Chapter 511 Banquet (continued)

Hu Ke looked at Sha Yi's beautiful appearance at the moment, and was really proud of him from the bottom of his heart, and also happy from the bottom of his heart.

The same is true of Xie Nan.

"Yeah, when Wu Jing filmed Wolf Warriors, there were many difficulties. At that time, our family almost went bankrupt. Thinking about it now, I really don't know how we survived at that time."

After hearing this, the girls had complicated expressions.

Emotional and proud.

What I feel is that people in the entertainment industry, behind their glory, have actually endured hardships that ordinary people don't know.

Even for the despised little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, it is not easy for them.

On the surface, they can make a lot of money without much effort.But in fact, what they eat is their beauty. In order to maintain their beauty, they must have paid a lot for it in private.And in the entertainment industry, not to mention only unspoken rules for women, in fact, there are also many unspoken rules for men, especially the young fresh meat.

Of course, all walks of life have their own suffering. Since the stars enjoy the scenery on stage and a lot of wealth, no matter how much you pay for it, you should.

In the real society, I don’t know how many people have put in all their efforts, but they still get nothing in the end. Compared with them, the sufferings suffered by the stars are nothing worth mentioning.

Downstairs, wave after wave of guests came one after another.

Leaders, rich people, famous ladies, rich and young.
All kinds of people, almost as long as they can establish a relationship with Su Chen, all of them will come.

Fortunately, the banquet hall is large enough, the entire first and second floors are used for entertaining guests, and the third and fourth floors are rooms for guests to rest.

The fifth floor is a small entertainment room and meeting room.

Su Chen was really cruel today, he personally received almost every guest who came.

Fortunately, Fatty Yu, Yue Yunpeng and others came back in time.

The furniture that was moved back was handed over to the temporary housekeepers sent by the Jinding Group, and there would be no problem with the elderly.

Xu Xiaodong entered the role as soon as possible, busy between the kitchen and the banquet hall.

For today's meal, Su Chen directly closed Zifu Restaurant for a long time, and dropped all the cooks from Zifu.

In addition to the chef team at the Su residence, there are two masters, thirteen masters and dozens of senior chefs on both sides.

The chef team is absolutely top-notch, but in terms of food, no banquet in the world can compare with this banquet.

After Fatty Yu, Yue Yunpeng and others came back, they all gathered around Su Chen.

Every time Su Chen receives a group of guests, he appoints one or two people to help greet them.One is to fear that someone will stand in the cold, and the other is mainly to support everyone.

Of course, they don't need to entertain them all the time. In fact, for those who come to the banquet, making friends with Su Chen is one aspect. More people plan to meet more friends through the banquet.

Therefore, Yue Yunpeng and the others only need to get acquainted with the guests and add their contact information before they can withdraw.

And with Su Chen's face, it is estimated that the children of the Deyun Society will really not have to worry about connections in the future.

Naturally, Yu Su and Xu's family also sent people, and many of them came.

Even the three old men came.

Of course, the old man didn't show up, so Su Chen personally took them to the fifth floor, which was prepared for super bosses like them.

From the internal elevator to the fifth floor, you need to swipe your card.There is also an elevator on the fifth floor, which leads directly to the underground garage.This elevator also only goes to the fifth floor.

The three old men went up to the fifth floor from here, not only them, but also old men Ren Tianfeng, Da Ma, Lao Wang, and several old men from the Imperial Capital family were all here.

Different people have different social circles. The bosses on the fifth floor are not at the same level as the people downstairs, so it is naturally impossible to show up on the first floor.

In fact, Su Chen also belonged to the circle on the fifth floor, and he was a bit undervalued on the first floor.

Of course, he was the host of the banquet, and it would be unjustifiable not to show up at all.So Su Chen was on the first floor, and after meeting everyone, he went up to the fifth floor alone, and handed over the downstairs to Yu Qiang and the others.

The fifth floor is all his own people, so Su Chen is not so polite, and directly asks the third and fourth children and a few nannies to push the children to the fifth floor.

After Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan gave birth, their vitality recovered very slowly. After all, they are multiple births, which consume a lot of body energy and require rest.

So Su Chen didn't let them come out to receive the female guests, but just let them watch Shi Xiao.

If Su Chen and none of the girls were there, the ten boys would definitely make a fuss.

The reason why they were asked to come to the fifth floor was mainly because these bigwigs wanted to see it.

The bosses didn't say anything, but since they came, they must mean that.

Sure enough, after Su Chen and the two girls pushed Shixiao up to the fifth floor, a group of old men were all alarmed. They all came together and looked at the children with bright eyes.

"This counts as multiple births? They are all so energetic!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Xiao Su is really lucky. She gave birth to ten children in one breath, and she is indeed the one who created a family."

"Yeah, this time the Su family really has a future, and the ability to spread branches and leaves is too strong."

"Oh, why are these children so beautiful, they are all carved in pink and jade, so cute."

"Old man, you don't look at the genes of the parents. The father is the most beautiful man in the country, and the mothers are all stunning beauties. How can the child be worse?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are seven girls here, right? These will be seven peerless beauties in the future! Blessed are the brats of the next generation!"

"Hey, Xiao Su, are these babies in your family destined to have baby kisses?"

Suddenly, an old man asked.

In an instant, the scene fell silent.

This question is too tricky and too important.

Now the power of the Su family's family property is so huge that it cannot be calculated.

I don't know how many people are greedy for the various industries of the Su family.

The main reason is that all the industries of the Su family are high-quality enterprises.Even the museum, which has always been losing money, has been made a national benchmark by Su Chen.

Now Su Chen's several museum cities have all opened, and several museum cities have completely swept the world.

First of all, the national treasures brought out by Su Chen, each of which is a world-class national treasure, and each of which makes the cultural relics experts all over the world go crazy.

In the past six months, the world's historical and cultural relics industry has experienced earthquakes almost every day, and every piece of protection almost peeled off by Wuchen can cause a bloodbath in the whole world!
Not to mention that Su Chen made a special themed entertainment museum.

In the past six months, Su Chen's seven museum cities have almost wiped out the entire tourism industry, taking [-]% of the tourists from China.

The seven museum cities are overcrowded every day.

No way, the main reason is that the museum city is too attractive, and each has its own characteristics.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about those peerless delicacies can impress tourists from all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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