Chapter 527
Su Chen invited the four brothers of the Yang family into the hall.

To be honest, he was really shocked by his apology to the four brothers of the Yang family!

The main reason is that he never thought that such an idiot as Yang Du would have such a smart son.

Well, actually, Su Chen still has a bad impression of Yang Du.

After several people were divided into guests and hosts, Su Chen said directly: "To be honest, I'm very surprised that you can come."

Su Chen cut to the chase.

The boss of the Yang family gave a wry smile.

"What should I do if I don't come here? I can't fight and I can't defend and I can't defend. Do I want to cooperate with that side? Wouldn't that ruin the last bit of my Yang family's backbone and dignity? Most importantly, this matter , Our Yang family is in the wrong! An apology is deserved!"

Su Chen looked at the boss of the Yang family fixedly, feeling very emotional in his heart.

In reality, truth and actual actions are often not the same.

There are a lot of people who talk about the same big truths. If they talk about life, they say they live better than anyone else, but in fact, their life is more rubbish than anyone else.

The reason is that people have feelings and desires, and many people are often unable to restrain their desires and feelings in the face of reason, and thus do things that violate the truth.

Such people are all too common.

There are a lot of chicken soup for the soul on the Internet. If everyone can act according to the chicken soup for the soul, it does not mean that everyone can succeed, at least it will be much better than the current state.

But in fact, there are a lot of people who talk about chicken soup for the soul, but none of them can really absorb the nutrition of chicken soup into the body.

Su Chen had never believed in absolute reason before.

People are emotional animals, and in the face of emotions, reason is actually very fragile.

But today's Boss Yang has refreshed Su Chen's understanding of reason.

What Boss Yang said is right. In fact, 80.00% of people can analyze what Boss Yang said. This is very simple, and you can understand it with a little use of your brain.

But understanding is one thing, being able to face reality willingly is another.

If you think about it differently, put a hundred ordinary people in the position of Boss Yang to choose.

I am afraid that ninety-nine out of ten people will choose to take refuge there, and then fight Su Chen to the death.

They would rather have fun for a while.He also refused to consider a way out for his family.

That's human nature, and it's normal.

But by chance, Su Chen met that one percent.

Looking at the four brothers of the Yang family, Su Chen sighed.

"Well, you won. To be honest, before this, I never thought of giving you a chance. I gave Wen Liangdong a death order. It's not that I'm small-minded, it's mainly for my children. I need An object of prestige. It can only be said that your Yang family is too coincidental to anger me at this time.

But I didn't expect that you four heroes would appear in the Yang family.Regardless of what your father said, I really appreciate you.

Forget it, you can all maintain your sanity in front of outsiders.I, Su Chen, naturally can't kill my compatriots. "

The four brothers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. Perhaps they didn't expect that Su Chen would agree so happily, let alone that Su Chen had such a good temper.

At this moment, they were really speechless to their father.

Being able to provoke such a good-tempered Mr. Su into fury, one can imagine what a jerk their father is.

"Since you have come to the door, the grievances between our two families will be wiped out. But I have two requests!"

"Sir, please tell me!" The boss of the Yang family asked with a bow.

"First, Yang Du must let go of the position of Patriarch!"

"No problem! In fact, needless to say, our Yang family doesn't dare to let the old man be in charge anymore!"

This is the truth, the four brothers are really scared.Yang Du is too capable of causing trouble.

If he dared to provoke Su Chen today, maybe he would dare to provoke a stronger boss tomorrow.

The Yang family was almost destroyed this time, and if it happened again, no one would really be able to stand it.

Su Chen nodded. "Second, your Yang family must cut off all business dealings with Country F."

"This..." Boss Yang hesitated for a moment. This is a bit difficult. After all, almost half of the Yang family's business is in cooperation with country F. If the relationship with country F is severed, the business of the Yang family may be damaged.

But after hesitating for a moment, Boss Yang made a decision.

"it is good!"

After hearing this, Su Chen sighed again. "Since that's the case, the grievances between our two families will be written off!"

Boss Yang finally showed a relaxed smile. "Don't worry, sir. After I go back, I will announce to the public that I will sever all cooperative relations with the partners in country F."

Su Chen nodded and said, "Trust me, you won't regret it."

Boss Yang looked at Su Chen, and a strange look flashed across his eyes, as if he didn't understand.

"Then we won't bother you, Mr. Farewell!"

Boss Yang didn't ask too many questions, and didn't stay long, he just came and left.

"Husband, they just admit defeat?"

Gu Qingya couldn't believe it.

Su Chen nodded, and said with emotion: "The boss of the Yang family is a hero, able to bend and stretch, and has principles in doing things. Such a person, if he hadn't been suppressed by that trash Yang Du before, he probably would have risen a long time ago.

Now, with my hands, he has completely controlled the Yang family. If nothing else happens, Qianlong is about to come out of the abyss. "

"Honey, why do I feel that you want to promote him?"

Zhang Huan blinked and said.

"It's not impossible, the key depends on the performance of the boss of the Yang family!"

"But, are you not angry with the Yang family?" Guo Xiaoshi asked.

Su Chen shook his head. "Yang Du, who I am angry with, is not the Yang family from the beginning to the end. The reason why I want to deal with the Yang family is because Yang Du is the head of the Yang family. Now that they are not the head of the family, then I am implicating innocent people, so it cannot be justified.

Besides, Boss Yang is a smart person. If I promote him in the future, the more he wants to use my strength, the more he will try his best to vent his anger on me, and Yang Du's life will be miserable in the future. "

"But, are you not afraid that he is lying to you?"

"So, I want to see his future performance. He can fool me for a while, but he can't fool me forever. Now that he has entered my eyes, my test of him has already begun!"

"Forget it, it's too early to say these things, and anyway, it's just a Yang family, and it can't afford to make big waves."

After speaking, Su Chen chatted with the girls for a few words, then turned and went back to the study.

Although he is full of confidence in the next thing, he can't be sloppy, and he can't fool around with anything that should be done.

In the evening, Leng Mo and Wu Qing flew back together, and Wen Liangdong was with them.

Wen Liangdong came back to deal with the Yang family, but he was told that the enemy had surrendered as soon as he got off the plane.

This made Wen Liangdong almost doubt his life.

Good guy, I know that the boss is very strong, but I don't know that you can be so strong that you can defeat others without fighting!

This is really, it exploded!

Wen Liangdong's admiration for Su Chen is beyond words.

As for Wu Qing and Leng Mo, these are two robots, they don't even have a heart, and they are expected to flatter?

(End of this chapter)

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