I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 57 Money can't run out

Chapter 57 Money can't run out (first update, please recommend)

"The rich must order privately? Do they have to drink red wine and coffee?"

Su Chen scoffed at Guo Xiaoshi's words.

"Isn't it?" Guo Xiaoshi asked back.

Su Chen shook his head. "Of course not! Let me tell you, first, only those who are not rich enough need to use foreign objects to show their status. Second, all commodities are not as expensive as possible. Especially those top commodities in the world, most of them are It was hyped up, and you should understand how tricky it is. I think you should understand it better than me.

at last."

Su Chen pointed to the tea leaves on the table and said: "I'll tell you the most important point, that is, the things left by our ancestors are not worse than those top luxury goods, even better than them. The reason why they are not Famous, that's because our Chinese tradition has been humble and introverted since ancient times, and we pay attention to not revealing our wealth. In fact, whether it is our Chinese products or our Chinese culture, because it is too profound, it does not appear to be so outstanding.

Just like our country’s specialty food, puffer fish, if you don’t know how to eat puffer fish, it will be considered as an ornamental fish, and it has no offensive power and is amiable. Some people even use them to brush their shoes to show their “uniqueness different".Until one day, a chef who knew how to cook puffer fish cooked puffer fish into soup. After drinking it, others exclaimed, this is the best food in the world!Then word of mouth spread, attracting a large number of diners, they don’t pay attention to any rules, they only know how to rob, possess, and finally cook them at will. It is highly poisonous and will kill you if you eat it.

So they left in horror and resentment, and declared to the outside world that there is no delicious food here, and some are devils and dirty, so it’s been like this for tens of hundreds of years.”

"Ahem, I got off topic!" Su Chen woke up suddenly and found that he had said too much, so he hurriedly concluded: "So you just remember one sentence, for me, he is only worth the price if I like it, and I It's nothing if you don't like it!

Alright, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, let's go! "

With that said, Su Chen pulled Guo Xiaoshi up and pushed it out.

Guo Xiaoshi was excited when she heard it, and was pushed out by Su Chen with a dazed effort, the expression on her face was still a little unsatisfactory.

"Hey? Boss? Don't drive me away! I haven't heard enough!"

"While thinking about listening to the story, go and listen to Guo Degang's cross talk, and by the way, it can also increase the popularity of Lao Guo and Brother Ke'er! Get out! Bang!"

In the early morning of the next day, Su Chen finished washing and went about his activities in the yard.He has become more and more familiar with the current life, and he has become more and more impressed with the plants and trees here.

Su Chen is actually very satisfied with his current life. He doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, has fun and has friends, and can find some tool people to run some companies to do something meaningful to the society. This is enough, at least for Su Chen For Chen, he is very content.

In fact, Su Chen hates intrigue in interpersonal communication very much. This is one of the important reasons why he refuses to run the company himself. He is a pure person, and he really wants a pure life. He was not qualified before. Now his, is enjoying.

"Sir, you got up so early again? What are you eating today?"

Han Yun, who was about to cook in the morning, asked Su Chen while tidying up the kitchen.

"Emmmm, let's eat buns, I haven't eaten buns for a long time, I'm a little greedy."

"Okay!" Han Yun agreed with a smile. "Sir, do you have time? Can you tell me how to do it?"

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, then readily agreed. "Success, Sister Han, please prepare first, I will come in a while."

"Hey, good!"

Seeing that Su Chen agreed, Han Yun grinned happily from ear to ear, and immediately went into the kitchen full of energy.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled, this kind of harmonious farmyard life feels really good.

Han Yun is very talented, otherwise she would not have such good craftsmanship at a young age. Some dishes often only need Su Chen's guidance once, and Han Yun can learn [-]% of the heat, so she doesn't need to do it next time. Su Chen guided by his side.

So whenever Su Chen has time, he will guide Han Yun. Thinking about how a super chef was quietly born under his own training, it still feels very fulfilling.

Su Chen first went back to the bedroom, took the dzi beads and prepared to play.After a while, he only needs guidance, and he will not delay Pan Tianzhu. Although Tianzhu may be more taboo about the smoke and fire in the kitchen, Su Chen has skills, and these external factors do not need to be considered at all.

He took out the dzi beads and changed into a fresh vest and shorts. There was a lot of oily fumes in the kitchen, and his body smelled after cooking a meal, so it was better to dress simply.

Finally, before going out, Su Chen checked the system sign-in.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the double crit buff. From now on, every penny the host spends will get double rewards. The rewards are paid immediately and can be used as the principal. The validity period: 7 days!"


Su Chen was used to the generosity of the system, and he had already prepared himself mentally beforehand, but he still had a little surprise.

Good guy, can money be spent more and more?Fortunately, this buff was not given to Wang Duoyu, otherwise he would have to cry to death?

Su Chen deeply doubts whether this local tyrant system has accumulated too much stuff in the mall, waiting for him to harvest leeks when he becomes rich?
Otherwise, how could the monkey wine and patent application green channel in the mall be so cheap?Su Chen always has a feeling of a one-yuan instant kill when encountering a limited-time discount.

But who cares, it's all the money from the system anyway, so no matter how many and expensive things in the mall will be in the future, he won't feel bad about it!
"Ah! This time, there is really no shortage of money!"

Su Chen was a little emotional about the fact that he was spending more and more money. He seemed to have understood some of Wang Duoyu's uncomfortable feeling at that time.

It turns out that the accumulation of wealth to a certain extent is really boring.

"Sister Han, let's eat dumplings stuffed with donkey meat today. We want pure meat, and don't let a single dish go! Damn, I want to be extravagant!"

Facts have proved that no matter how delicious pure meat buns are, eating too much will make you greasy.

After working so hard to make steamed buns, Su Chen was full after only eating eight.Even Guo Xiaoshi ate ten of them.

As for Gao Qing and the others, well, I can only say that luckily Han Yun mixed two big pots of steamed stuffed buns, otherwise it wouldn't be enough.

Gao Qing and the others have completely fallen in love with this place.

There is no way not to like it, the living is good, the clothes are good, the work is not much, the salary is still high, and most importantly, the food that I eat every day is simply delicacies from mountains and seas. This kind of fairy life, even an emperor would not change it.

The only downside is that eating too much makes you fat, so Gao Qing and the others have to do at least one hour of digestion training after each meal.
(End of this chapter)

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