Chapter 528 Returning to the Courtyard

Two months later, Su Zhai, a courtyard house.

The Chinese New Year is only a few days away, and the Su family moved back to live for a few more days. After all, if we want to talk about the taste of the New Year, it has to be a courtyard house. The villa is really too deserted.

The tenth child of the Yang family, the eldest is almost one year old, and can already crawl and learn to speak.The second child to the tenth child have also developed very quickly, and they have been able to clearly express their desires and moods, and their limbs are also very flexible. Each child has his own personality.

Also from this time on.The child has just entered the cutest stage.

It's a pity that this stage is very short. After the child is three or four years old, he will enter the grade where people hate dogs. At that time, parents will worry and suffer.Naughty children can even take their anger out on their parents.

In some families, one child can make parents scratch their heads in worry, but in the Su family, ten!
Fortunately, Su Chen had the foresight to invite masters for the ten children early on.Once the children are naughty, throw them into the Deyun Club, out of sight and out of sight.


Just after dinner, Su Chen was teasing Lao Jiu and Lao Ten in the main hall, when the boss suddenly came up.

Su Chen treats every child equally, without preference.

It's just that the old ten was nourished by his golden pupil aura since he was a child, so he is very dependent on Su Chen, and he is very clingy to Su Chen in normal times.

Su Chen has already predicted that one day in the future, in order to get rid of the old ten's dependence on him, there will be a big scene of separation of father and son,

Thinking of that scene, Su Chen really felt distressed.

When not being a father, Su Chen always felt that those parents who spoiled their children were lazy.But after he had a child, Su Chen realized that his own child was really distressed, not to mention a beating, even a scolding, he would have to grit his teeth for a long time. I was afraid of falling.

Su Chen also knew that this was wrong, but he was very worried.

Of course, it is also because the child is still too young to understand.

When the child starts to understand, even if Su Chen can't bear it, he will have to deal with it cruelly.

In order not to be relentless when the time comes, Su Chen has already started to practice with the boss.

For the boss, Su Chen really dared to do it, because in Su Chen's heart, the boss is the future pillar of the family, and the education of the boss is more sad than other children.

Moreover, the boss is generally more skinny, so Su Chen can easily convince himself.

Most importantly, cleaning up the boss will not cause family conflicts.

Hitting other children may make the girls think that Su Chen has a preference, but hitting the boss, the girls will definitely not think so, they must think that Su Chen is educating the boss.

It has to be said that this is the sadness of being the eldest son in the family.

The current boss loves and fears Su Chen.Su Chen made the boss cry many times, but he also took care of the boss's daily life meticulously.

So for Su Chen, an unreliable father, the boss can't hate or love him, and he is always willing to stick to Su Chen.




"What are you hugging? Is your butt itchy again?"

"It doesn't itch, it hurts!"

"You know it hurts and you still hug?"

"You hit first, then hug!"

"Hey, you kid, in order to let me hug you, you have to go all out!"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

The ten sons of the Su family all like to be hugged by him, because once Su Chen holds the child, he habitually combs the child's body with spiritual energy, so being hugged by Su Chen is a very comfortable thing, and it is also the favorite thing of the ten sons of the Su family.

Su Chen shook his head, bent down and picked up the boss.

Although he is strict with the boss, he is not really ruthless.On the contrary, the bigger the boss, the more he loves the boss.

Once, he didn't control the strength well, and he was crying when he was beaten by the boss. As a result, Su Chen felt distressed for a long time. He ate dozens of meat skewers and drank three bottles of wine before he recovered.

It really hurt him.


Seeing the boss being hugged, the ninth and tenth children in the cart were greedy, and they wanted to be hugged even if they quit.

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't move, but looked at the boss.

The boss looked at the ninth brother and the tenth younger sister, bit his fingers for a while, and finally said: "Daddy, hug, younger brother, younger sister!"

"Dad has two arms, and he can only hold two at the same time!"

The boss tilted his head and thought for a long time, as if he was considering what Su Chen meant. After a while, the boss said again: "Dad, I'll go find Mama!"

Su Chen looked at the boss unexpectedly, feeling extremely relieved in his heart.

That's right, the boss has finally been educated by him to take a prototype, and he knows how to be modest, very good!

Su Chen put down the boss, and then the boss looked at Su Chen reluctantly, then turned his head and left.

The girls are all in the bedroom, the door in the middle is open, the boss walked over, the girls saw it, Su Chen is not afraid of accidents.

But the boss left, but Su Chen didn't hug the ninth and tenth brothers.

It is true that an older brother must learn to be humble.

As younger brothers and sisters, you can't just ask for it blindly, and take everything for granted.

Whether it is older siblings or younger siblings, only mutual humility and mutual understanding can be truly well-bred.

"Why stretch out your hand? It's useless to stretch out your hand? When you see me hugging others, I will hug you if you don't stretch out your hand!"

Su Chen didn't care whether the two could understand or not, he just educated himself.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Xiao Su, your education method is better than mine! You have this ability, why do you still want me to be your teacher?"

Suddenly, Lao Guo's voice sounded from outside.

The hall door was ajar, and Su Chen's words were probably heard by Lao Guo.

Today is party day again.

And the people who came were not only Lao Guo and the others, but also Mr. Ren and the others.

Today is not only for the party, but also for the last big battle. Two months have passed, and the big battle has come to an end. It is just a good time to summarize the year ago.

"Wait a minute, don't go in yet!" Su Chen pushed the old nine and ten into the bedroom, and then closed the bedroom door before welcoming everyone into the room.

"Tsk tsk tsk, boss, what are you doing in there? Why don't you let us in?" Fatty Yu looked around as soon as he came in, as if looking for something to do with Su Chen.

"Get out, what can I do? When you come in from the outside, you are covered in cold wind. I was afraid that the cold would hurt the children, so I just pushed the old nine and ten into the house."

"Oh oh oh! Tsk tsk tsk, the boss is still careful, it's different when you become a father!"

Boss Yu said with emotion.

Afterwards, Yu Qiang, Yi Zhou, Wu Jing, Sha Yi, Deyun Society, Su Pan and others all came.

Ren Tianfeng and the others haven't come yet, they don't know Yu Qiang and others very well, so they didn't get together.

"That's for sure. A man who has a child will definitely become mature. By the way, when will the three of you get married?"

Yu Qiang laughed and teased the three of Fatty Yu.

Fatty Yu heard the words, hehe said: "No hurry, the boss is not married yet, can we get married?"

"Cut!" Su Chen gave Fatty Yu a white look. "I don't get married because I have six good wifes, do you have one? I have ten children, do you have one?"

"Boss, I won't take you so heartbroken!"

(End of this chapter)

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