I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 56 My brain is buzzing!

Chapter 56 My brain is buzzing!

"Green channel for patent application: Domestic patents: once for 100! Foreign patents, packaged price: once for [-] million!
Note: The green channel patent application will take effect immediately, and in the official database, the application time will be displayed as two years ago! "

Sri Lanka is gone!
Su Chen was so happy that he almost jumped up and clapped with all four limbs.

As expected of the boss of the system, he is always so considerate, always so timely, and always so reliable!

It's not that Su Chen is flattering, it's that the system is too thoughtful, and even the time of the event can be set to two years ago, so that people won't leave anything to talk about, even if someone checks it, nothing can be found out. Most people would think that Su Chen successfully researched the temperature-adjustable fabric two years ago, but the retesting experiment was carried out after the patent was issued. This situation is too common, and no one will doubt it.

This time it's done!

Su Chen straightened his back, confidently occupying the high ground again.

Searching all over the body, digging out for a long time, but couldn't find anything, Su Chen raised his head, looked at Guo Xiaoshi, and blurted out, "Is there any smoke?"

"Huh?" Guo Xiaoshi raised her head and said hello?Let her ask for a cigarette?She has red lips and white teeth and can smoke?
"Ahem, what, I'll just say it casually! Talk about business!" Su Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about patents, you just do your own thing well, and you don't care about other things! "

Guo Xiaoshi heard the words, but stopped talking
Su Chen waved his hand. "Okay, don't worry, I won't do anything to your third sister, just worry about it every day!"

"No!" Guo Xiaoshi breathed a sigh of relief, nuzzled at Su Chen, and then smiled happily.

"Emmmm, boss, did you want to smoke just now?"

Su Chen nodded, then shook his head again. "I just came here to feel like smoking one. I'm not addicted to this, so it's okay not to smoke!"

This Su Chen is really not talking nonsense, he used to smoke, even when he was emotional, whether he was happy or worried, he liked to smoke one.But he is not addicted to cigarettes. He can smoke or not.

To Su Chen, cigarettes are like the beer in the barbecue booth. He always wants to drink some when eating barbecue, but if no one is with him, he will stop drinking if he doesn't drink it. It's no big deal.

Su Chen didn't care, but Guo Xiaoshi cared.

"Boss, I will set aside a day tomorrow to help you buy some things. There are too few things around you. If there is anything you want, can you tell me now? I will buy it all at once. Well, cigarettes are fine. Yes, smoking too much of that stuff is not good for your health, I will find a friend to help you buy some pure cigars, it is said that those are not harmful to your health, you should smoke that one in the future!"

Huh?This girl's personal secretary mode is finally online?

Su Chen smiled, this is what a full-time life secretary should look like, um, not bad, comfortable!

"Okay! Then I'll talk about it, emmmmm, I really can't remember it for a while, so I'll just talk about it!"

"Okay, let me remember!"

Guo Xiaoshi took advantage of the opportunity and sat down beside Su Chen, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, and prepared to record.

Smelling the faint fragrance around him, Su Chen felt a little distracted for a moment.

call!Forced to calm down, Su Chen said: "First, you prepare a refrigerator for me to store wine, and then buy some good wheat beer, fruit beer, etc., and keep the refrigerator full at any time. beer."

Beer, in terms of Su Chen's current body, can be drunk as a drink, and most of the friends he makes now are good at wine, so it's good to have some more beer on hand.

"Second, transform that location into a tea table for me, and buy a complete set of tea sets. The tea tray should be made of pure wood. Forget it, don't buy the tea tray. I'll ask my second brother to buy some good wood later, and I'll carve it myself! "

"Emmmm, that's all for now, let's talk about what comes to mind later."

Looking at the notes with only two lines written, Guo Xiaoshi silently put down the pen, and said with a speechless expression: "That's it?"

"Then what else?" Su Chen asked suspiciously.

Guo Xiaoshi stared at Su Chen for a long while, and said something faintly.

"Boss, if I hadn't seen your car and courtyard, I would really suspect that your status as a rich man is fake."

Su Chen covered his face with one hand.

Emma!Actually got the truth from this girl.As a rich man, he is indeed a little extravagant.

Seeing Su Chen's expression, Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded.

"Damn it! Boss, your status as a rich man is not really fake, is it?"

Su Chen's head was covered with black lines.

"You're the fake one? Also, you're a good girl, why are you so dirty? Next time, your monthly payment will be deducted!"

Guo Xiaoshi's expression was terrified. "Boss, don't change the subject, tell me clearly, is your status as a rich man real? My God, if these are all fake."

Guo Xiaoshi didn't dare to go on. Although it was only a few days ago, she was already used to this "luxury life". If all this is fake, let her go back to the past, go back to the starting point, and find a job again
sky!Guo Xiaoshi's expression is despairing, her little head has already fantasized about starting a business from scratch, and then renting a miserable dwelling of about [-] square meters.

I have to say that a woman's imagination is really amazing.

Su Chen was so dumbfounded, Guo Xiaoshi was almost scared to cry by herself.


Su Chen knocked his head on Guo Xiaoshi's head.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Chen laughed angrily, and didn't bother to say anything more. Pointing to the drawer of the desk, he said to Guo Xiaoshi: "Go, there is a red notebook in the drawer, take it out. And by the way, put it in my handbag." bring here."

Guo Xiaoshi shuddered in pain, and instinctively followed Su Chen's instructions.

In the blink of an eye, the thing was brought over.

Su Chen first took the handbag, found out the ID card from inside, then opened the red book, and slapped the ID card on it.He took out his mobile phone again, called up the CCB SMS, and showed it to Guo Xiaoshi.

Guo Xiaoshi looked at each one in a daze.

First, I read the red book, and Guo Xiaoshi was pleasantly surprised when I saw it. This is actually the real estate certificate of a courtyard house, and the legal person on it is Su Chen, and the ID number is exactly the same.

Looking at the text message from CCB on the mobile phone, Guo Xiaoshi's mind was stunned.

I saw that there was a large string of numbers on it, and Guo Xiaoshi knew at a glance with the eyes of a little money fan that the deposit must have exceeded [-] million!

"Ah! Boss, you are really a local tyrant!"

Su Chen pulled a stiff smile from the corner of his mouth. "Thank you for your compliment!"

Guo Xiaoshi was relieved this time, and his IQ once again occupied the high ground. Looking at the money in the bank card, Guo Xiaoshi curled her lips and said, "Boss, you are too low-key. With so much money, you still drink tea and beer. It's too shameless." Grade up!"

Su Chen frowned slightly. "You said drinking tea and beer is not classy?"

"That's right! I read on the Internet that rich people choose the best food and drink. They drink diamond cat shit coffee, old wine with a history, and they wear custom-made clothes. They eat, drink, play, eat, drink, live, and everything. Different, not the best, but the most expensive!"

 I just moved today, so it's stable for now.So I was happy, drank some wine, and now my brain is buzzing, I can't write today, sorry, I will be fine tomorrow, I will make up for it, at least four more!
  Ask for a wave of recommendation tickets with the cheek!hey-hey


(End of this chapter)

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