I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 512 Marriage?apprentice!

Chapter 512 Marriage?apprentice!
The rise of the museum city has become unstoppable.

The main thing is that no one can stop it.

One of the major achievements that Su Chen sent to the leaders of the Department of Culture was the Museum City.

The significance of the existence of the Museum City is not only to promote the national culture and revitalize the national entertainment and tourism industry, but also to save the museums in the entire Huaguo.

Now many museums in Huaguo are struggling to make ends meet.

There are many reasons, the most important of which is that museums cannot innovate, and the cultural relics inside will hardly change.

Many people will not watch it a second time after watching it.

So this has led to a lot of museums, in the first one or two years, the visitor flow is very considerable.But after a few years, when tourists get tired of seeing it, it means that the museum will start to make ends meet.

In order to get rid of this status quo, it is necessary to change the single profit method of the museum.

The best way for museums to broaden their profit model is to learn from Hengdian.

Learn the role experience entertainment mode of Hengdian, which is now the entertainment city mode.

Obviously, Su Chen's entertainment city plan was very successful.

And each museum city has its own pillar activities.

For example, the Manchu-Han cooking competition in the Museum City of the Qing Dynasty, the selection of the four talented Internet celebrities in the Museum City of the Ming Dynasty, the handicraft exhibition conference in the Museum City of the Song Dynasty, the song and dance competition in the Museum City of the Tang Dynasty, etc.

These activities not only firmly attract the stickiness of tourists, but also indirectly promote the Chinese heritage.

The museum city plan has even caused a sensation in the world, and many countries have submitted expressions, wanting to come to the imperial capital to visit and study!

Su Chen definitely agrees that although the idea of ​​Museum City is valuable, for Su Chen, the most important thing is always to promote the national culture.

Once these foreign media come, the cultural characteristics of the Hua Kingdom will sweep the world at an even more terrifying speed!
This is what Su Chen wants to do.

It can also be seen from the museum city how ambitious Su Chen is.

Almost all industries under the name of the Future Group have Su Chen's ambitions, and every industry is not purely for making money.

Therefore, this has also led to all the industries under the name of the Future Group being highly acclaimed.

Because of this, I don't know how many people cast coveted eyes on Future Group.

It's a pity that Su Chen is like a hedgehog, making it impossible for everyone to speak.

Whether it is soft or hard, there is nothing to do with Su Chen and Future Group.

But now, Su Chen has ten children all of a sudden, which suddenly gives hope to those who are interested.

Su Chen can't help it, but it doesn't mean that their children can't do it either.

You must know that marriages between younger generations are almost commonplace among big families.

Let alone freedom of marriage, there has never been absolute fairness in this society.

Therefore, the old man who raised this question did not feel that there was anything wrong with him.

Not only him, but even the three elders of Yu Su and Xu were not thinking about Su Chen's answer or not, but were thinking about which child in their family could be worthy of Su Chen's children.

That's right, they have already begun to prepare for a war of words.

This is a war, and it is a war about the fate of the family.

Undoubtedly, the most important object of contention here must be the big tiger Su Xiaoyan.

Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on Dumb at this moment.

That is to say, Dahu is sleeping soundly at the moment, otherwise he must be scared to cry.

And Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan's expressions have changed at this moment.

After all, they are parents, so they definitely don't want their children to be regarded as objects of marriage.Su Chen never told them about his views on the marriage of the children. There was a joke before, saying that he would not interfere with the children's freedom, but that was just what Su Chen said casually. As long as it was not written into the family rules, the girls were always worried.

The faces of the two women were pale at the moment, and their expressions were ugly to the naked eye.

However, the old men cared about the two women at all. In a big family, women really rarely have a say, unless they are particularly capable women.

The reason why the old men came here today is because of this matter. Now that the matter is imminent, naturally they will not be distracted by the two women.

Su Chen was in a good mood today, and it has been going well since morning. Even the socializing just now didn't make him feel too tired.After all, everyone is respectful to her, so how could he be upset?

But who knew that when he kindly took the child upstairs to satisfy the curiosity of these old men, he suddenly received such a big landmine.

Doll pro?hehe!

Su Chen's face suddenly paled!

Anyone who is familiar with Su Chen knows that Su Chen is already unhappy.

It's a pity that the people here, even the three old men Yu Su and Xu, don't know Su Chen very well.They only thought that Su Chen was considering this matter carefully, but they never thought that Su Chen was already angry.

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen didn't even look at the old man who was asking questions, but handed the cart in his hand to Guo Xiaoshi, and at the same time whispered: "Take the child to the fourth floor!"

Guo Xiaoshi looked at Su Chen worriedly.

Su Chen smiled back and said in a low voice, "Trust me!"

The two women breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

Since Su Chen said so, they knew that what they were worried about would not happen.

Nodding obediently, the two women and a few nannies led the children downstairs.

Seeing this, a group of old men looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what Su Chen was going to do.

Su Chen took a deep breath, looked at the old men, forced a smile, and said lightly, "How about we chat?"

The old men are all human beings, it is normal to be negligent just now, if you still can't see anything wrong with Su Chen, then it is really the age of the department store.

In an instant, everyone's expressions became serious, they didn't speak, and sat back tacitly.

Su Chen sat down on a single sofa.Then he picked up a cigarette from the table and lit it with himself.

Su Chen has no addiction to cigarettes, but when he is in a bad mood, he will smoke one to relieve his mood.And he only smokes, not cigars.

"Crack!" "Hiss!"

After taking a puff of cigarette, Su Chen looked at the crowd and said indifferently: "First of all, I would like to say sorry to you. After all, I have always seemed a bit out of place. Then, I want to say that I got rich overnight when I was here. , I don’t mind whether you say I’m a nouveau riche or a country bumpkin. Anyway, I always think that I’m not the same kind of person as everyone here!”

As soon as Su Chen opened his mouth, everyone was shocked. Several old men who were not familiar with Su Chen already frowned.

They are used to being superior, and no young man has dared to be so presumptuous in front of them for many years.

Although Su Chen has a lot of face, not all old men approve of him.

In this world, no one can be liked by everyone.

Su Chen couldn't do it either.

Several old men were upset, and the three old men, Yu Su and Xu felt a little bit in their hearts.

However, Su Chen didn't seem to notice it. He just smoked a cigarette and said in a low voice, "Baby kiss? There will never be such a thing as a baby kiss in my Su family!"

(End of this chapter)

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