I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 58 Poaching People

Chapter 58 Poaching

"Ding! The host successfully invested in "The Wandering Earth", spent [-] million RMB, and successfully triggered the double critical buff. Congratulations to the host for getting [-] million RMB!"

In the morning, Su Chen was bored playing mahjong with Gao Qing and others at home, when he heard the system prompt, the reward cash was automatically credited to the account, no need to withdraw it.Then the next second, the mobile phone on the mahjong table turned on, and it was the bank information reminder, two consecutive messages.

One is to spend [-] million yuan.One account earned [-] million.

Fortunately, I was not in a hurry to sign with Guo Fan yesterday, otherwise I would have lost [-] million in vain.

Clicking on the text message, Su Chen found that his deposit had returned to one billion, and the two hundred million he had bought for antique flowers had been replenished in this way.

Before Su Chen was happy, he heard another notification tone.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully investing in "The Wandering Earth", spending [-] million yuan and getting [-] million cash back!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully triggering a large series of missions. Please look forward to the mission details!"

Then there was another ding dong, and the short message reminded that the cash has arrived!
Another [-] million!
Looking at the string of numbers and task prompts on the text message, Su Chen suddenly felt that there were some things that could be done in advance.

For example a museum.
such as film and television companies
Fortunately, the museum said that this does not require much effort, including the high-tech companies, it just needs to be done step by step.The most difficult thing is the film and television company.

Su Chen does film and television not to make money, but to catch up with Europe and the United States and sell Chinese culture to all parts of the world.

However, the foundation of the Chinese film market is too poor. When the United States has completed the industrialization of the film and television industry, the Chinese film industry has just started. devastated.

If Su Chen wants to revitalize the Chinese film market, it will be too difficult.In other words, this is simply not something that one person can accomplish, no matter how much money Su Chen has, it will not help.

If Su Chen was an ordinary person, he would never worry about it.But now that he has the system and has accepted the system's serial tasks, then Su Chen believes that with the system's ability, this is at least an opportunity, an opportunity he should not give up.

Of course, even with the help of the system, some basic things still need to be done by yourself.

Thinking of these things, Su Chen instinctively wanted to call Guo Xiaoshi back, but as soon as he picked up the phone, he slowly put it back.

He seems to be putting more and more burden on Guo Xiaoshi now, this girl has been staying up late for the past few days, and her energy is much weaker than before.

Moreover, Su Chen found that he seemed to have made a mistake in his first step. Guo Xiaoshi was obviously his life secretary, but forced himself to be a senior executive. This should have been Han Yao's fault.

But when he thought of Han Yao's somewhat proud temperament, he felt a little helpless. This girl is a talent, but she still needs to be honed.

It seems that I need to find an excellent helper.

Suddenly, Su Chen suddenly remembered a person he had heard of but never met.

"Gao Qing, does your company offer private detective work?"

Suddenly Su Chen asked Gao Qing.

Gao Qing is not only the security guard of the security company, he is also a middle-level and high-level executive in the company, he can be regarded as a small leader, so he must be very familiar with their company's business.

Sure enough, Gao Qing heard the words and replied without hesitation: "Yes, but this is not our main business, so we don't have much business in this area. We are not responsible for tracking and searching for these jobs, we only have the business of helping people find out information .”

"That's enough! Later you call your company and ask them to help me investigate someone. His name is Wen Liangdong. He should be between 50 and [-] years old. He is currently an executive of a certain company. Oh, and, He has an apprentice named Han Yao, who is Xiaoshi’s classmate and her third sister! I know that’s all, please ask your company to help me find out about this person, mainly about his ability, character, family, etc. , But remember, it must be done secretly, and don't infringe on other people's rights and interests, within the scope of the law, you can check as much as you can."

Gao Qing wrote it down carefully, picked up the phone, and immediately went out to make a call.

Su Chen is not in the mood to play anymore. It is rare for him to be diligent, so he wants to take this opportunity to make a simple plan for the future, so as not to always be cramming.

The mahjong game had to be over, Su Chen was a little bit reluctant, and he lost more than 600 yuan.

After a while, Gao Qing reported that his company had already started to take action. For a high-quality customer like Su Chen, the security company would definitely attach great importance to it. Gao Qing made a phone call, and the case was immediately filed, even the price. Did not talk.

After reporting the matter, Gao Qing planned to go out, but was stopped by Su Chen.

"Wait a minute, Lao Gao, let me tell you something!"

Gao Qing stopped immediately, turned around and bowed to Su Chen and said, "Brother Su, tell me!"

Su Chen asked: "Old Gao, I remember that you were a special soldier, and later worked as an armed policeman, right?"

Gao Qing nodded. "Yes, it's a pity that I was injured later. During the recovery period, something happened to my family and I needed a lot of money urgently. It happened that my current company sent someone to dig me out. In desperation, I had no choice but to take off my police uniform. "

Su Chen sighed. "A penny beats a hero, you did the right thing. Well, let's not talk about this, I mean, have you ever thought about leaving your company and following me forever?"

After a few days of investigation, Su Chen recognized Gao Qing's ability very much, and Gao Qing's personality was relatively calm, he handled things neatly, usually he didn't talk much, and he didn't fall behind in what he should do. Such a person is definitely a talent. Su Chen even knew secretly that before Gao Qing was in the army or in the armed police, he won all kinds of honors, regardless of his character and character.

So Su Chen decided to give Gao Qing a chance, after all he had to have his own people around him to be at ease.

What is one of our own?At the very least, the other party's fortune should be in his own hands.

Gao Qing was caught off guard by Su Chen's sudden question, and was stunned for a while.After a while, Gao Qing came to his senses, looked at Su Chen, hesitated and said, "Brother Su, you know me, I'm stupid, so I just say what I have."

Su Chen nodded, signaling Gao Qing to continue.

Gao Qing swallowed, thought for a while, and then said: "Brother Su, in my heart, I want to work with you from the bottom of my heart. I won't talk about your treatment here. It's definitely not the best. At least I have been working as a security guard for so many years, and the treatment I enjoyed before is incomparable to that here. And the most important thing is that I believe in you, Brother Su. Although I haven’t known you for a long time, I still have a good eye for people Yes, you are different from other rich people. You are a rich man with a human touch, a conscience, principles in doing things, and a sense of social responsibility. I am relieved to follow you!
But you also know that my old club rescued me when I was in danger. No matter why they poached me, and whether they just wanted me to help them make money, it is an indisputable fact that they saved our Gao family. Without them poaching me then, my dad would probably be dead now.Well, I can't help but pay it back.

Now that I am an executive of the company, I am still very important to the company. If I leave now, there will definitely be losses to the company. I can't do such a thing! "

 There will be an update later

(End of this chapter)

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