue is at least in his 30s, and no one can stand calling him a handsome guy in his 20s called uncle.

In the end, Su Chen had no choice but to ask Xiao Yueyue to call him a teacher instead.

Anyway, these days, there are teachers in every industry, and the title of teacher is becoming more and more popular, and it is not embarrassing to call it.

Yue Yunpeng has nothing to do with it, he just wants to find an excuse for himself to come here for food, it doesn't matter what it is called.

After dinner, the rain that had been raining for a whole day finally stopped.

Everyone also completely sobered up, no longer yearning for the courtyard, and left one after another.

But not everyone left empty-handed.

The trunks of both cars were filled with monkey wine.Yue Yunpeng and Guo Qilin went too far, they both carried a food box in each hand, they both begged Su Chen to make more at noon, and they wanted to pack it up and take it away.

Of course, these are prepared by them for their parents, daughter-in-law and children. Anyway, they have become juniors. Not only is this not excessive, but it will also bring the relationship with Su Chen closer.So Yu Qian not only didn't stop him, but also cheered him up.

As for the monkey wine, it was given by Su Chen on his own initiative.Yu Qiang and Wu Jing didn't refuse, or didn't even say polite words, as if they were afraid that Su Chen would go back on his word.

As soon as everyone left, the courtyard was completely quiet.

The sanitation in the courtyard is taken care of by someone, so Su Chen doesn't need to worry about it.Just after it rained, Su Chen didn't bother to go out, so he simply stayed at home and watched TV while carving walnuts. When he was tired, he would carve walnuts for a while, and then continue to carve.

The time to relax is always short, Su Chen only felt that in the blink of an eye, it would be dark.

Su Chen and Guo Xiaoshi ate dinner together. If there are no guests, usually only the two of them eat together. Everyone else has their own circles. It's more comfortable for people to eat by themselves. Su Chen didn't do that kind of brain damage to force people to join him The matter of eating.

After the meal, Guo Xiaoshi did not leave, but stayed in Su Chen's room with a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, Su Chen asked, "What's the matter?"

Guo Xiaoshi's hands were tangled together and knotted, she lowered her head slightly and nodded. "Um!"

"I have something to say!"

Su Chen asked while making tea, without raising his head.

Guo Xiaoshi hesitated for a moment, then finally raised her head and said, "Boss, can I change my name?"

"Huh?" Su Chen froze on the spot. "You struggled for a long time, just because of this?"

Guo Xiaoshi nodded, shook her head again, and then stomped her feet. "Oh, can you just say okay?"

Su Chen looked at Guo Xiaoshi and said, "What do you want to be called?"

"Emmmm..." Guo Xiaoshi thought for a long time, her face flushed red, she didn't think about why, and finally she lowered her head dejectedly. "I didn't think about it!"

"Puff cough cough!" Su Chen looked at Guo Xiaoshi speechlessly, laughed and said, "Forget it, tell me, why did you change your name?"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted, and replied: "It's too much to call the boss!"

"Is there?" With a smile on the corner of Su Chen's mouth, he said, "Then I will stipulate from now on that only you can call me the boss. Brother, is it okay this time?"

Guo Xiaoshi's eyes widened immediately, and she nodded her head in satisfaction.

"it is good!"

"That's all right?"

"There's more!"

Su Chen rolled his eyes. "Just say something!"

Guo Xiaoshi bit her lip, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Boss, you promise me first, after I say it, you can't blame others!"

Su Chen shook his head. "You didn't say anything and asked me to get the gold medal for exoneration. How can there be such a good thing? All I can say is, I will try my best!"

Guo Xiaoshi lowered her head in disappointment, and after thinking for a while, finally raised her head and said, "Well, I believe my boss is not such a heartless person."

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "Stop hating me, and said quickly, I'm going to play King for a while!"

"Huh?" Guo Xiaoshi's big eyes lit up again. "Bring me one? I'll assist the thief!"

Su Chen's head was full of black lines. "Are you all right?"

Guo Xiaoshi suddenly became excited, and blurted out: "It's something! It's about temperature-adjustable fabrics!"

Su Chen frowned slightly. "What's wrong with the cloth? The research is not going well?"

If this is the case, then Su Chen really has to consider letting Guo Xiaoshi retreat to the second line.It's just a study of a fabric, and detailed instructions have been given for the production process, as long as the experiment is completed step by step.You don’t even need a professor of related majors for this matter. Just find a graduate student who can do experiments and you can complete the task. If you can make mistakes in this way, what else can you do?
Guo Xiaoshi hurriedly shook her head. "No, the research is going well, and the research institute is about to approve it. The team also said that there will be at most ten days to complete the experiment."

Su Chen nodded. "Then what's the matter?"

Guo Xiaoshi took a deep breath, and finally said, "Boss, have you considered patents?"

"Patent? What's wrong with the patent?" Su Chen was at a loss, he really didn't understand this!

When Guo Xiaoshi saw Su Chen's expression, she knew that her third sister was right, and Su Chen really didn't understand patents.

Covering her face with one hand, Guo Xiaoshi took a weak breath, and then explained the patent application process to Su Chen.

Su Chen was stunned after hearing this!
Just like what Han Yao said, he really didn't know that applying for a patent was so laborious.He thought that applying for a patent was similar to the review and signing process of a novel, and it would take three to five days at most.

How do you know that it will take several years to apply for a patent?
This is not to blame for Su Chen, as his previous work did not involve the concept of patents.

Knowing that he had made a big mistake, and seeing Guo Xiaoshi's hesitant expression, Su Chen immediately thought of Han Yao.

There is no need to think about it deliberately, the only person who is familiar with Su Chen and Guo Xiaoshi and has an interest dispute with him is Han Yao.

Thinking of Han Yao's distrust of what he did before, Su Chen probably guessed some clues.

First of all, Su Chen guessed that Han Yao should have brought up the matter of the patent, because with Guo Xiaoshi's confused personality, she might not be able to remember it.And if she remembered it, she would have told Su Chen a long time ago that there is no need to be so entangled, there must be Han Yao caught in the middle, it is estimated that this girl is too arrogant and arrogant to say something that should not be said, so that Guo Xiaoshi I was caught in the middle and got tangled up, so this scene happened today.

Su Chen has a headache!
This time he was really careless, and he might really make that girl proud for a while.

If it was something else, Su Chen wouldn't care too much about it, he wasn't so narrow-minded as to care about a little girl who just graduated.

It's just that this incident involves his future plans for the company. If the patent registration cannot be successfully completed, then his plans for the company will basically have to be re-started!
That will be troublesome!

Su Chen covered his head and sighed, it would be great if the patent could be bought with money!

Perhaps he heard Su Chen's call.

Suddenly, the system's notification sound came to Su Chen's heart.

"Ding! The willingness of the host is detected, the right to open the mall is triggered, and the green channel for patent applications is specially opened!"

 Solemnly thank book friend Rongjian for the reward of 588 book coins.

  Emma, ​​this is the third time that Mr. Rongjian has donated a reward, and I am moved to tears!I really want to add more, but I really can't do it!In the past few days, I have been looking for a job and renting a house. I have been busy all day, and I only have time to update at night.

  I've been really busy these few days, and please be considerate of everyone. When I finish my work, I will definitely speed up the update.

  To tell you the truth, I am poor recently, and I also want to hurry up and put it on the shelves!

  Finally, I have the cheek to ask for a wave of recommendation votes. The recommendation votes in the past two days have dropped significantly, and the data is a bit miserable. Please support me again!
(End of this chapter)

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